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Posts posted by universeman

  1. Just logged in last night and tried the AA settings. I can't tell that they are working. My FPS doesn't seem to be affected, regardless of the setting (None, Low, High). And I don't seem to notice a visual difference either (though maybe I'm looking at the wrong things to tell).


    Isn't it supposed to smooth out the jaggies?


    I've got a 6950.

  2. But, this game isn't like Amazon, where businesses sell 100x more than the individuals who buy from them buy. Players could give poor feedback to the same person who gave them poor feedback. Eventually, the jerks who give poor feedback for no reason (already have one of them in this thread), would have a bunch of poor feedback, whereas the people who don't give bad feedback for no reason would have positive feedback (assuming they aren't idiots online).


    Not saying it would work, but if done right...maybe it could. But, probably it wouldn't :o


    2) It's completely arbitrary. Cross-server LFG/LFD is bad for one reason


    I am not supporting a cross server LFG tool.

  3. This idea just came from left field, and is probably going to get shot down in flames. If so, so be it...but, I thought I'd throw it out there after reading how adding a cross server LFG tool could allow players to group up, be jerks, and leave never to be seen/heard from again.


    To combat this what if we had a player rating system? Sort of how ebay/amazon have seller ratings.


    I realize the first concern here is that idiots will be idiots and try to screw people over, but maybe there'd be a way to handle people who rate others poorly without reason. Maybe it would be a group rating, I don't know.


    Why not? :D

  4. I've learned to play without a LFG tool and just play by myself :(


    Passed up about 8 different HEROIC quests on Balmorra because I couldn't find anyone over the past week...so I decided to move on. Not sure why it was difficult to find ppl, because I play during peak hours (around 8pm PST, just not for very long), and I'm a healer. Go figure.


    A LFG tool has zero downside IMO...at least for same server searches. No idea about cross server tools.


    There's so much to do while solo in this game that I'm sure many people don't even bother to group (there's no incentive to).

  5. I thought the 4 man group was a bit strange as well. Not that I see it as a problem, but I like having more people in the group. It makes it more dynamic and fun (IMO). Yes, the material in game is designed around 4 players, but that could be changed if they felt it would make things more interesting.


    Let's assume, for a moment, that the game content could be balanced for 5 or 6 players (as well as for 1-4)...Do you see groups of 5 or 6 being more fun? What are the pros/cons?


    The most recent MMO I still have fun playing is City of Heroes. They allow 8 players in a group. And the content scales to that, along with players choosing their difficulty level. It makes for some incredible encounters. Of course, everything in that game is instanced...though I've never had a problem with instancing. I get the impression a lot of people frown upon that.


    My only gripe here is that nobody wants to group, because nobody needs to. What benefit is there to grouping? Except to tackle that HEROIC or FP...

  6. When I started this game, I was a serious altaholic:


    TROOPER - 37



    SMUGGLER - 1






    Unfortunately, this game has slightly altered the amount of time I spend with my alts. I simply can't stop playing my trooper! :o

  7. There are people who feel it's right to roll need on loot for ONLY companions that participated in the fight, but NOT for companions who are running slicing missions back on the ship.


    This only holds (by a string, mind you) for groups of 2. In a group of 3, you should have no more right to roll NEED than anyone else. If you think so, then you should politely tell one of the other players they should use their companion to fill that 4th slot so they can get that extra NEED in. See how that flys :D


    For 2 players + 2 companions, I still don't think players should roll NEED for their companions. I don't care if the companions participated. Companions are separate entities (who come and go) and they shouldn't be used to get an upper hand with the loot system.


    NEED what you NEED for your main character. Everything else is GREED (you win some, you lose some). If you fight for anything more than that, you're just being a greedy player that's not willing to give a little to get a little.

  8. One particular reason is the fact that not having high resolution textures on my character is out of my control. This in the simplest of definition is an inconvenience to me the customer. I spent weeks looking at videos and screenshots of this game and expected the visual quality that was being distributed by bioware. As far as my other reasons there not important as this thread is for other poster's, not just me.


    And you really think that Big Mac you see on TV looks as good in person? Or tastes as good as the commercial makes it seem? :p


    Nobody's getting free time for something like this. Can't believe this was even posted.

  9. I believe it is Bioware intention for you to arm your companion to the best of your abilities via, items dropps, buying or even using commendation tokens.


    I agree with all three of those reasons. But, not rolling NEED for your companion. If you believe that, you probably believe a player should roll NEED for there alt's also. You roll GREED for your companions and alts, and if you get it, win. If you don't, the other player wins. Since everyone could use it for their companions/alts.


    You do not click NEED for your companions (unless you ask for it). Ever. I don't care if your companion helped in the encounter.


    Why, because I could use the money that comes from that equipment (to equip myself) just as much as your companion could use it. Simple as that.


    NEED for yourself (ie. your main character only). Companions and alts are GREED only (unless asked). This is the assumption most people are going off of, I'm sure. But, there are always those who have their own set of rules one way or the other. If you don't abide by those rules, you need to let the group know beforehand.

  10. Standards are based on what people expect. With WoW's release, nobody expected much, everything was new, etc. WoW has since progressed...it's had many years to progress. And people have new expectations now.


    BioWare has a lot of work to do to catch up and meet (and hopefully exceed) expectations. But, that doesn't mean they don't have a great game right now. A lot of people are still enjoying it and it will only get better.

  11. I'd like meters, but not for a single reason you listed. I enjoy them personally for self-improvement, nothing more.


    Unfortunately, if these "meters" are in game, they will be used for other reasons by other people. And it will change the community (for good or bad I don't know: probably both).


    So, we need to look at the big picture when it comes to adding/changing anything. Will it do more harm than good? Possibly.

  12. really recount makes the game easier? more like exposes the bad players who are not pulling there weight in a grp, or suck at there class, only bad players support not have a damage meter and any way to record performance


    It's thinking like this that makes me want to support not having this in game. The last thing I want is to see some jerk on my team harassing someone else for not performing (when they're otherwise doing fine). If they are playing bad enough to drop, it will be obvious without any metering feature.

  13. In fact, we don't need dual spec :) But, it would be nice to have sort of equalizer when it comes to grouping people of different levels. I ran through Jedi Prisoner last night with 2 other people, both were way higher than the flashpoint intended...and we breezed through it. I don't think anyone even went below 3/4 hp. And if anyone did, it was me (lvl 34 dps).


    The fp lost it's challenge. I really think grouping should somehow bring in line players so they can play together without sacrificing challenge. It will also let friends group together easier when they're of different levels.


    In the long run, this is a small step towards helping the community play together.

  14. Really, out of all things you could complain about you complain about something extremely stupid.


    It's not what he complained about. It's how he went about complaining. Seriously, nobody is going to listen to him until he demands it gets fixed immediately or else he'll rage quit and go back to WoW.

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