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Posts posted by SBR_QuorTek

  1. Bulo - Let a DPS handle the barrel, having the tank doing it so often mean that the tank actually loses agro and you have the cleave in mid raid, also later on for hardmode, you don't really seem to be having the time to have a tank fooling around with the barrel either, mostly due to alot of seequenzes going on there as well as much more RNG, mining carts chasing one of the tanks etc. also if a DPS handle the barrel, don't be a stupid DPS and stand directly where they spawn as they would shoot you first, but if have the barrel run past them and they follow you like a chinese money train not hurting you as they do move slower than what you do, of course hand some spot heals and HoTs to the barrel runner, also tanks when the drunken pirates appear, you have an in build AOE taunt for use, USE it and eg. throw a grenade at them to make them more pissed onto you or saber reflect giving the guy who runs the barrel time to pick it up and run them around, the healers would thank you for it because it is much easier for a healer to heal a tank rather than themself.


    For Torque - Tank swap once sick of you debuff is up... both tanks dont need to be directly on him, would advice the other tank to go into another corner and wait for his or her turn to tank it once have to swap, seem to be better able to keep the fire away from people that way as well even better.


    The Underlurker - You don't need to have 5 DPS, but 4 DPS very much onto the mission instead, makes the cross mechanic work better too it seem, at least that i show it is in my experience, the group I am a tank in we only use 4 DPS to DPS the underlurker, off tank usually goes up trying to mitigate damage from the ads.... sort of have the tank who has him in the start end of the room... once cross is up, just go deal with it, for the first 3 or 4 sets of ads for then easier access having him placed proper for the burn phase due to from where he is tanked, suggesting at least 2 ranged DPS and 2 close range DPS burst specs if possible for all DPS for the more instant damage and suggesting to use all raid buffs in beginning for the longest possible burn out and try to save a couple of defences for burn phase, just in case, also on the ads try and have all DPS focus on one and another DPS prepare damage on the next one or two DPS doing that, to not waste good DPS hits when one is at 10K left or so for 4 people all hitting with 10k each hits or something alike it. (don't believe parsers record missed out DPS for over DPSing a target, they should in my opinion just like with HPS & eHPS for healers

  2. This isn't about the numbers you get out from some parse program but actually accomplishing the mission, if it mean there is a delay phase where the boss run away and you have to wait for your group, so be it!


    It is certainly not something that is going to ruin anyones day anyway whenever it get to it, it just mean that the absolute max would be much less due to those phases, it is all about winning for your team not silly personal goals.


    At least that is how I read it lol.

  3. TBH even though you're the OP, your post was about as constructive as the Zorz/Aisthesis posts you're calling out.


    It amounts to nothing more than "Hey guys, stop complaining about those people who are complaining... oh... and try to be more helpful... btw, we managed to down it, it's not really that hard".


    Either way, we managed to do 16m last night, Olok took ~3 attempts so we could see what people were complaining about and stop people derping.


    In terms of being "constructive", it all basically amounted to:


    - Wave 6 - mDPS killed the summoned add and ignored the bodyguards (because Flame Sweep thing OP).

    - Obfuscate/Pacify, Saber Reflect , Diversion and Tank Def. CD rotation on Artillery and Assault Droids... the latter usually died about halfway through the 2nd Obfuscate (when cast back-to-back).


    Yes but it merely seem like a giant dick contest though, sorry for speaking my mind -_- and yes these moves you mentioned is helpfull, but it still is a pain in the rear somewhat, but goes with the content of course... I just wish the devs would start concerning themself on the game they create instead of breaking it all the time ;)

  4. For very late information, we did kill it in NiM... and for some of the posts here, then I am like ***... quit the stupid egos and work for the better and be constructive, instead of going this or that rather launch alternatives in how to beat it while it is bugged, I am or was merely just putting down that there is an issue, the other bosses is easy as cake in my point of view, but still been working on styrak.


    Aesthesis & Zorz, be constructive please, it is not like it is rocket science killing this nightmare content -_-

  5. The cross works fine now, so do not blame it on that, but I agree it is a tight fight with no room for many mistakes.


    This faster you can trash the ads this more uptime you can have on the boss as well, it is one of those work like a unit fights, stay to spread out and the heals wont reach you, tons of AOE heals, so it is sort of move in synch, this better performed this more rewarding, the underlurker itself is not the big damage dealer whenever it get to it, but the enviroment is.


    It put me and the people I work with on a test for quite a while untill finally downed it.


    Word of advice it is not really pug friendly, but it can be pugged if people in the group are likeminded in a figure of speech.

  6. The whole rotation is pathetic now,carnage/cpmbat needs serious tweaks,most importantly atleast 1 sec more in gore-and even that might not be enough since the skill lag has gone to hell since the new expansion-




    adding it to 4.5 as it used to be or 5 seconds would be a big game changer for carnage/combat I fully agree to that, technically the class got gimped a bit as well with the reduction of accuracy in ataru form having to add way more accuracy than other classes technically, and how to put it.... people probably got the point, would be more viable if tweaked a bit up.

  7. For the lolz ....


    As title..


    Serious note .. looks like bio-ware just gave up with this mechanic because they know they will never get their game engine to make it work ever so made it super easy ..


    A stunning victory to the forum whiners !!


    But you have to admit that the cross is a faulty mechanic... in many cases like the engine or game cannot handle it for some reason, no idea how many correct crosses I had, that just failed in the most horrible way.


    Rather want the ads to do more damage than having to deal with the cross to be honest at current point that is.




    On note can cope with the cross if it actually do work, but that is how I look upon it, the new patch has been out for like almost 3 months now... and little has been done to fixing actual in game issues, FPS, classes not being on pair... broken bosses... broken loot and much much more to an extend that people that paid for the new junk should be somewhat compensated.

  8. /Farnsworth "Good News Everyone..."



    1. In Each specialization... {Please be sure to indicate which spec you're referring too}

    Watchman/Annihilation needs

    • a complete overhaul
    • major tweaks
    • minor tweaks
    • to be left alone


    Combat/Carnage needs

    • a complete overhaul
    • major tweaks
      [X]minor tweaks - precision back to 4.5 second window, slight increase in damage here and there, mostly due to ataru forms loss of additional accuracy.
    • to be left alone


    Concentration/Fury needs

    • a complete overhaul
    • major tweaks
    • minor tweaks
    • to be left alone


    2. If we are to get more utilities, what would be best?

    • [X]More Crowd Control - not really sure, am sure other classes should handle that
      [X]Crowd Control Immunity - maybe a slight boost here and there-
      [X]Stronger Damage Reduction - Sentinels has some of the best defensive cooldowns in game, I don't see and issue and I haven't felt it being a problem yet, remove HP taken by guarded by the force maybe.
    • Anti-kiting tools -
      [-]Expanded Stealth - no mara/sents are not shadows
      [-]Self-healing - none needed, maybe a small percentage boost with a choice in routing around your specs.
      [X]Other - please be concise - for starters do not remove anything or any system what we already got, rather enhance current problems here and there.


    3. Overall the class needs...

    • A complete overhaul
      [X]More Utility. - little more utility maybe, but not much
      [-]More Survivability. - has plenty of that already, now use it.
    • Should be left alone.


    4. Overall I am mostly concerned with...

    • [X]End-game PvE content - maybe a bonus here and there due to alot of the mechanics can prove rather mean being up close, not just for sents but also other close range classes.
    • PvE Other - leveling etc.
      [X]PvP Balance - balance classes after each other, don't scream nerf, but rather adjust it so everyone has a fair play ground, we don't want a bunch of broken classes but rather a bunch of working.
    • All of the above


    Thanks. Here's hoping to better days ahead.


    There my thoughts, some of it I am not really sure as in I am leaving what I do master and putting that into the 'poll'

  9. NiM brontes is easily killable, we one shot multiple sale runs (basically seven manned it) last lockout, so there's that. NiM Raptus is also killable, since we sold 2 Rancor runs as well last lockout, though the healing challenge is not tuned correctly, so you have to get creative.




    Olok is also killable, and the healers reported that they didn't even notice a difference.


    As for NiM TFB I honestly haven't been in there since 3.0 so I can't speak to it.


    It is doable we did kill it... and we did chose the correct bots for it as well... but somehow it is broken... phase one upstairs random killing people.... phase two sweeping the board below they still be have odd.... when it is down to olok himself it is absolutely no problem at all.


    We did sweep every boss up to that one in like 30 minutes no deaths, anyhow in 8man NiM it seem like the droids do 16man damage instead of 8man or something, the same issue persist in hard mode as well, not to the same degree but close... first time ran this waaay back we where in 162/168 gear and did not encounter that problem, it seem to have been an issue since 3.0 came out..


    Maybe you got a lucky puzzle with all mailbots down there or something, as we cleared it when it had like 3 or 4 of those present, yes we do know how to reset the puzzle as well ;-)


    Its not a healing issue either, eg. malafar hardmode in the ToS doing like 5.8k eHPS lol

  10. Its quite fine if you are in a guild with a bunch of HM raiding people. However you are losing sight of the main point that you cannot deny, even with great principles.


    Fleet is dead. Fairly sure its widespread. The new content is still full of very annoying bugs and its very hard to pug, even more so 16m.


    And that's to make SM.


    The truth is, who really use ultimates? Its not top raiders, as you said its mostly thrash. The mods are ok, without being the best, the rest, enhencements are crap, and the armoring lack set bonus (no argument that they should give any, that would be retarded)


    The thing however that is important is that while the game released a lot of end-game content, most of it is now unplayed with every big expension release. And the way to keep content alive isn't that complicated, it has to be worth doing. Otherwise people don't bother move on alts or other games altogether once their one night of raid a week is done.


    So you say "old content shouldn't reward new gear". But how game breaking is it really to keep some of it still? Tbh the way forward is not imo to kill every old content, but to keep it alive. My idea? Allow a level 60 version, sm mechanics, of all old ops. They proved they have the scale with level technology before. So I doubt it would be very complicated, and those could reward a small ammount of ultis.


    But the thing is, if most content is unaccessible to the player majority that is not in a progression raid team, and that this content is the main source of ultimate commendations, you'll just get people moving away from the game, and rather boring night on fleets.


    HM FP could use a 5 ultimate comms for the GF daily instead of elites also. MIght bring more people in queue, and at least its endgame right?


    TL:DR : Old content being played is not a bad thing, it gives content, keep the fleet alive, allow new players to do the old ops, and ultimate comms are just the best carrot to ensure they remain alive by keeping old players interested in running them. Thats a fact we have to work with.


    It is all fine the content drop Elite commendations (192) which should be good enough.... for casual people it just take longer to get the 198 off-hand or pieces for com gear.


    Which is fine enough, used to be like that in the past too.


    When SnV was introduced it was only TFB and SnV that would drop ultimate coms in 16man sm also classic Ops EV/KP weekly gave and FP weekly keep in mind we also had a 55 to gain then, when DP/DF came out it wss DF/DP as well with SnV and TFB due to the good mods dropped off comgear at least then the cycle went back to zero with Rav and ToS starting all over again... it is a normal cycle, new level cap at 60 and rinse and repeat back to the start point again.


    Problem is basically that the two new Operations is somewhat bugged, especially the underlurker in ToS... the vision need to be drawn away from ultimate commendations and into getting 192 token gear instead which in ravagers almost can give an entire group 1 piece each of token gear in 8 man, that is even a bigger reward than ultimate commendations and you can technically get 1 piece per run which I believe you could not buy a single piece of com gear with either.


    People need to focus on the mission and get their head out of the *** and realize that this is what you should be looking and that this is the droids you are looking for as well.

  11. People aren't going to pug HM/NiM TFB/S&V/DF/DP for 10 ultimate comms. Even being as over leveled and overgeared as we are at 60, they still take long enough to do in SM, let alone HM. And with the lacking of coordination that is seen in most pug groups, it would be an extremely rare occasion that you actually finish a successful run.


    If people are willing to spend that time running HM/NiM in old content... why not instead just spend that time running the new content and getting better rewards for it?


    There is just no real incentive to run old stuff when there is a larger incentive to do the new stuff.


    They did when you had to do HM/NiM SV or KP for some of the better coms back in the day... also commendations has never been this common before though.


    But if you do not like it as it is now you could always suggest that ultimate coms only can buy level 55 com gear and introducing a new type of commendations for 60 com gear lol.


    Anyhow what you want back is the exploit that you could get ultimate commendations for story mode 16man SnV/TFB/DP/DF, ok it is not so bad as the ravagers exploit... but rather harmless no they had no reason to ban people because the com gear suck anyways so instead the fixed it.

  12. Pression Slash put back to 4.5 seconds window of use


    Ataru form 3% accuracy


    Some of the old RNG for combat, making you have to make spot on decissions at times instead of same old same old rotation(s)


    Mostly because technically DPS wise the Combat Sentinel is the 'underdog' and before 3.0 the additional accuracy made up for that to then be able to add in a couple of extra offensive enhancements instead.

  13. People keep complaining... but the ultimate commendations was never intended to drop off lvl55 content after 3.0


    Also these ultimate commendations are not really worth it..... Ops has not been ruined at all either...


    With the new content they should just had given a new type of highend commendations instead though only obtainable from lvl60 content.


    But people should look at the conten though with bright eyes.. Ultimate commendations has always been from the highest level content... which before 3.0 was lvl55 content such as SnV, TFB, DP and DF, now we are at the level 60 branch... so the level 60 content as was intended would be able to drop highest level of gear... but really by doing tos and rav you would be getting 192 token gear over time which is much better.


    And don't give me the oh noes the new Ops are too tough... I did with one of my alts that had mostly 168 rating token gear and a couple of 180 token gear just fine, so the requirement and difficulty is not of concern at all, it is all about mechanics that people need to get used to.


    Also running them as 16man currently make no sense since it seem to be like 8 man drops instead of 16man, but it doesnt really matter because the drops they offer at 8 man is far superior to com rating 198 gear with the exception of the offhands barrel/hilt/armoring.

  14. I see other problems in the dev tracker, should you guys not solely focus on getting one problem fixed at a time, not that I want ot be rude or whatever, but we would appreciate the man power would be used on getting the server(s) back online faster and then focusing on other issues.
  15. It doesnt matter, TFB/SnV was not supposed to give good coms anyway, its more likely DF/DP and Rav + Tos


    As it always has been... so get over it... besides as mentioned the com gear suck anyway, and if want to do an effort in the new stuff just get an underworld rating with some com gear and all the good 186 enhancements is craftable now and those are a ton better than the com 198 ones.

  16. I was just wondering as it exist in so many other MMOs, when pressing C you can see your equipped items, but what about making an appearence slot and a gear slot, so we can have a legacy equip crappy looking set that is our actual gear and some kind of fancy stuff that would actually be our appearance.


    Just a thought, and also would make it easier for the people that have let us say a huge dedication for sentinel, guardian or whatever and have multiple of them or so.


    Just some thoughts as it is.

  17. Insane puzzle could make it like a maze... one stand back and solve the puzzle opening walls and the likes while the rest of the group move forward...


    Like slicing doors or something, current level of 'PvP' is to dekadent anyway as it is now, also other needs like Open world PvP being the only thing that could grant PvP rewards and keeping warzones for competetative play only.

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