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Posts posted by universeman

  1. Guys...where does one draw the line with clicking the NEED button? If you believe clicking NEED for your companion is a reasonable thing to do, then you surely agree it is reasonable that everyone else does it. But, if that ideal became reality, the system would likely devolve into everyone clicking NEED on everything.


    I don't know for sure, but I'd say there's a 100% chance it would lol


    TOR is obviously different from previous games, in that companions are a part of who you are. But, that doesn't mean you should suddenly be rolling NEED on items just because a companion can wear them (if that were the case, see my comment above about devolution - is that a word? hah). BW has already made a statement that pretty much proves they didn't realize the impact their companion system would have on the way people utilize the NBG system.


    Those who are NEEDing on whatever they want are (IMO) taking advantage of the oversight BW had in implementing the system as it is in other games that don't have companions.


    I'm seeing that there really isn't an argument to be made. The system isn't working as intended and they plan to implement a change.

  2. Oh, so you're fine with people rolling need on loot that they want for their companions. Good to know.


    I realize we have our differences in how this system works...but, if people don't play this game showing some respect to those who they are playing with, then they will not get any respect in return. And since you seem to be on the same page as me here, I will explain further: If you are going to use that NEED button to NEED something that someone else might not realize you are going to click NEED for, then you may be crossing that line of respect unless you say something up front.


    I will interject here before continuing: Timing has a lot to do with things as well. A lot of times, people think an item should be distributed with equal opportunity, so someone clicks greed, then everyone clicks greed. But, someone at the end of the queue has the last opportunity to click need. Why should that player have the advantage? This is why the system needs to be fixed. If you think all players should just click NEED unless they don't care about the item (because that's the only other way I see it boiling down to), then the NBG system shouldn't even exist.


    With that said, NEED is there for a reason, and if for any reason you might be using NEED in a way to get equipment that the other players are not considering, then the onus is on you to speak up. And, to me, using NEED for a companion falls under that. That's how I see it. I think that's how most people see it, and that is why it is causing problems.


    I think the only questionable statement here (so you don't pick this apart with your own interpretation) is "other players are not considering". What do I mean by that? Well, that can be different for each player. But, I think the majority of people don't use NEED for their companions (without speaking up first). I have only seen this happen 1 time in TOR where an agent clicked NEED after everyone else and took the item over a sniper who also clicked NEED (and it was a +cunning item). What caught me as strange is that nobody questioned the roll, yet the agent immediately proclaimed "I need it for my companion." See, to me...that is sneaky (and, in my eyes, disrespectful) and I don't approve.

  3. You don't respect people who don't respect other people

    There are are people who exist that don't respect other people

    Therefore you don't respect other people

    Therefore you don't respect yourself.


    is there something unclear there?


    Your stance is something like "Loot the way i say you should or I'll call you a jerk and disband you from group right before the boss dies just to grief you"


    You're demonizing the people who are in favor of respecting our fellow players, and clearly not respecting other people. Your argument insisting that respect is the root of the issue is entirely hypocritical.


    Really, ferroz? Really...? You are grasping. And no, my "stance" has nothing to do with what you stated. You are clearly being unreasonable and defensive in this discussion. But, that's cool.


    P.S. The whole disband you before the boss was tongue in cheek...thought that was pretty clearly identified by the smiley left at the end => :rolleyes:

  4. Most players do a PuG to get a quest done. They really don't care if you die, in game or in RL. All they want is the end-goal.


    And then we go into this 'respect' thing.


    You have to earn respect. You don't just get it because you joined my group. Sorry, that's life. When you reach my age, you'll understand.


    I don't know what world you live in, but my experience is completely different than yours. Most people I PUG with are respectful with those buttons. And all I do is PUG. And yes, I've been playing for as long as you (since I know past history has merit with you). Hell, I may be older than you...so lets not bring seniority into the equation.

  5. So, that'd mean that you have no self respect, since you don't respect others.


    No, you're clearly not respecting that other people have a different priority in loot than you do, or play the game differently than you do.


    if you did respect that, then you couldn't demand that they not roll need for their companions. You wouldn't be upset at them for doing so.


    Yes, you got me...I have no self respect. Really? Was that from left field? And why would you say I am demanding things? I haven't demanded anything...not really sure where you're coming up with that :confused:


    You can roll need on whatever you want! :D All the love to you! If that isn't clear enough, I don't know what is.


    All I'm saying is have some consideration for your group mates. Oh wait...of course you do :rolleyes: Hey I don't know your style. All I know is you're claiming you press NEED whenever you decide you want to. And I'm saying, dude...think about that for a second.


    Thanks for playing a social game.

  6. And you're not respecting their time put in to get the kill just as you did.

    You're trying to skew the percentages so you have a better chance of getting that piece of gear you covet by telling someone else they can't roll on it.


    Ummm...the whole point of my argument is that each player should have equal right to an item (this is the same thing we're all fighting for). The difference is, some of us do it with respect. Others don't.


    That is all.

  7. You on the other hand,

    • don't respect other people's play styles
    • don't respect other people's priorities for loot
    • don't respect other people's choices.


    Clearly you're the person who doesn't understand respect, and has no respect for his fellow players.


    The only thing I don't respect is those who don't respect others. There are a few people in the game (you seem to be one of them) who are playing the game for themselves only. This is where it starts. You are not caring what other people do or how they play (you said it yourself)...


    So, to claim I am the one who is not respecting other play styles is completely wrong, since the only reason I'm here explaining the situation is because you don't seem to be respecting others play styles.


    Like I said, you can click whatever you want. But, some of us do respect others choices and that is why we don't use that NEED button the way you seem to.


    Simple as that ;)

  8. Looks like the same two people still can't get it in their heads that all we are saying is that there is an "unspoken code" (being spoken here) that goes with grouping and rolling on items. I'll even give it a name and call it respect. It's apparently something they know nothing about. They just want to roll on whatever they want. Amazing that they will find a group of people to help them win these items and then do whatever they can to win it (sometimes just to sell it), even when someone else would be much better off with it.


    It's called zero respect. And that's ok if those are the rules you live by. More power to you.


    Just don't group with me, because I'll drop you from the group just short of the boss dying and say oops...looks like you don't get to roll. My bad lol...but hey, if I'm group leader, I get to do what I want with my group, right? I pay $15/mo to play the way I want :rolleyes:


    Thanks for helping me kill the boss, though. You were awesome :D

  9. Just to play the fair game with you for a bit.. Being able to roll need on anything is already unfair to certain classes. Bounty hunters only have companions with aim and cunning. Sith warriors. Bounty hunters have a 50% chance of having an item drop they have a need on, while sith warriors have a 100% chance. I think its fair that each person only roll on their own characters primary stat, giving each member a 25% chance of loot dropping.


    This is a good point and why I feel using companions as an excuse to roll NEED is a selfish gesture. It really should be a roll per player and only for the character you're actually sitting behind.

  10. so, unless you think you are entitled to dictate to other people what they are allowed to want, I care what you think.


    Well, if you care what I think, they you'd see that a minority are taking advantage of a majority who are trying to use the system in a polite/respectful way (so we all have equal access to loot).


    If you think everyone already has equal access by being able to click NEED every time, then the system needs to be changed to make that viewpoint clear. It obviously wasn't intended to be NEED every time unless you wanted to pass.

  11. What is unfair in everyone rolling roll/pass with no other options? (i.e.: remove the 'need' button)


    I'd love to see this. But, then it's not much different than taking it out altogether. Just give 1 random person a drop. And I'm fine with that, too lol. If they want to keep the NEED/GREED system in, it needs to be modified to account for the differences in opinions that some people have on how it should work.

  12. So.. Don't dare come peddling your 'it's all your fault' type melodramatics to me. I really don't care what you think, or anyone else here to be honest. I judge people by their posts and the sincerity shown in them.


    People using 'ninja' and all that garbage get relegated to the garbage bin for me. If someone wants to debate the problem fine. But if they're here to sling insults and debate the person, then we're in a whole new ball-game.


    But don't let me stop you. But ask yourself this; Will you get more respect from proper debate or from childish name-calling?


    Did I call you a name? Ninja is a simple word used to describe the actions you are taking in game. If you see it as "name calling", then I guess I am. 50 darkside points!


    You don't care what I/we think is the problem here. The NEED/GREED system is designed to require people to consider the rest of the players in the group. If you are not caring what others think, then you are not abiding by the system, which is why it needs to change.


    No offense, but I really don't care about your past, or what made you into the person you are today. It doesn't give you any more/less merit over anyone else in this thread. The only thing we are discussing here is how the system should be used.


    And the majority of people seem to agree that the system is being abused by a minority who don't care what others think.

  13. Indeed though it will never happen because he probably doesn't tell people upfront that he intents to steal their loot


    Exactly. I have never seen someone join a group (or worse yet, be the group leader) and say up front the loot rules they expect to play by when they are the ones who will NEED anything they desire...


    And yet, they still blatantly (after everyone else seems to be abiding by NEED/GREED etiquette) click NEED when one of the other players could easily use it on their character actually being used in the group (and subsequently claim they can use it on a companion).

  14. Oh gosh, he called me a troll, whatever will I do now..


    Your circular argument is archaic and without merit.


    You're getting defensive over it because you realize you're wrong. I have no intention of calling you a troll. But, you're obviously trying to stir up trouble here by justifying things that clearly come from being selfish. Hey, no offense intended. Just calling it as I see it. And most of the people posting here seem to see it as well.

  15. You guys can claim all kinds of blacklisting, kicking me from your group, and you know what, I really don't care. I prefer to do my thing on my terms, not yours. If you want me to bow to you, it's just not going to happen and I can happily live with not grouping with you.


    It's people like you who ruin the game for so many others, and why the NEED/GREED system doesn't work. You got burned in the past because you were like us, trying to use it as it was meant to be used. Now, you're one of them, burning the rest of us and trying to legitimize your opinion based on selfishness.


    Hey, to each his own. I just wish BW would do something about the system. Because, the way people get frustrated in game about this stuff really ruins the camaraderie.

  16. I do know, and I fully understand.


    But, I've been burned by this NBG thing so many times on so many games, I refuse to allow it happen to me again. And yes, even on ToR.


    Is this the same person who is arguing that it's ok to click NEED whenever he wants? How can you get "burned" on something that you're taking advantage of? Or, are you not taking advantage of the system and everyone else is just not using it right?


    The thing is, they are the ones getting burned now. So, you were one of us at one point and you just changed your tune so you wouldn't be the one getting burned anymore...?


    Seems you're just arguing to argue now (is this what's called a troll? no offense, because I've never called anyone that before...but seriously). That's pretty messed up.

  17. What I think is dishonest, is the refusing to acknowledge that rolling need for companions is going against the grain, and not speaking up about their intentions ahead of time because they either feel their way is more righteous to begin with, or because they're worried that they will not be invited because of it.


    This exactly.

  18. Your argument breaks down right there I'm afraid. Everyone does get an equal opportunity. When we kill the boss and get to the loot. Each player has an 'equal' opportunity to roll. I am in no way effecting that.


    By your reasoning, we should not even have the system, which is exactly what I'm trying to get at. The system only serves to gives those who want to be selfish an opportunity to do so.

  19. I tried playing a relatively hard nosed Agent that was willing to do what was necessary (short of murder) to get things done. But, I found I was going between light and dark choices.


    Now, I'm stuck with a very bad distribution of light/dark points that are preventing me from using some useful gear :mad:

  20. Well I'm not doing the group run to gear you up. I'm sorry, that may sound harsh, but when I do a run, I usually do it to get gear for me and my companions.


    There are times I'll do a run specifically to get gear for another player, but, typically, people do these runs for gear for themselves, not you.


    If you decide to roll pass/greed, and I roll need, how am I taking advantage? It was your decision to roll greed/pass, not mine. There is no taking advantage of anything.


    You do realize you just enforced my point. It's selfish and not looking to help everyone get an equal opportunity. I accept that every situation is different. But, the problem lies with those who are ninja'ing by waiting to see what others do. If you want to click NEED before everyone else, then at least they have a heads up on what you're doing.


    But, don't click NEED after everyone else and claim it's "for my companion", or "I need the money". That's taking advantage of the situation and why so many hate the system.

  21. The bottom line is that people have different ideas of what things mean. Those who think it's ok to take for their companions are out there for themselves. Because they are ok with taking advantage of those who want to be more polite about even distribution.


    Simple as that.


    BW REALLY needs to take this system out. It only helps the selfish minority, and hurts everyone else.

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