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Everything posted by vimm

  1. vimm

    future of maul?

    I don't know why people are so fixated on Maul; Discharge and Shock with the Surging Charge hit are brutal, too. It's great single target spike DPS, and is actually fairly sustained as well, but certainly has a better - or at least more reliable - opening. Using Recklessness, and reducing it's active cool-down almost entirely by dropping combat, essentially resetting it. I was fond of Deception before 2.0 even; they could put a ton of pressure on a healer. The good ones were probably the most irritating to deal with, as a healer, out of 'most-all classes. As it stands now, it is certainly better than before, as well as being more forgiving and simple to excel at - not overly, but the difference is there. Is it too much, though? Hard to say at the moment with people's gear, and the bolster system, but I personally don't think it's overpowered. I am aware that it is very powerful, but it has it's weaknesses as well, and I'm glad to see it as more favourable for end game doings!
  2. I would rather use lightning strike over crushing darkness with this spec, with the 50% crit damage on it.
  3. Yep, this has happened to me as well, and a guildie. Reminds me of the bug where you jump into a knockback at the right moment, and your character becomes stuck in place from everyone elses perspective, but on your screen you're moving around, being attacked by people who are seemingly out of range/line of sight. The only way to get free is for someone to move your character - pull or push, unless you can jump to someone in range of your frozen body (if you know where that is, as on your screen, you'll still be mobile, but limited to a certain area, where you'll hit an invisible wall if you try to go further.) This bug is one I've experienced since the beginning of the game, so enjoy that.
  4. Especially when you play multiple characters ):
  5. vimm

    Vigilance Spec.

    Nothing has really changed for Vengeance; it's still decent, but mediocre for rateds. In fact, I'd prefer the auto-crit on the execute and the ability to use unstoppable in Soresu. I do like the change to Shatter, being able to use it on a target without an armor break, the damage increase and the cooldown/duration - it's quite a nice ability. Even single target, I can hit people harder with rage, having that 15% on my crit multiplier and 30% armor penetration.
  6. vimm

    Vigilance Spec.

    More like cycrayo
  7. Sorc's have their own pope?
  8. vimm

    AoE interrupts capping.

    Been around, just not posting anymore, really. As for my prior post, I want to specify - Yes, you would be viable Cycao, because you're a baller, but I just don't want DoTs stopping caps, haha.
  9. What is this open world PvP you speak of?
  10. vimm

    Vigilance Spec.

    Cycao, you cray!
  11. Agreed, that post was asinine.
  12. vimm

    Vigilance Spec.

    I vastly prefer vengeance, but rage is simply better at dealing damage.
  13. FriskyPigeon does what he wants.
  14. Yep, get the two you named; you're on the right track.
  15. vimm

    AoE interrupts capping.

    I don't know about that d:
  16. It seems like that would be easy to fix, as well.
  17. How was powertech nerfed? You're referring to Pyrotech specifically?
  18. Not too sure why crit was changed, honestly.
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