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Posts posted by SBR_QuorTek

  1. What matter is if you win the match or not whenever it get to it... ok a GS can get up to 100K damage if the opponent team do not get them down... likewise scouts can get 60K+ damage if not handled with swiftly, believe strike fighters can go nuts as well, at least have seen some crazy **** lol.


    What is the problem for real though is not really the space crafts, if everyone is on voice or 4-8 out of the 12 is, which it is often when flying in guild, focus that guy... you 3 take on the GS's and destroy their day and so on and so forth.


    I too see alot of scouts but only a few really outstand, so take it as an illusion, just because they are plentyfull does not mean they are any good ;)

  2. I see complaints, but the discussions are civil for the most part. That was my point. Not that people don't have concerns and aren't voicing them. These sub forums and the discussions don't strike me as anywhere near the vile negativity or incessant whining that has plagued the general forums or the pvp forums.


    Sure people make complaints but it hasn't completely broken down into name calling and "look at me" contests.


    Your post was not negative, beyond the name of the thread which categories any complaint or discussion about star fighter types as a whine, but is nothing that hasn't been said before in dozens of similar threads.


    Rather than make these posts, why not participate in the existing discussions in a meaningful way that might change peoples minds to your way of thinking. As opposed to making the same thread about knowing roles or L2P that a quick search of the forum would show has been done many times before.


    Now this same message goes for those voicing their complaints. Why not just consolidate them to one thread for discussion and not post a new one on the hour? People like the OP might not see the forum as just a series of whines if there weren't 15 threads voicing the same issue ;)


    But it all come down to learn to fly and find out what suit you the best, no matter ship type there is no I win button unless ONE let them get away with.


    Or for that sake I WIN ship, the forum PvP'ers always hit on people getting away with massive stunts in MMOs but space is not really MMOish, it is more like an arcade simulation that need hours of attendence unless you have native skills from other similiar games wether it is a serious flight/space sim or an arcade one.


    Seriusly I see no need for a single tweak with anything no matter path of how you configured your ship, then you most of all optimized it so it work better for you and not the next person in line who might work better with another setup, unless you master multiple ways.



    Only tweak we need is being able to use sticks 3-4 axis support would be nice and of course a good PvE part as well would be awesome... free form areas, free form PvP areas as well.

  3. Whining? A little sure, but mostly its been good discussion on minor tweaks that could be made to bring the ships in line with each other.


    The ships are in line with each other, in each their special way!


    Everyone is aware of the roles. Some are just finding, especially as ships are fully upgraded, that there are some imbalances. Not huge, but noticeable and to be expected in any multi-player game.


    Apparently people are not aware of the roles, else there would be no issue, the issue come by people not being able to use what they have at hand for that ship type and blame everyone else for being OP, but in a skill based game you can have the 'best ship with all upgrades' and still suck horrible! It is a simple fact more is not always better or 'tweaks' towards all ship types to accomodate horrible players.


    Compared to other discussion for other game modes, discussion on these forums has been quite civil and constructive, with a few rants of course (wouldn't be a forum without a few of those).


    Quotes in green ( I hope)

  4. This may be a bit of a rant so, the TL-DR is - don't call people cheaters in GSF and fraps/report them just because you don't understand the mechanics/situation.


    I was playing GSF on a pub alt today (POT5) and after a game, an imp player logged over and said "I've just frapsed your instakills, you will be reported and banned. Goodbye!" I tried to respond but the coward logged before I could. So I sent him a mail explaining. He responded that what I said was impossible and then DELETED THE TOON so I couldn't respond again.


    The situation is this: I "one-shotted" his upgraded scout with my flashfire. While this does seem a bit OP, it's not cheating in any way. To explain, I had fully upgraded burst lasers with blaster overcharge and bypass rolling. Then, I got a crit on him that "one shot" him (however it may have been two quick burst laser pulses, I really don't remember). It happens. Not often, but it does sometimes (in fact I've been on the receiving end a time or two).


    The overall point I'm trying to make here is that GSF is new. There are mechanics that most people still don't understand. Calling people cheaters because you're getting owned is really just a self-insult (i.e., this guy is beating me so bad he MUST be cheating. but he's not cheating, so you're just bad). Maybe I'm beating a dead horse here but I don't think this point can be stressed enough. I fully welcome balance changes when come because, let's be honest, it's no fun to be on the receiving end of a beatdown due to an OP ship/class. But GSF is so new that no one really knows what proper balancing should be yet (with the exception of no ion gun love taps from gunships). Just my two cents. Anyone else been accused of cheating for handing out wicked beatdowns?


    They are morons, enough said really, a good line up with everything even if you are not fully upgraded make it seem like you oneshot the,... eg. a missile + heavy fire.


    Also let him report you, don't feed the troll by trying to take contact to him, if you did nothing wrong... you have nothing to fear lol


    Also now.. whenever you see him hush your friends onto him or something or kill him yourself, eventually over time he will realize it is not you but himself that is crappy at what he/she do.

  5. I am just wondering why?


    Each ship has a role, weak sides and strong sides:


    Anyhow back to the topic.. and actual roles.


    Scouts are dogfighters first on sight taking down stuff, captureing point, it is their role.


    Strike fighters are overall heavy fighters, their role is taking down more heavy floating targets such as turrets, lining up shots on scouts/gunboats, have a wide arsenal of weaponry, strategic blasting, it is their role.


    gunboats... well if you like space camping somewhere trying to shoot targets from distance I guess they are kind of cover fire, or trying to take out targets at a satelite or the likes, use? Doesn't really seem to have one, usually if the opposite team has to many of them out, people hunt them down while a few maintain control over the satelites, it is their role.



    Anyhow what people do not get abou the space part in this game... this is not a game where you target a player and then spam a button so you will hit the target no matter where he is... you have to aim, keep aim.. shoot shoot and shoot regardless of whichever thing you are flying, yes you can target your enemy, but you have to actually point the gun physically in that direction to be able to hit anything, the other thing is flying around... people are all about omg... omg I need all upgrades to be awesome, NOT, if you have a sense of what you are doing or it is just you flying around like they do, then you got to build skill and use it.


    It is not a matter of shiptype whenever it get to it, people can still fly a flashfire fully upgraded and suck, but be superb in a heavy fighter or the other way around.


    Take a gunship.. it takes absolutely no skill to use except for a low DPI setup on the mouse for steady aiming, but it takes skill getting away once found.


    Take a Scout... it takes absolutely no skill going to a satelite circling around it being annoying for a while capping it eventually or hopefully, what is tough is getting actual scout kills as you have to chase down and aim in flight, likewise be aware if someone got you in your scope, keeping best fireing range with the guns so on and so forth or constant locks on you.


    Take a Strike figher... it takes absolutely no skill if you want to blast turrets with it, they go down very fast also they are semi fast and have good fast locks, also a good lineup on an approach on any ship and it will murder it, what takes skill in the heavy fighter is manegement of the full arsenal of guns/missiles and using them the right time the given situation.


    Some different scenarios:

    Take a gunship being somewhat chased, decides to fly directly towards a friend strike fighter, strikefighter get the message and as soon as the GB has passed you, you open fire and blast a couple of scouts into oblivion


    Take a strike fighter being under heavy fire from scouts, briefly line up the shots for the gunship (can be done with scouts too) and they are picked off or crippled heavy going evasive, you can lock onto them and kill them easier.


    Take scouts going for a gunship with there speed and evasion... gunship gets hit.. starts running away... strikefighter intercepts in between killing it.


    But again... usually am flying in premades or dual premade teams with voip, so there is coordination between the vessels flying around what to do, call out for for this and that here and there.


    Space is much more a team game compared to dirtside PvP, this is better organized you are and want to be in touch with those people you fly with, this more none working together, this faster it will fall apart for you and with todays standards, you need voice communication to be successfull in it, especially because they moved from 'auto' target based to skill based, like a first person shooter game, or other flight sim.


    There is only one ship type I don't understand why they implented it this way and why we need them in this game, I don't understand the sniper concept of the gunboat, I mean you are here to fly not be a sitting killing machine, maybe they should had made it into ship in motions.. with semi heavy turrets that is controlled by a couple of players on board that ship having a pilot cruising around or nearby a satelite taking stuff down as it comes by.

  6. By and large these are requests for a completely different game. This isn't going to happen. I wouldn't count on joystick either. Its not really compatible with the current aiming system because the mouse moves the reticule inside the targeting circle. Heck, they might do it but I still wouldn't use it.


    If you want to play a space fighter flightsimulator there are a lot of other choices out there.


    Good luck!


    By large interest this is for the Starwars people, not sure if any of you guys played starwars galaxies, but a touch from the space part there, would make the space part in biowares half failed worth playing more intense and draw back some of the real aces as well.


    If you like starwars this much, I cannot see why you oppose it.

  7. First off... leave all ship types as it is, this is a skill based game regardless of whichever you like to do and fit for you, no ships really have any bonus over another other than appeal to what you can handle or NOT.


    The GSF game in many ways is a joke from bioware, none offense meant to all the lovers of this of course, but see it with the eyes from a veteran, a personality like me.


    GSF need/miss:

    1. Full stick support with up to 4 axis's or more (yaw/pitch/roll/throttle)

    2. Full control over throttle, you want it to be at 25%, 90% 95% or whichever you decide it to be, full throttle control allow you more precise flying.

    3. (Not hating I just don't get the point, not really starwars alike) Gunboats.... *** is up with going somewhere sitting somewhere... doing nothing somewhere trying to shoot people with a sniper, instead make gunboats be in need of a crew of players, the gunboat is slow moving but moving around shooting at things with turrets manned by players instead, else it is just plain silly.

    4. Space need content and free form, so we are not always forced to queu up with 8 other ******* or 4 if dual premade, like you can find open world PvP you should be able to find open world space PvP as well, and would actually evolve into more serious events as well.

    5. The domination maps is getting boring, how about finding a better way to capture rather than having to spin some satelite for a long duration.

    6. more speed into this, even when flying a scout it feel like you are getting nowhere, 5 to 10x more speed for all and let us make it interesting for all.

    7. Ignore haters of whichever ship type, each ship type requires skill to master, this is not the dirtside system anymore where you target something and faceroll on the keyboard, you have to aim and fire/lock or whichever in a 3D room, meaning you sort of have an X,Y,Z system you have to rely on where hits will land.

    8. sort of mentioned earlier a big sandbox or actual space PvE + Dailies would be nice, and no I do not want to refere to the be on rail flying around being a moron with no control over where you want to go, but actually picking your ship and go somewhere in space, also space Ops of some kind? full control aiming and all, including being able to be on taking down epic stuff.

    9. First person view or cockpit view with being able to turn the hud off as well.


    GSF Could be without:

    1. The Domination system, or at least find a more clever way to hold space instead of getting a headache flying around a little thing, we need more combat rather than 'holding' or add a system you can only friend of foe to the satelite be close to it for like 20 seconds then it will start to radiate damage to you or something, making it a more chase 5K out and back in a again allowing more twitch battles as well.

    2. any ship upgrades, just put all into it already and let people configure the stuff they want it to be, no point in an actual grind in a skill based system, and also having to do it is a huge disadvantage for new players, we want people on same ground, don't want to shoot nubs because they don't have x amount of evasion to have a better chance and self spendt like 100K req. or something, if you guys see the point about this as it is, we do not need an upper hand to be awesome at this.

    3. remove the can only queu in with 4 at a time, allow full squads of 12 to queu up together, so you are not always stuck on 8 people who does not know how fly or never will be able to ever.

  8. Since I see the new stuff about the space content and us being taken off the rails, could we have something more than just some kind of cheesy movie to look at?


    Personally I would like to see if I can use my Hootass system with this (stick, throttle, pedals)


    Do you guys support how many axis's for this system?... we just get space content coming to us subs at december 2013..... but would need to know what it actually involves.


    So my suggesting is to add in all the technical data and flight control options that we can use for this, so we know if we want to play this or not in advance so for an instance not just sitting here waiting for something we do not want to be engaged in at all, also would be fair for those people who would like to sub for the early access for it letting them know what they are getting.



    Please make the content Xwing vs Tie Fighter alike as well, suggesting a highly competetative twitch dogfight system as it is and what the SW fans in general do approve of and like very well as it is, and what is the PvE side to it?


    Would like massive stuff to do and I would like this to be skill based over XP based system as it is what space is about, skill by the player not some fancy addition or weird boosts bought by this or that.

  9. It is quite simple, it is a suggestion to that you guys from bioware postpone your stuff and look into the issue that is known as performance and a proper running game + launcher.


    Fix the engine, maybe give us a 64bit option?


    I mean come on you can hardly do anything in this game before the performance no matter how ell tuned your system is just go downhill, how about a 'fixed' FPS system or something.


    Any other new game I play I have 120 to 130 FPS on average on highest settings, eg. BF3, Tombraider and other massive power craving games.


    To be honest, SW:ToR for me seem like you guys are handling this as a single player game, at least the performance once another client or 30 arrive at same spot to do something serious eg. pvp... the game outright just perform poorly, and well on my old computer the game went into a slideshow, not as critical on current system, but still quite crappy compared to todays standards.


    Since we pay to play, give pay to play people 64bit options and more bandwidth and whatsoever else to increase performance with or just do it in general and put aside stupid projects that wont help on actual performance of the game as it is for now.


    Above is just suggesting you guys to do something, and I wonder if you guys want to do something about it at all or just as usual ignore the customers or come with stupid auto replies.

  10. I know some of it seem like rants and whatever, but if you look into the different matters, then there is an actual problem here and there.


    I hate the way the game is maneged compared to a few other really successfull or just working well MMO's out there I think you guys, since this is a brand new MMO should be able to do better, I mean we write the year 2013, it is not rocket science anymore to build games compared to what it was like 10 years ago or further.


    1. The game is performing bad and the game itself do not seem handled well or maneged well enough as it is, every other game I play I get an average fps when doing heavy stuff around 120-130. in this game here it seem to drop to like 60 or so.


    2. As mentioned in other post, varactyls are off the scale, they are too small to be impressive mounts as being living creatures we ride around in the world on, it is a bug.


    3. Some times on a very rare (in my case) occation... game simply just dumps my net down into the red field, meaning would be having massive lag and having a ping at 1000 climbing up to 50000 or more then DC, it is a very rare issue for me and ToR is the only game for me having that issue, it is no fun when it start and people actually rely on you being able to dish out DPS or whatever else.


    4. the GM responses in game, the tickets are simply not handled well at all, I see that other get copy pasted stuff sent back to them as well, just look at the forums in general to dust something up instead of actually lending a hand with actually serious issues.


    5. Progress in fixing the game and actually increasing performance of it seem lacking badly, I mean... you guys add something and you break 10 other things.


    6. The launcher is slow, yes you guys say it is worked upon... but do you guys actually know how to fix it without breaking anything else, anyhow fix it, as well as general server/client side stuff inside the game to make it run more smooth.


    7. The Training Dummy causes toolbar/skill lag for me... meaning it makes it hard for me to parse well, at current point on a target dummy I can only reach 2790~2885 DPS range, but sometimes the game stutter or the dummy somewhat lag... and I miss a few seconds here and there, where as in live I do around 2950~3000+ DPS, it is very frustrating not to be able to peak on the dummy to check out stuff, but at least I get to do alot of hardcore stuff with friends so can make some real parses here and there.


    8. Some times the game gives and error 9000 or something alike it, I don't recall the exact number, it is rare though and kicks me to login screen.


    9. on a very rare occation for me, it crashes to desktop for no reason at all, very rare in my case, but I see others being hit by it more frequently.


    10. The game not being able to handle 24 vs 24 people in combat at a time against each other more people or the likes can cause bad performance or slideshows, not so much an issue for me anymore though but it still reaches a level of bad performance, any chance we could get the actual game fixed instead of this constant cartel stuff bombing us for no reason but instead making players suffer one way or another.

  11. Thank you for posting! Please continue to provide details around what you're seeing for performance or other related issues in CZ-198 after 2.3.3. We are currently investigating.




    First, sorry for bad english as it is not my native language!


    Please this is the random answer to anything, I am sorry to say so but it is ****** coming with something like this, why can't you guys just explain that it is impossible for you guys to actually fix the game and enhance it because you fired all the people working on the basics on the game as it is.


    It is certainly not the way ahead... the company I work for myself have a motto 'Exceeding expectations' and that is what we do and that is why we keep having good customers, and that is why customers return for more because of good service and performance getting the orders out and arrival on time.


    To be honest, this is handled quite unprofessional the entire thing is, you guys can play the game yes... but only when you have been doing your job properly and actually concern yourself about the product you guys are trying to sell and earn a buck on as well.



    CPU: 2011 Intel Hexa (6 cores & 12 threads) Core 3.2Ghz. 12mb Cache ( around 5K when it is clocking up)

    GPU: Nvidia 690 GTX 4GB Dual GPU card

    HDD: 240 GB Intel 520 SSD

    Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth x79

    Ram: 16GB Kingston Quad channel @ 1866


    Shifting the Weekly to needing to complete the entre Op is an awful idea - it would just deprive many many people of the Weekly reward and make Elite/Ultimate comms more difficult to get, which in turn will make it even less likely to find a group that is able to complete the entire Op. My suggestion is to do the Weekly part of the Op early in the week, and search for a "Boss 4+" group later in the week, closer to the Tuesday reset.


    Not it is not if you increase the reward in the end, weekly should not just be killing 3 lol easy bosses besides you would be able to with my proposal getting 30 weekly Ultimate Coms for completion and not just halfway finishing it.


    People gotta learn everything else or have an actual reason to keep on going through it and current system is somewhat holding back people from progression in general... it also means ok I only want to do 1 complete Ops this week but I will be getting 30 ultimate commendations for doing it... + you can add to that completing the other one and be getting 30 more if really into it as it is as how the weekly missions should run.


    People think to much in ultimate commendations that they forget that half the verpine gear still is somewhat crappy compared to the real stuff as it is and even if can get a complete set bonus with arkanian stuff in many cases would be better armoring wise and filling with 72 mods and enhancements instead.


    What I propose make perfect sense and the system as it is now is technically ruining the game more than just doing anything good in my point of view.... even the developers/directors planners of this should be able to see this and how it affect in the long term.




    OR reward those that go full better with more token drops and ultimate commendations for the bosses after the weekly.

  13. As the topic tell and mainly since there is building up alot of issues for any progression especially into hardmode too many people do not even know the basic mechanics for everything, I say increase the gain of ultimate commendations to 30 or something for completing the weekly BUT... the weekly boss would be the Terror from the beyond or the master dreadguard in the end of those two Operations.


    This is not to much to ask, it would also fix alot of general problems not having to get over first the SM mechanics then adding the HM mechanics and refereing to what has been taken out and which is new.


    Fix the group finder bugs so you can complete it later on if having to spend two days or whatever as well and even with new people in the raid if someone cannot come or make the GF reward something else... like a arkania piece of your choice.


    Posted it in Customer service as well as I see it as a bug personally


  14. Seriously... give or grant more stuff this way or use the current system... for an instance world PvP is non-existing or pointless... let imperials be able to attack anchorhead... and the other way around... don't put us on such seperate tracks, really this is no other MMO... there is a point to starwars and being on completely different areas from our actual opponents... trash the idea of RP, PvP and much more, especially in a SW enviroment.


    Learn the good sides from Starwars Galaxies and implent them and of course avoid the bad ones.... would attract a much more huge playerbase.... instead of having it being the first only voiced over MMO.. then do something for the actual players and not your own ego's.

  15. I would like to point out it is posted down as we actually would be able to steer and maneuver our ships around in that one, so I assume you guys have finally taken us off the rails... as the current space system plain suck.


    We Starwars 'nerds' prefere full control over our vessels... make it so we can actually fly around and for those people who can not operate in a true 3 dimensional enviroment, leave an option for doing those quests with the current system.


    Give us space combat and reason to be up there even space PvP, PvE..


    Also some sandboxing in general would add to the game, was one of the good things about the previous Starwars MMO and also will not make us grow tired of same story lines and even having alot of those planets around rendered useless after you have hit lvl50 or out leveled the area.

  16. If you knew that classes were getting abilities of other classes you would also know they are only used in Heroic Moments. Read the entire article. You'll not feel the need to worry or complain.


    We can close this thread now.


    I don't think so, I don't think it should be a speciality... it makes it too easy to win if doing stuff the right time... rather want something usefull by class.. different improvements and such... eg. reducing some cool downs by further speciality for Operations and the likes etc.

  17. If it breaks your immersion, you can simply not use it. Im sorry, but this is an MMO, it is expected.


    If I want to force push someone or choke them... I would play the class with the ability of having it instead of having it.


    Being able to to add more skill points by legacy such as some stuff that would improve my guardian or commando in some sort of class based way I would support with the legacy thing as long as it is not cross faction or cross class skill abiities..


    Commando + Vanguard = Have the same core skills as being trooper

    Guardian + Sentinel = likewise.. which makes sense.


    But the advanced class is what make theme special.

  18. Is this serious that you are goign to make eg a trooper use force lightning and the likes?


    It is outrageous if you do you know and the likes..


    this is not really a troll.. but if it is the cause that the game would be like this and no one has an unique way of being liek troopers being troopers and and jedi being jedi... sith this or that being what they are...


    Then the game would soon die... I don't think this is a Bioware push for it... we all saw what EA Games did to Mass Effect 3.. making me not even want to consider buying it due to that... so why should SWTOR end up like another Sony Online Entertainment alike failure by doing stuff like this making people leave the game instead of attracting them... guess the big boys never learn and that EA is to n00b to realize that they are going to tear down a game that has huge potential... by ruining it the classical SoE way as they did to Starwars Galaxies by adding and altering stuff constantly (the entire way of playing each time) untill the deathblow by the NGE.

  19. There are a number of new features coming to Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ with Game Update 1.2, “Legacy”. This includes new playable content, like Operations and Warzones, as well as new game systems like Guild Banks, Player-vs-Player Warzone ranking, and the next evolution of Legacy. Check out all of the exciting new content coming up in this video!


    Watch Now


    OK this cross class skills is just stupid if it is like that... Bioware or maybe I should say EA Games... you are doing a huge mistake... let each class be unique its way...


    So my commando should be able to pick the gunslinger thing and dualwield two assault cannons too?


    Come on... this isn't developing the game... this is making it backwards stupid.. sorry if ranting a bit... but really come on?


    This isn't starwars...


    if you want to do it backwards let those jedi or sith or whatever 'equal class to each other' that go the opposite of light and dark than what they are supposed to darkside skills or some of them instead replacing some jedi skills with sith skills but only a few maybe.


    Sorry to say so but I am very disappointed in this somewhat.

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