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Everything posted by Diamaht

  1. Well that's really the thing Gelious, they will never create content at the pace players consume content, not even close. It can take years to create a game with 100 hours of content, then the players will consume said content in about 100 hours. That's why you take breaks and spend time in other games, then come back. To the second point, if its killable but very hard that's a good thing. If you mean that it's far too easy then yeah, players need to be down scaled a bit more (I'm not sure if you mean its too hard because you are downscaled or if the boss is too easy because it is lvl 10). If a game is not a challenge then players will get bored and leave. If a game is far too easy from the very start then new players will leave and never come back. I really think this explains declining populations, you need to keep more new players than you are hemorrhaging older players in order to stay viable.
  2. Yeah I'm def enjoying it, the improvements are clear. Once I hit 70 I'll be looking forward to war zones. For lvling I think It would be simple to fix at early lvls; you get down scaled to the lvl cap for a planet already, just make the downscaling more severe. Just make the player closer in power to the content he is currently playing.
  3. Wanted to give some feedback, I played in the initial beta and for about a year after. Got the itch and came back. I started fresh from LVL 1 so here is the experience from that perspective (This will be about the initial story experience since I haven't started the KOTFE content yet}. Things I really like: 1) The UI changes are fantastic. It really is one of the best unmodded UI's in the industry at this point. I feel like I can change it any way I like and have never once felt the need for custom third party layouts. 2) The sheer number of things to do is great. The entire spectrum of missions/story/flashpoints/pvp/stongholds all feel well developed and accessible from the start. 3) The lvl scaling is great, I love that I can go anywhere I want and be able to get something from the content. No more grayed out planets. 4) The ability to do all content on my own if I have to. This one is a bit a double edged sword, its nice to not have to find a PUG if I want to see some part of the story/game world that I've yet to experience. I put this in my dislikes also since it does have it's drawbacks. 5) The fact that companions draw their stats from your character, not an entirely separate set of gear. It is absolutely fantastic that I can roam with which ever companion I choose and that I can assign any role to them I wish. In vanilla you really were locked into needing specific companions in order to function effectively for no other reason than the fact that your build really needed a healer or tank or a dps and any companions that fell out of that needed role never got used. And the constant upkeep (and expense) required for their equipment really bogged the game down IMHO. Things I do not enjoy: 1) The game is far too easy from a pve standpoint. You really do feel powerful as your are lvling your character but they've gone a bit too far with it. I've never once felt in danger of dying. This can be fun for a very short time, but it really disengages you from the content very quickly. I don't have to take anything at all into account when I'm doing content and I definitely don't need a rotation of any kind. Now I know that this changes once you start KOTFE content since you can adjust it but that needs to be in the core game as well. Its a very bad thing when trying to keep new players interested. If the first 10 to 20 hours tend to get stale and unchallenging then they will leave and label the product "boring". 2) The ability to do all content on my own if I have to. I go back and forth with this one. On the one hand I can do whatever I want when ever I want which is a good thing, on the other hand I never have to interact with anyone for any reason. 3) I never have to interact with anyone for any reason. There's really no social requirement in this MMO and I find that a bit sad. I honest don't want to be able to do everything entirely on my own, force me to get help every once in a while at least. 4) PVP servers do not exist. I know people (myself included) get all twisted when they get jumped by a filthy Imp while questing, But as I was going through Tat and Alderaan today I really missed the fact that I had nothing to worry about and nothing to watch out for no matter where I went. That tension is exciting, seeing a player from the other faction in the distance and keeping an eye on him to make sure he's not going to jump you in the middle of a mob clear or plotting a way to jump him when he's vulnerable is fantastic. Without that, things are a bit dry...(I know you can go to an instance for that but that''s not the same thing at all). Anyway that's my feedback so far, for whatever it's worth.
  4. That could be true, but these posts are never very specific. Like WHAT about the game does he/she want changed or what is the THING/THINGS that are causing him/her to unsubscribe. I don't mean this as a flame but substance is needed in order for it to be called feedback. Random emotions don't really address anything.
  5. That's EXACTLY the kind of thing I would enjoy. Good to hear that it still happens from time to time. Don't pay any attention to the complaints, that's what always happens. Who cares...
  6. Ok, well that's a pretty good tip. Thank you. Might be able to follow that and have some fun. I'm sure people will complain but that's fine. People always complain about pvp unless they are winning.
  7. That's a shame. Open world shenanigans are getting fazed out of every game these days...
  8. Hello all (even those who will now flame me) coming back after a couple years. Tons of great improvements and I'm having fun again. One thing that doesn't seem to exist so far is open world encounters. I remember planets from lvl 25 and on being a bit tense at times because you could run into the opposing faction at any time and I miss it. Does that exist anywhere in the game any longer or has that been fazed out?
  9. Returning player here also. The original OP is correct IMHO. This is an example of game developers needing to protect us from ourselves. This came about from end game players wanting fast max lvl Alts. I remember, I was there for it. Was that why the devs did it, I don't know, but that was the largest outcry from the player base at the time. Its taboo to mention other games but World of Warcraft has gone through the same cycle. Now they have mob scaling in beta testing and what a fantastic change it is! I would suggest doing the same thing they did: 1) Keep the exp gain and lvl pace the same. Those who want fast max lvl characters will get to keep it. 2) Let the mob damage and HP scale with player level so those who want to enjoy all the games content can do so with at least some challenge. Everyone wins!
  10. Seems pretty clear really. It sounds like you start chapter one alone and gather companions throughout the story. Sounds like it will be a pool of existing companions (drawn from all of them; Im sure influenced by which voice actors they got to come back for more content) and a few new ones. So no you wont be getting your companions back, but some of them you may run into along the way. What happens then could be determined by what you did in the original story and what you've done to that point in the new story. They will stay or go based on what you do from then on out. Also I'm sure some of them will not join no matter what, they'll have their own stuff going on (ie mass effect 2).
  11. Yeah, I'm guessing something along these lines too. Hopefully we'll find out soon.
  12. That's not really what I'm talking about at all. I know that post level 60 will be one story with class flavor. What I'm asking about is old content; what changes will be made to the experience as I go from 1 to 60? That will help me decide what to do from now until October.
  13. They are probably not ready to make anything official that far out. I mean realistically a lot can change between now and 2017. You are not going to get official, specific word on the years to come until they've released the stuff are working on now.
  14. What I'm hoping for would be something similar to what they are doing with Flashpoints; your character is lvl'd to the content. That way you can do planet stuff when ever you want instead of feeling like you have to do it before you leave. I don't know about anyone else but for me going back to a planet later to finish content that's completely grayed-out is boring and definitely subtracts from the experience. On the flip-side; feeling pressured to finish every side thing before you leave a planet adds a level of stress and grind to your progression that simply doesn't need to be there. No reason to get rid of or skip existing content, just make it more accessible regardless of lvl. I've mentioned Guild Wars 2 before. I know its taboo to talk about other games, but I think they got it right with their lvl scaling.
  15. "With the launch of Knights of the Fallen Empire, all of the original eight Class stories will be enhanced," Also seeing words like "streamlined" being used. I just read the post about changes to flashpoints and ops, very happy about those changes. Could the next post be about specifics with the original class stories and by extension the planetary stories/side quests? I would really like specifics on this topic. I just re-subbed and I need to decide how to spend my time in game between now and Oct. If lvling will be a much better experience after the expansion launches then I'll just spend my time pvping and making credits with existing characters, then lvl new ones after the launch. Thanks in advance for any info on this
  16. Very nice changes. A page out of the Guild Wars 2 book, but that's a fantastic thing. Making all the content available however and whenever you want to play it is perfect. I remember having to stop before moving on to the next planet in order to "get in" Esseles or Hammer Station before I out leveled it. I also remember having to worry about what lvl my friends were and having to swap characters all the time because the one I wanted to play that day was the wrong lvl for what my friends were doing. Glad these things will not be an issue any longer. I can play what character I want and what content I want, when I want. I also don't have to play grayed out content if I want to be a completionist (how f'in boring is that?). Thanks swtor (and thanks GW2 for starting this trend)
  17. I just signed back up. The new concept sounds great so we'll see how it goes.
  18. To add the this: Even with grey'd out mobs, doing space missions and wz's still continues to advance your xp. So if you are someone who likes to do a lot of both then you will advance your character to a point where every planet is grey'd out the moment you arrive. Just not a fun leveling experience, and you just end up skipping a lot of the content on later planets because it's just too easy and boring. As an example: My current character, a Jedi Guardian, is now on Coruscant. I've done only quest content, including heroics and bonuses. He is now approaching level 17 and I just started Justicar territory. That's only half way through the planet! I'm now two to three levels ahead of the mobs I'm fighting. If I had included wz's in the equation I would easily be lvl 19 by now. I like the lvl 40 pvp vendor gear for Guardians, so eventually I will have to do just enough wz's to earn the tokens for that gear set and then stop. Even then, afterword I will probably have to play most of a planet that is all grey'd out to get things back in the green. However, because I'm already so far ahead at the point, I will quickly grey out on every planet I go to just by doing the first few quests. Just not a fun or challenging way to play the game, and a real hindrance for those who would like to explore everything with a character as they level.
  19. Slaughtering grey mobs is not fun at all. Again not looking for easy mode, would like a challenge as i level. Greyed out quests and mobs is not what i'm looking for. But thank you for the: "Why don't you play like it do"/"I don't like that so you shouldn't either" response.
  20. Yeah, that makes sence. For example if you /ignored me it would only show Diamaht on you ignore list, not names of all my other characters. But would still apply to my whole account.
  21. This would work too. Really exp is just a number, we would just need something the would cause the number to not add to our characters total.
  22. It's the difference between playing the game in easy mode or experiencing the content at the level it was intended. What's the point of doing the quests if we are just wading through with no challenge at all. Better to just start us all at 50.
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