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Everything posted by dnian

  1. Yeah at least give us the opportunity to log in and create a character, i'm just so damn bored, I have installed every game i own and i dont want to play them at all. At least i am busy tomorrow and Saturday helping a friend move.
  2. OP is right just look at SWG, the pre cu crowd havent forgotten it yet, and as part of the pre nge we still havent forgotten it yet. Most of the pre nge/pre cu players will never touch a SOE product again.
  3. Thats why they need to give everybody access now, would you rather lose days in early access or after the 20th where downtimes comes out of you payed gametime.
  4. I am hoping number 7, anything but that, and the game will have HUGE issues once 20th comes around.
  5. Why cant they just say "good new 1st wave includes date xx/xx to yy/yy"
  6. I just hope they do a forum wipe again the day before launch.
  7. So was the speculations right about the option to match the color of your chest correct, and is it back in the game again?
  8. Properly more like http://thenoobcomic.com/index.php?pos=3
  9. I preordered just to be sure to get a copy on launch day, while early access would be nice, its no deal breaker for me.
  10. I support a Mac and Linux client, its just lazy that they didnt make one, and no i am not a mac or linux user
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