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Everything posted by Butwaldgrim

  1. There's a whole Cartel Pack of Preparation H up on Fleet for the butt hurt we're gonna' feel for a while. We got smoked.
  2. Wow. Remember Quesh? Well, on the Bastion tonight the Republic got its revenge. They camped the spawn in the Garrison 'till bodies literally piled up. They even pushed up the elevator to the Shuttle. Not sure if they drank all the booze in the Officer's cantina.
  3. I am sad to report that early estimates indicate that the Republic is handing the Imperials their asses.
  4. This happened in lowbies the other night (30+) on the Bastion. Something I've never seen before. While we ultimately won the Novare Coast, it was done 4 on 4. The other 8 players gathered in the valley and had a dance off. They did a wee bit of damage to stay in combat, but otherwise danced excitedly, and showed off their moves. "You just got served!" As I guarded east and fended off the occasional scoundrel, I couldn't help but marvel at this weird sight. After a while, I was tempted to abandon my post and join the fun. Until another attack from stealth and it was back to business. Winning made it a bit easier for me to conclude that it was nice to see people having a ton of fun in the war zones, rather than flaming at one another.
  5. The best part: "They keep stunning me!" "What's stunning you?" "The players!" Ohhhhh. Yeah. PLAYER versus player. Now I get it!
  6. You are a carnage marauder. With Gore up and Execute, Force Scream is your mother-****in mushroom cloud. That being said, get the relics first.
  7. Just venting here. When you see a teammate capping after they have thrown out a CC, don't come flying in, sabers akimbo. How is it possible that you attained level 55 and yet still manage to prematurely break every cc, mezz, or slow? Give a squishy sap-capper some help here, man. Next time wait for the cc to end and then force choke that sucker or something. Sheesh.
  8. People are still talking about Voss. Epic fun. How's law school?
  9. Butwaldgrim


    Okay, okay, sure. But what about the "bag"?
  10. Butwaldgrim


    I think what you mean is "can you make sword in box light so sword come out when opened? then if sword is back after sword, use light saber on box, and saber will be boxed after sword is out."
  11. I like to take my lowbies into Warzones and provoke the chat just to see who on the team is cool and who is not. Next time your team caps two nodes in Civil War, shout out "Ok! Now go gather orbs!" Most people will either get the joke or offer help on what the objective really is. But not before that one douchebag yells "You're in the wrong Warzone %#*$&!"
  12. I agree that you really need video evidence to truly analyze and judge what happened. I've definitely seem some strange stuff, but I am pretty sure it's usually caused by latency or fps issues. They weirdest I've seen recently was the apparent seizing of a pylon by an attacker who was in combat with three defenders. Most likely a second attacker dropped stealth, capped it and then snuck out of there, and the lag never revealed his reappearance animation during the cap. I suppose it could have been some new, unseen "cap hack" but I doubt it.
  13. How about any class, when they learn to focus fire? Just my opinion, but I've noticed at the beginning of a lot of Arenas, a teammate will command, "Focus X" or "focus y." Sometimes they are suggesting the wrong target but that's another story. I believe that "Focus the X" is the new "2 incoming west!" You can call it out all you like, but most teammates will ignore you. It's ironic too if you are the only healer on your team. As your teammates spread out, one-on-one, it seems the other team agreed, "Let's focus the healer!" And they actually stick to the plan. Just a theory but it seems most people who don't understand the class have bought into the "Operative healers are SOOOO OP!" meme. But without the occasional peel, without any guard, and given a dispersed and erratic spray of dps from your teammates, all an Op healer can do after a while is work on surviving especially given this perfect storm where the other team actually knows how to focus fire. "We need more heals dude!" Sure. But we also need more dps. And it's kinda hard to heal the guy behind the pillar, the guy up there on the bridge and the guy waaaaay over there in corner all at the same time.
  14. There is a real possibility that these guys are just trolling. For instance, in the Voidstar last night the leader called out an opening plan. It would've worked possibly, but the dps was sh*t, no one knew what focus fire meant, broke cc's with damage, etc. I even called out (in my best accent) "need more dps". After we crossed the bridge, we ran out of time. Dear leader is enthused. "We'll be fine, their dps is weak." Wuuhhh? After he dies and is sent to Valhalla-over-the-bridge, he says "This is good, we can hold them here." When the bridge goes up seconds later and we lose, he says "WTH?" Come on. Troll level 92, Elite. No one is that clueless in a level 55 warzone.
  15. If we over stack comms by purchasing one of the PVP pets, does anyone know if the patch will make the pet non-refundable, even if the timer hadn't expired. It seems with every big patch, BioWare glitches some gear and items, such as returning them to you in the mail because the patch wrecked 'em.
  16. I agree that healer-rich warzones (esp. VS) can be pretty boring. But I am all for choice and liberty. If three or four healers want to group up, that's their choice. It's a strategy, one of many. Just like when a gaggle of smash monkeys leap on your head. Who didn't rofl when they saw that video of the Hutball match, with the "Poison" team of 8 operatives?
  17. Funny. Every time I go there, I get knocked down but I get up again You're never gonna keep me down I get knocked down but I get up again You're never gonna keep me down I get knocked down but I get up again You're never gonna keep me down I get knocked down but I get up again You're never gonna keep me down. Without so much as an invite to duel.
  18. So has anyone heard definitively from the devs that ranked and reg comms will be lost or downgraded when 2.4 hits?
  19. No. Diarrheabedis. http://http://m.adultswim.com/video/tim-and-eric-awesome-show-great-job/diarrheabedis.html
  20. Train me up! What are your rates?
  21. On POT5 the second "door" is a bridge. I heard that on Jung Ma it is actually an escalator that leads to a water slide.
  22. Protection: 3,000,000 http://http://thechive.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/friday-dopamine-182.jpg
  23. This would be both a blessing and a bane. At least it would confirm by voice that the teammate who is flaming at you in INDEED a 14-year old punk.
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