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Posts posted by SBR_QuorTek

  1. Darth Marr would be a Sith Jugg, a tank/dps (switchable roles, like Treek)


    Satele Shan would be a Jedi Sage, a dps/heals (switchable roles, like Treek)


    Either could be used by either side, both could come with a mini quest chain to explore their story a bit further, similar to HK (without the crazy item searching of course).


    Price could be the same as Treek, about 2,000 CC each.


    (note: does it make much sense for Marr to join a Jedi or Satele to join a Sith? Not really, but who cares, it would be fun)


    It is totally unrealistic that two of the really insane top tiers from either side of the game should be ones companion.... but theron and lana could be an option, but satele shan, no absolutely no, she has other duties.

  2. As we all know, guild ships are extremely expensive. As an RP'er, the excessive amount of money just... doesn't add up for the value our guild gets out of it, even when there is an excessive amount of RP value one can get from guild ships. Perhaps, further down the road, cheaper (but, of course, smaller) guild ships could be released? Rather than humongous flagships there could maybe be smaller frigates, and guilds already with large guild ships could go and acquire not only one ship, but two, or three?


    I've no idea the viability of this, it was just an idea that popped in my head. I'm sure there's dozens of reasons out there as to why it shouldn't be done, but still, I figured I'd at least put it out there! :D


    As a RP'er you would also know when playing MMORPG games that doing the content to get stuff is also a path of being into the general RP concept and most people go through that as well.


    It is not just like people typing stuff in /e 'insert text here' but if that is the only thing you want to do, why do you even need a guildship?


    Gotta do content to gain content, it is a healthy path as well as also socializing with people other than at the cantina at the fleet or similiar places.

  3. I totally agree with the Op, it would be nice if so... also other MMOs had traits like that... but todays gamers don't want any risks at all as it is and they are the real losers whenever it get to it, honestly it was more fun with them mechanics, one thing would like to avoid though is having to run back to ones corpse and loot it.


    Currently in ToR have a bunch of characters myself and around 75% of the time standing on fleet doing nothing... even the new Ops are way to easy to accomplish and once done then it is like then what to do?


    Also the story stuff in ToR is not really an RPG either if speaking of MMORPG, then the RP one way or another is going between the players doing content together and not a Dragon Age/Mass Effect story clone weaved into it meaning you could solo it all.

  4. Hey folks,


    As I mentioned in my post last week, we have been working hard on assessing and figuring out how to address the “lag” issues which have been prominent since Game Update 3.0 went live. After speaking with our engineers, we thought the following would help explain what’s happening and what we are doing to address the issues:


    What The Problems Are


    Here are some of the issues that players have been experiencing since the launch of Game Update 3.0:

    • Server performance: Ability delay, Latency issues
    • Client performance: A drop in framerate
    • The game having a general “laggy” feeling, which is really a mix of the above


    Causes and Their Status


    As you might expect, when you start to talk about performance, almost every game system has an effect. Once the performance issues with Game Update 3.0 were identified, we needed to isolate what was causing them, and narrowed it down to two main sources:


    • Server code – There is a whole lot going on behind the scenes to keep the game running. The main symptom of server related issues is something we call “hitching”. Server hitching is the main culprit behind what a lot of you will commonly refer to as lag in SWTOR. The servers are busy processing responses from all the players at once, and sometimes a particular activity on the server can take longer than usual. This is basically the equivalent of a low “framerate” on the server rather than on your client. Server hitching occurs when you issue a command on your client (such as activating an ability, moving your character, opening a vendor) and there is a delay in the server actually performing that command. The server will “hitch” in its response since it is taking a long time to deal with your action or the actions of other players. For the most part, this behavior is responsible for nearly all of the problem areas mentioned above.
      • Note: Many of you noticed that shortly after Game Update 3.0 we made a quick change to limit the amount of players in each planetary instance. This was an interim solution to this problem as lowering the number players in a specific area reduces the impact of server hitching to the player. We’ll continue to monitor and adjust this number as needed.
      • Status: We’ve implemented changes in Patch 3.0.2 to address some of these issues. We will continue to monitor and make additional adjustments, as needed.


    • The User Interface – Next up is our game’s UI. Following Game Update 3.0, we noticed a large spike in time spent rendering our UI. This caused a lot of the framerate issues many of you reported. Keep in mind that the UI will always have some performance impact versus having it turned off—it’s busy doing something, after all. The question is how much time is acceptable to spend rendering the UI, and what can we do to improve it.
      • Status: Several changes have been made for 3.0.2 to address the UI’s performance issues.


    I learned a few other things while talking with the development team. First is our data tracking around performance. We are constantly monitoring the performance of the game to determine when things have gotten worse and to find ways to address it. That data, as well as your feedback, reports to Customer Service, and information from the Forums helped isolate the major focus areas. After reviewing all our performance data, we were able to pinpoint some pretty critical areas. The engineers informed me that any code change will have a profound impact regardless of the change, so they consider them very high risk. That means extensive testing! A bad change could take down the entire service, or at least cause some surprising bugs.


    Second is how performance is adjusted - think of it as a sliding scale. Our engineers will constantly make optimizations where we can to help move that slider in the direction of best performance. When we implement new features, or new systems, typically they require additional game resources and impact our overall performance and the slider moves away from “best”. For example, last year we made substantial changes to the way our chat systems worked and it had a dramatic and positive impact on performance. In fact, performance for the chat system has never been better. Each time we patch the game, it typically includes slider performance adjustments of some type, even if they have a very small impact. We know Game Update 3.0 moved the slider in the wrong direction, but we fully intend to get to back to pre-3.0 performance and improve it even more.


    I know performance is far from perfect and that changes aren’t coming quite as fast as we wish they were. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused many of you. Please know that we are working on them and will get performance back to a better place!




    Well turning off the UI not being able to see any of your bars and the likes can increase your FPS from eg. 30 to 70+ at the cost of not being able to use your junk well enough.


    It certainly should be a top priority for the most part as I look upon it to look into that factor for the most part, I do agree with alot of the above stuff should be looked into, but when you can notify a possible massive increase in good FPS that way, then that should also be higher priority alongside with everything else, looking away from it in a personal point of view could be called sloppy or ignoring important facts.


    The other thing would be to let us use our actual hardware better as well, I have no idea if this game can only run 2 cores on a multi core CPU or the likes, that I have not checked yet myself though as well as better use of the GFX cards that we have.


    When there is little or no one around I usually stack the deck at 110 FPS myself, but eg. an 8 man Operations group with everything going down I do see a drop from 100+ to 20ish in many fights and the likes, believe that side would be better client vs server handling, assuming it would be the server for the most part causing the issue or malicious code that has corrupted the system with the new recent patches and so on and so forth.

  5. Would highly suggest looking into general better performance of the game, even people with super computers get heavy frame rate issues due to the game seeming a bit behind or not up to date or the likes.


    It is just something taking into consideration, and please do not come with let us list your specs when playing much more heavy games than this one with no issues at all.


    The problem remain with you guys, apparently not the costumers as it is.


    So start focusing on the engine and whatever else you guys added to it and get the focus away from the cartel market for maybe a couple of months.

  6. I'm with KBN. If you argue with no Bossfight is longer than 4Min and so you don't need the 1,5Mio Hp Modifier, so could you argue that there are two bosses in the new OPs which get killed by Zorz in SM within 1 Min 40 (according to the Videos they posted on there Youtubechannel) and the 500k Modifier would be the best to test the Dps.


    But eg. a 10 minute parse would reveal better for what numbers you need to hit and actually be a better tool for the general population...


    a 2minute burnout doesn't prove anything other than you can fit all your junk into it way to easy, so technically a short parse is cheating or not revealing the full potential of a class/spec.


    Which could be fun would be putting out new DPS caps meaning no matter how hard you try you could not exceed lets say 4k DPS in any boss fight, meaning if hitting above parsed on a dummy would just say you have hit this or that tier and can more easy sustain constant damage going on in a fight.


    Hard caps instead of people going wild or the likes.

  7. I agree with the keyboardninja though.


    Current parsing method is invalid, valid parse should be full 7.5minutes, as the time for parsing on a dummy is to short... I mean I at times go like 2m10s on a 500K one and other assorted crazy stuff... was more happy back in the day when went full 8 minutes getting 3k+


    Our current parsing tools should have have some kind of available timer instead inwhich you can set it to 7 minutes or something when you start and it stop calculating when you reach the limit.

  8. The matter of parsing is to see how much damage you can burst out in an enviroment free zone that only require hitting a target that wont move or force you to run out of a circle of doom when you look upon it.


    It is a tool to see how much damage in numbers you can do over that duration... if it mean you do 4.5k dps on that then you have your max, the rest is about doing it on a live boss, and honestly with alot of them you can't really be anywhere close on hitting your max due to mechanics, but with exception of a very few bosses of course, unless you hits ads as well.


    You have 4 DPS and 2 tanks in a group of 8... if the boss have like 2.4million HP it means that you can roughly divide that into 600k per DPS minus what the tanks do to it as well is what matter the most... a live parse in parsec or a similiar program running with a group I guess you can use those numbers better, that what any dummy parse do with looking at it in a different way... technically one could only parse 3K dps on the dummy where as his friends does 4k... but when it comes to combat itself... then if the 3k person lets say keep at 2.6k dps on boss and the 4K'ers only do roughly 2.4k in live you can look into what is the most efficient.


    500k, 1.000.000 and 1.500.000 parses in my eye share the same value depending very much on class and spec and situation in live.


    If you need and only can hit your max going at a 1.5m dummy and same with a 500k and 1m... then what is it about everything if the boss only have like 2.5m hp and die in 7 minutes??


    But alot might disagree, but whenever it comes down to stuff then it is about if you can actually accomplish the mission putting in the extra factors as well.


    Usually only parse for an hour when have gotten a couple of upgrades or three though, but when in Ops we usually use the parsec group parse thing to see what we reach, good to analyze for after the boss is downed in how one can do better and give one self and others goals to archieve.

  9. You get good enhancements from almost all the non set drops in sm and hm


    And you have always had to get multiple tokens from ops to fully min/max a character, none of this is new, or a problem.


    But it is poor design especially with the changes done to accuracy, they give us something new and say the classes is working as intended and blah blah blah and yet not offering the actual posibility to reach the goal line unless you have done the place 20 times or something... isn't that a little bit off everything?

  10. So how are they actually pure optimized for us anyway


    I look at this and that set for eg. sentinel


    Where is all the actual accuracy there?


    I mean since we need a bunch of enhancements now and with the current full sets you are far from even there once putting it together... meaning you would have to over time technically have to get double of this and that.


    How about making an enhancement vendor where we can buy the 192 ones for elites and 198 ones for ultimates?


    Making them cost 100 commendations a pop or something, without having to loot this or that piece of unassembled armor several times in a row.


    As for the 'trash' loot in operations, why in the something something is it not mk-2 with the optimized stats on mod/enhancements either... it make no sense at all as for 'many' most of the commendation stuff you can buy off vendors is completely useless anyway except for off-hand and some mods providing a little bit extra due to 1-2 tier gain.

  11. No issues in 8M. Cross always green, exception if the player he leaps to is close. Then just a faster cross/ devastation. Rest is fine.

    16M still bugged tho. We tried different distributions with group formed of experienced raiders. Always red. Got it green few times, but still like 3-4 one shoted.


    Actually experienced in 8man as well here with the cross bugging out, but showing both green + red in one, with the red winning causing even, well at least for me a heavy burden heal over to save people or 2-3 dying depending on if getting defensive CDs off.


    So it is not just a 16man issue, in 8man it happen as well, and certainly was not in a pug group.


    With myself and the other healer though we have no issues keeping people alive through the massive AOE event though, but we are both experienced HM and higher healers, a pug group would be terminated over and over again with solely the AOE keeping on hammering having probably combined 7 to 8K efficient AOE healing going on to keep people safe through it no problem keeping people between 85 to 100% through that.


    Scoundrel + sage btw during that.

  12. Just jumped in a flashpoint using the group finder and got raped. I have all 186 gear and didn't stand a chance in the same flashpoints I used to enjoy doing. Good job on completely ruining end game for me. The rewards are not worth it either and why are there so few flashpoints to choose from now? I don't get it.


    I really see myself losing interest very quickly with this game because hard mode is too hard now and not worth the reward. Since I'm not the guild type of guy and will never get my hands on any better gear without one I guess it's game over for me as I can't see much reason to continue playing.


    My sub runs out in two months and if things don't get balanced by then I'm going to unsub and move on. There are a few other issues I have with this update but I'm not going to get into them here..this one was just the straw that is going to break the camel's back.


    Yes..I'm pissed.


    Edit: The hard mode flashpoint I'm talking about was Tython btw.


    Just thinking you can faceroll content that is on your exact level is a bit too high thinking of yourself, the new FPs are easy enough as long as you take it easy and slam the bosses hard enough + paying attention to what is going on around you, yes tython first boss is still bugged and DO require extreme skill to beat at current point.


    If expect to faceroll all the trash mobs think again, some of them hit extremely hard (which they also did when we had the new 55 HM FPs) so stay on your toes and CC one or two if you have to, don't be cheap on using defensive cooldowns (DPS/HEALS/TANK)


    And finally, learn to play your class and others that pug with you should do just as well.


    Personally I don't really feel motivated by doing them though since they only drop basic coms and 192 mk-1 gear which is pretty much useless, but have been DPSing and Healing them all, except for the group I was with could not handle the first tython boss due to it is bugged to hell.

  13. You got to let the underlurker come to you so you do not have to run to it across the entire map is the solution.


    But him being bugged in other ways like a correct cross setup and fails with a red/green cross and more which is not really funny.


    Healing is ok as long as the group does insist on following a pattern for making it possible to have people being hit with constant aoe heals.

  14. If all the Ops were bumped to 60, there would be a loss of good entry-level raiding. It's nice that at this point players can learn about working with mechanics without it being a wipefest as they come up from 50 to 60. Guildies can bring them into content if they're completely new, and they can get in without feeling overwhelmed. NiM EC could still wipe groups pre-3.0 to matter the gear if they couldn't understand the mechanics, and it's still true now. Some burns may be faster, like Zorn and Toth, but there are things that still can't just be healed through, and that's a good thing.


    I don't see anything with using mechanics and technique checks as the bar to clearing Ops regardless of gear. S&V and TfB offer a great challenge, as do DF and DP, for the majority of players still. Many groups still can't clear Council regularly, even with 60s in the group. At least they can get practice in as they come up to 60.


    Anyway, my take remains that a lot of what's been added, especially with fights like Sword Squadron and the Underlurker are great additions. It would be nice to see things like Xeno updated to a NiM mode, but again, the majority of players will never go that far, so it's something fun for those who want the challenge. SM should, however, make players feel like they earned even that clear, and that gear won't carry them through it.


    With the age of the game and playerbase the knowledge is there and anyhow crafted gear would actually even be good enough for entry gear as well, come on Even EV and KP was easy at lvl50 at launch of the game once you started getting columi/rakata


    Also it would be a good move for introducing the old sets again, rakat/columi look and so on and so forth, and also whoever get progressive or start collecting pieces anyway before max level? everyone wait to max level anyway to get into stuff, you would even be able to craft stuff at a 186 rating being above the needs.


    As it is entry level anyway currently for group related content that provide actual loot is at level 58-60 anyway with the new system.


    People now do EC NiM and can't really be hit by the mechanics anyway due to there is 10 levels apart from 50 to 60.

  15. Just bump all the ops to lvl60 then instead and set the loot to 174/180 rating and of course Rav-Tos would be 192 and 198


    Would work for me as well as people would be getting the base gear needed for everything much faster but again this is just a suggestion.


    At least above way would work out faster letting people get into the pace faster... and also people would have something to do all the time... or at least more of it...


    Not really interesting going to EC/EV/KP anymore due to there is no challenge in it... heck even the 55 ops at SNV Olok when was doing that boss in hm the other day we maneged to kill him when we only has spendt two tokens on droids to be bought... was kind of hilarous getting down there by then lol... can say it didn't last with dual assault droids hanging around :p

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