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Everything posted by peaceandpassion

  1. This has been posted so many times, in so many games and every new tread claims to be the mesiah. You pay monthly not per hour or per minute, stop trying to say your being cheated when your really not, in no way shape or form. /thread
  2. They actually did there is an interview where the lead dev sez something along the lines "shortly after release" Q: Since it has been clearly stated that there will not be dual specs for characters in the game, can you explain your philosophy behind the skill trees and how you are taking into account players that want to be able to play PvP and PvE content on the same character? - illumineart A: Dual Speccing is something we want to add soon after launch. Also, features like Guard, PvP Taunt, Resolve, etc. work to narrow the gap between PvP and PvE specialized skills (i.e. a +Block skill would be helpful in both PvE and PvP). From.... http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20110916
  3. You could make your own tank/dps/heal companion, would help with people who dislike certain companions (Im looking at you vik)
  4. Well there would be limits i imagine such as must be lvl 50. your alts are excluded from quest storys etc but for the most part having my lvl 50 rakata dps would be hella fun with my lvl 50 trooper healer lol. But honestly even if your alt would not hold the same gear as he does when u play him would still be awesome
  5. Im thinking its between 6-8 hours.
  6. Thank you for this amazing read. You must be a genius
  7. They are not from bioware/EA so im not sure what your moaning about :S
  8. funny thing, doing all pve dailys (taking around 2 hours, including space) nets you around 200k a day and afew nice items
  9. And your telling me wow's story has more content than swtor?
  10. Yea i would be angry too if i rolled that many alts while enjoying the process only to be told i could have earned useless xp. Damn you bioware!!!
  11. 15k hp is the norm tbh for raiding. Its not a must but seeing as the gear needed to beat the enrage timers carrys this kind of endurance + trooper buff. I cant see the issue here. Raids have always had requirements be it a bad guild or a good one. im running NM at and we only ask that your gear me colomni or higher. Reason being is most bosses hit like trucks in NM and even the adds can hit for 5k+. Normal raids though your looking at around 2/3k dmg from mobs and 6k+ for boss standard aoes or knockbacks. Having 15k health helps if ur melee imo but for ranged its not as important (as long as they use threat dump + guardian leap) Ive always said skill > gear, but in swtor skill dosnt beat enrage timers....stats do
  12. Is this such an issue? bioware are not having a good time with the ui atm, i cant see why they cant just let the community apply there skills and help create ui mods. Just apearance mods would be enough to keep us happy. Atm the current GCD is almost depressing, im looking at a ui thats almost always dark grey (on side bars aswell as the main) My entire UI just creates a dull apperance given that most of our time in combat is spent looking at skills that are not on cooldown yet greyed out Maybe im just alittle frustrated with this patch, i dont know but you guys spent time making bright coloured skill tabs and nw you are covering them up in a dull grey/black
  13. Its not really about getting used to it, i just dont like it at all. Its not practial imo and its worse than what came before. If something is said to improve then fine but it is not, its worse
  14. Seeing as alot of ppl are unhappy i consider this a factor for them to fix something, so sweeping an issue under tha carpet to fix another issue is kinda backwards thinking imo
  15. Sometimes you have a % chance your rage is decreaed (the cost of skills) for certain skills so there is no way to tell this until after the GCD. Making ability stacking a pain
  16. and seeing that the current system allows you to use skills 1 second before there off cooldown i find it rather silly that with this current UI change i cannot use this function with my skills as i once did. Sometimes my skills cost less focus than it should due to my spec, this meening i cant tell if it crits or not until after the GCD or by looking for small buff icons above my bars which cannot be increased
  17. Same, never once had an issue with the GCW UI
  18. Log a healer. go to a raid/pvp. Tell me that 50% of your time is not spent working out if people are in range or not of your heals instead of healing them....
  19. Every single skill gets greyed out. Healers cant tell if in that gcd a tank or dps have moved out of ranged until after your gcd. Activation skills like "high impact bolt" cant be seen until after the gcd. so with some classes having more than 3 trying to plan out your rotation before the gcd has finished is nigh on impossible atm. How can you argue against fact? :S
  20. /sign ammo/force managment is a pain in the arse nw, specially since im trying tanking and looking at the toolbar during large pulls is almost a nono
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