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10 Good
  1. To be fair, they DID give a reason on how it can happen... you need more subscribers and paying customers to justify the expense and expenditure you are looking for. So if you can drum up around 1 million subscribers for 6 months, we might see that. However, I am on the other fence. I had my experience with 8 different stories (on 18 different characters). And while I did enjoy SOME of the other stories, I did find some of them to be boring, redundant or not very engaging (See Bounty Hunter and Consular at the top of my list). I've had my fun with the stories for the most part, enjoyed them, got LOTS of content out of them, and enjoyed my time. That being said, I recognize that SWTOR is a F2P game with a subscription available, and is built on that model. Would I have liked to see more voice acting on the after quests, and perhaps a little more layering to the story? SURE. However, I also didn't pay anything extra to enjoy KOTFE other than my monthly subscription fee, so I wasn't expecting eight unique stories with 20 hours of content each. Plus it's still early, more chapters are to follow, and I am excited to see where it will lead me. This didn't cost me anything extra than what I was already spending. There are not many games these days pumping out $50-$80 expansions with hours upon hours of content these days, because with the exception of WOW, no one is surviving the subscription model. WOW is the only one to do that with any regularity, and there is some suspicion you might see less of it in the future with numbers fading. So I am for the most part, satisfied for now with the story so far... it's only a few chapters in. Let's see where it takes us.
  2. It's still way to early. Influence may have a lot more to play in the coming chapters. There is a lot of tension between crew members and companions at the moment. Maybe if your influence isn't high enough at certain chapters, characters will turn on you/betray you, depending on your choices and influence. This is all just pure speculation of course, but I will take a wait and see approach rather than jumping to any conclusions.
  3. As someone that spent countless commendations gearing their companion (still have Corso's Columni set for sentimental value), I too, was a bit disappointed to see all of that hard work undone. However, to be fair, I got over it pretty quick, when I realized never again, will I have to spend credits or comms gearing up my companions so that they can carry themselves in FP's and other events. So to me, the disappointment was off set by how much free time, credits and comms I discovered I am going to have going forward.
  4. I do agree, that the lack of content to do with a friend/group was a bit disappointing; however, given how "personal" this story is (or at least the gameplan is long term), I am not sure how that would have been accomplished. Should they have let some major decisions take place base on a RNG on whom rolled higher to win the dialogue option? To be fair though, they could have countered this with doing the "stories" for the heroic weeklies when you are doing them (and gain social points)... but then again if I am soloing them, I don't care, and like that they are skipped for speed. It's a catch 22 really.
  5. I am sorry that you feel that way, and hope you can find something to enjoy in the game. I've actually enjoyed redoing a few of the heroics (emphasis on a few) and just ran through Battle of Ilum for nostalgia the other night (loved how with a good smuggler you could avoid over half the mobs in that FP). I in no way think it's perfect, but for me at least, there is value there, and I very much look forward to the future chapters each month.
  6. I am assuming that the only way to get high lvl main hand weapons (specifically the barrel or hilt you require) is the same as it has always been, through raids. I have read of someone getting a 208 purple weapon dropped from star fortress heroic, but this hasn't been confirmed by anyone I know of. It's also reported to be a random drop, so good luck with that. The only other way is to purchase the desired hilt/barrel through the GTN, or learn the necessary crafting skills and craft one yourself (which would require you to get said off hand, strip the hilt/barrel, reverse engineer and get the necessary mats... the most important of which are usually acquired through fp's and ops). That being said, if you are not interested in doing FP's or Ops, there is really no need for the higher 208, 216 or 220 mainhands. A 192 purple (or 200 blue) is more than enough on any solo content.
  7. I said it. It's out there. I am not in the majority (or at the very least, the most vocal) that KOTFE signals the end of SWTOR, or that it brought more harm than good. Is there some flaws? Certainly. However, you can expect that with every launch, patch, addition, expansion, add on, etc. I have played the game since Launch, and have subscribed since launch. I have been here since 1.0, seen the changes in 2.0, 2.7, 3.0, etc. I have always leaned towards content, the story, flashpoints and raids (never been much into PVP, though I do dabble every now and then). I have Eighteen characters, many of which were leveled to 50 when it used to be a grind (I am talking about no sprint to start, speeders weren't til lvl 25 if I recall, quick travel had a cooldown, and you had to do the sidequests to level). Those characters have been raised to 55 with Makeb, and 60 with Shadows of Revan. I am not one of those "entitled" that just started that many people like to label. I have seen it's ups and downs, and I am here to say, I like where the game is going. I like the new story, the new companions. Those that say they "KOTFE is done in 8 hours, now what", are completely ignoring all of the content that comes after. The building up your base, the relationships with companions, gaining new ones, etc. There is A LOT more than 8 hours in content (I will concede some of it recycled, but that's not a bad thing if you enjoyed it before); so much so, that I am going to have to probably pick a couple of characters on each side when the new episodes are released, because I honestly don't have the time to do them all through the chapters and do the extra content. Is it a bit grindy? Sure, but show me an MMO that isn't. Will it become a bit repetitive after awhile? Probably. However, I have my guild and my friends that I play with that will make it far more enjoyable, and that is my take away from this game, and always has been. I like that the old content is challenging again, and look forward to fighting Brontes again with both new friends and old. Hardmode flashpoints were always a weekend favourite in 1.0 and 2.0, and they will be once again in 4.0 Would I like a switch that I can flip to make it more challenging sometimes? Sure! Heroics are not nearly the grind and difficulty level they used to be, but I have moved on (part of that is probably my fault for having my characters so well geared, for all of the presence I have gotten on my companions and all of the datacrons I have collected, and generally having gotten better at the game). I will accept some responsibility for that. Are companions a bit overpowered? Maybe. Am I disappointed that I spent all that time on their relationships to get them to 10,000, only to find out that it translates to a measly 10 on the new reputation system? Certainly! But if I am rolling a companion, in truth, I am probably doing content as a means to an end (i.e. leveling up, or getting to the next mission and/or cutscene in KOTFE) and want it over with as quickly as possible so that I can do the more social content (FP's and OPS) with my guild and friends. I actually LIKE that they have made some of the content that I have played many a times over easy with Companions and character gearing. I have played it a bunch of times, and proven myself with every class. Let me roll it over it with ease so that I can get to the good stuff! So please, let the companions make this as quick and painless a process as possible. However, I always had my companions in top of the line gear, so it's nothing new to me; in fact, I don't have to spend comms and credits gearing them anymore! I enjoyed the story in KOTFE. Some of Biowares best work? Maybe not. However, it felt real in the universe I had created with my various characters. Old companions and relationships rekindled, some lost... If that is the story that I am given, fine. Instead of complaining about lost companions, I will look forward to the new ones and any old faces my characters meet a long the way. I wish there had been a more social aspect to the content, but at the same time, my character may not have agreed with my friends, so I understand. It's my own personal story. Bioware/EA is telling us a story, and I am here to enjoy it. Do I like everything about it? Not entirely. However, I am excited to see what sort of weight the choices that my characters make will carry down the road. I am excited for the next chapter. I look forward to grinding old content for new rewards. I think Bioware set a dangerous precedent shortly after Mass Effect 3 launched. There was a universal uproar over the ending, people didn't like it, and they wanted change. Bioware made those changes, tied up loose ends, and essentially gave them their alternate ending. Now everyone seems to think that if they complain long enough, loud enough and hard enough (SWTOR certainly isn't the only one) that they will get the game that they want. Here is the thing, every game is different to everyone, and that is especially true in an Online gaming experience like this and others. Everyone is here for their own reasons. Some are here for Raids/Ops, story telling, Star Wars lore, the relationships they have built in game, or because they want to wield flashy light sticks that cut down enemies. I am even told a small minority is here for PVP (though that has yet to be confirmed). My experience with SWTOR will always be unique to myself, and me alone. I do not expect to share the same views as others, nor be so bold as to think I know what is best for the game and how to change it. This isn't a "Good Job Bioware/EA, I am complacent" post. I hope there is NEW FP's and OP's in the future, more challenging content. There are MANY things I would like to see change about the game. However, I don't understand all of the negativity and requests for immediate change after KOTFE's launch. I also recognize that my monthly subscription since Launch (though seriously, can't a guy just be a "life time subscriber for services rendered" after nearly 4 years of subcription? No? Meh, worth a shot) doesn't entitle me to anything more than the opportunity to play a game designed and run by Bioware and EA. It's a game that I have (for the most part) enjoyed to date, and hope to continue to do so with the launching of each chapter, and whatever new content arrives. Should my relationship with the game ever run it's course, or I ever find myself with nothing left to do in the game, I will move on, and probably cease my subscription. If you feel this way about the game already, you should probably do the same. There are lots of alternatives out there. Now that I have said my peace, I will gladly get back to KOTFE. Those companions aren't going to build my base up themselves!
  8. Gosh, I hope the new story content is half as entertaining as this thread.
  9. The reason is, for PVE purposes, with the exception of 1 or 2 Boss Fights on both Ravagers and TOS, you need to be very mobile in those fights as a melee DPS. As a result, you will find that many of your "ravages" wouldn't get their full tick, and you would be cutting the ability short, thus reducing the effectiveness of the 8% damage boost. This is due to bosses moving around, switching targets, or having to avoid damage from Boss abilities. While the 8% bonus damage is a nice boost to your parsing on a dummy, it isn't practical in the new content, unless you want to parse higher but die earlier from taking damage that could have been avoided by clipping your ravage and **** the circle of death. Plus, if you are doing the rotation properly, you are using shatter, Impale and force scream all off CD... Ravage is only 2nd on your priority list (after those abilities). You need to keep up the procs, Dots and everything else that comes with the other abilities, so that when you are out of range, and your force leap and intercede and saber throw are all on CD, then at least you are still doing damage with DOTS, while lumbering like a slow idiot towards your target.
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