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Everything posted by greenMne

  1. I've been lucky and managed to get the 6 piece set bonus from 230 - 240 and 4 legendary bits of 242 gear/relics, Also countless blue 240 gear which is used on some of my alts. So no complaints from me my other 10 alts have not fared well but are still only tier 1 around lvl 30 - 40 .. with the most a 230 x 4 set piece on my commando.
  2. Just out of curiosity, has anybody been lucky enough to get 6 x set bonus pieces of Gear out of the first 6 crates? I manged to get 3 out of my first 4 crates and then none since on one of my toons P.S. i don't hate RNG as i have got lots of basic 230 gear out of it for most of my alts at tier 1, I just wish the drops were Bind to Legacy to make them more alt friendly..
  3. So just like the old Data Crystal system, but a bit more complicated. (Thought that was why they tried to simplify it with Command Crates lol)
  4. Need to put this post in the Suggestion Box forum - http://www.swtor.com/community/forumdisplay.php?f=349
  5. I don't think you need schematics they are learned at trainer, thats where i got mine Edit: Ex. My Synthweaver can craft Advanced Alacrity ,Critical and redoubt Augments 45 (228 rating).
  6. Well said, I feel exactly the same, just grinding instead of actually playing. A cxp level can take anything up to 1 - 3 hrs if doing solo content, and is not fun by any means.. When i do feel like I've lost the will to live Grinding I sometimes log off, go to a new server, create new character, play a little, then save or delete character (I seem to get more enjoyment out of doing that, than what is 5.0) Just give us something to look forward to EA/Bio Please.....
  7. I got it but i am sure there was more than 10 of us
  8. As with the stand alone HK-55 mission, would it be possible to add other stand alone missions in a similar way. If possible What mission would other people like to see? For Me I would love to See a stand alone mission involving Revan, The Exile, Lord Scourge and of course the Emperor leading up to the betrayal of Revan etc.. (It would visually fill in the gap of kotor - tsl - tor) I can dream, but hey what a dream it would be
  9. I thought We were getting a free lvl 65 if subbed (similar to the free lvl 60 in kotfe) so that would work for you maybe?
  10. its soooo easy to roll a toon on a server, but bear in mind all gained will be on that server only.. and PVP is so easy from lvl 10
  11. So does that mean, i can buy the 208, 216 and 220 gear for 60k, 120k and 180k each then when 5.0 goes live (using an example 120 comms for a gear peice) .............I Doubt it very much..............
  12. Thanks for the reply, I will also concentrate on Main Rep/Imp toons only, until i have finished the grind. Way to go EA/Bio and R.I.P Alts
  13. So If Command Rank is only earned from lvl 70 and CXP is only on current character. Then what happens to alts who don't quite reach lvl 70 for some time? Do they stiil get the CXP to be used when reaching lvl 70? If not then what is the use of playing alts anymore if CXP will only be awarded on a lvl 70 Char. So for Me if this is the case my Main Characters will be getting the CXP and the alts will be left gathering dust, unless its legacy based CXP ? (which in my opinion would work very well) If this has already been discussed and addressed then i apologise in advance, Hopefully will get a reply to this to put me out of my misery
  14. I Would just go diplomacy, a lot easier to get DS/LS. Doesn't take long either
  15. Thanks for the quick reply, I can relax now
  16. What happens to my Crystal Comms when 5.0 comes out, do they vanish or get converted into CXP points or do they become worthless. Or will they still be valid for pre lvl 65 Gear/Gifts etc.. I'm sure i'm not the only one who has these concerns over this, especially When I have a lot of characters around the 60 - 65 lvl having theses comms? I don't really want to have to trawl through my Toons just to waste them on stuff if I don't really need it..
  17. Sorry, I should have mentioned only done KOTFE once on one of my DvL toons, even then having done KOTFE on a few of my others still long and boring
  18. just done 2 toons (Imp and Rep) DvL and I think i am losing the will to live (brings my total to 25 on this server) . In the past i've levelled up chars as i've pleased and skipped certain stuff (I had legacy 50 and all 8 classes within a year of playing this game). Although the DvL is a good idea for a new ish player it is very repetitive for a player who has done everything several times already. Most stuff was not a problem, what i am finding the most repetitive out of everything is the KOTFE story line as it is so linear and frustrating as no xp is gained whatsoever and its just going through the motions as nothing is skippable or can be fast tracked. But alas unless people do this DvL then none of the rewards will be available (So a catch 22) I am glad that we now have a break so i can get some rest and hopefully the next instalment will offer more than just a linear choices do'nt matter story .....
  19. I'm a Beta player and a Founder Player. Not really thrilled about this but i have at least bought 2 more slots Imp and Rep. will give them the benefit of the doubt as leveling as become sooooo easy now. Hopefully i may enjoy this
  20. Will we get a free slot? Or if we have max toons will we need to delete a toon? The only concerns i have with deleting toons is the HK and treek purchases i do on all my toons and also the bound cartel items that i purchased for them. Hopefully plans are in hand as i wouldn't mind doing this event but sad if i have to delete any of my toons that i have leveled up to 65 and grown attached to. The only other thing i probably would do (If no free slot given) is create new toons on a different server!! With increased XP and knowledge of the game it wouldn't take me long on another server but that will be a last resort.. But overall I think this event will be Good for the Game as a Whole Well done EA/Bioware
  21. So hmmmmmm.... I think i will pass on this one
  22. Got to be a mistake, I mean whats the use of Relics if bound to one character, no point what so ever unless my artificer toon can be a Tank/Healer and DPS lol .....
  23. There is only one code, the Jedi code
  24. "You are Damned if you Do and Damned if you Don't" Get the Servers running again on time but with lots of bugs. or Wait until you are certain that everything is workable. Just get it Right, I am sure we can all wait a few hours or so. Now where is that New Movie i just bought on DVD.............
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