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Everything posted by zaskar

  1. I agree wholeheartedly, I blame the very steep learning curve, it takes a lot of pilots 100s of games to learn that they need to be looking 360 degrees. I know when I'm just screwing around I will tunnel targets and die then laugh that I fell for it, again.
  2. Ah damn, sorry drak, I totally forgot you switch from Sunday to Saturday. I'll find a new date.
  3. A Best of Seven Tournament Canceled. Sith Praxium has declined to play.
  4. I just got to know, who the heck is Zark?
  5. lol I did not read your post. my bad, zavul scouts/guns/bombs, I'd like my old team back.
  6. Are you obtuse all the time? 12+ people in a single guild is a community? I have never said Sith Praxium is anything, I do however want to correct the mis-spelling of Praxium, it is "Praxeum" if you're going for lore correct made-up words. If you want to put some substance behind that absolutely ridiculous statement that your guild is the best pilots in the world I'll offer this. I'll back a team of 12 pilots for a best out of seven matches tournament, 10 million credits a pilot purse. You do the same, we find a neutral server and roll stock alts. You bring your 120m and chose the server. Your pilots all have to be members of your guild as of this post. You can't go picking up anyone because, you are already the best in the world after all.
  7. But he's not, he's guild recruiting with a blurb about how his guild flies sunday nights together and sometimes during the week. Thats not community building; it is snagging low hanging fruit from a sick and weak community tree. Yes there are some good pilots, that can be said of every server. However the unwashed masses on BC are not there to play GSF at any serious level. They don't want this game as-is. They want to fly their ships around an open galaxy and take pot shots at the other faction. They don't want to act as a team member, they want to be the solo pilot that destroys the preverbal deathstar. This is the same in the ground pvp on the server. Objectives and doing what is best for the team is never a thought, much less the required first thought to excel in team-based pvp. Why do you think so few people on BC can make it though hardmode pve content? We're not even gonna bring up the subject of nightmare modes. The snowflake culture of the server is not commensurate to group content of any kind. Oh, IMHO
  8. I missunderstand nothing, while weak, the counterplay with gunships is the BIG GIANT GLOWING BALL OF GONNA KILL YOUS. With the meta the devs have come up with, it works. With the TF2 example, stealth is part of the sniper play, you need to find somewhere to hide to be at all effective. in GSF, most gunships just hang out at distance without worrying about cover since more than likely being tucked up under a rock in a game where you are firing on a Z Axis as much as any other is very limiting and a good way to get killed.
  9. So you're all so sick of the snowflakes on BC you are trying to get this TINY community to come to your server for really bad play? I don't see the value add for anyone. It's up to the players of BC to figure out how to educate their server mates, not try to replace them. Community building 101.
  10. The confusion is pretty simple, that reads like a guild recruitment flyer. OMGWIII you fly together for a few hours on sundays! My heart just skipped a beat. No, really it did. This is how you get people to come to your server and fly competitive games. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=774190 You know what the problem with BC is? Do you really want to know?
  11. I don't know how to fly nor play as a team member, can I still participate?
  12. You might have better luck in the server forum...
  13. I don't know how to fly or be a team member, can I still participate, I can be captain of the cheer squad!.
  14. Groups are prioritized over solo queued pilots, I believe when it tries to work correctly it has something to do with total legacy earned ship requisition but we don't know for sure. There is no way to learn because it never acts there same. It cannot be observed beyond the group bias. It needs far more pilots on the queue than are ever around. EDIT:// Here is a link to a previous thread about this, I attempted science but it ended up a fail side the data is cloaked. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=765479
  15. NONO, I was wrong, my post above was wrong THIS IS WHAT PISSES ME OFF
  16. I said this, I thought well, a few pages back and I'll say it again. Bickering and whining like children that don't get to play on the big kids playground is pure fatuousness. I don't think anyone here is a tween or younger, please act like, at the very minimum young adults. Being a pest and whining is not going to change the facts or opinion. There have been people since the dawn of time that can't let something that is not typically the 'norm' grow. These are the people that side with huge corporations when unions are being formed. These are the people that slide into asininity when governments are challenged. These are the people that don't like cake or pie or pizza for breakfast. Let them wallow in their self pity and caliginous mood. There is nothing left to discuss. I wish this forum had moderators so we could ask for this thread to be locked. /Jung Hat
  17. I hate when an most of the team spends the prematch time figuring out a strategy and then none but myself attempts said stratagy. Pickup games for the win, yo.
  18. They are not working correctly as in as, advertised in the tooltip. The %s of snare are all down from what the tooltips say as is the time length of the effects. This is all very well documented for MONTHs by Verian and myself with actual science done to prove hypotheses. I'm sure the thread was made to maybe, remind the powers that be that a few patches ago almost everything that is lockon (minus protons) became brokendick with no patch notes or explanation. We're of a mind to think that something broke in configuration management of a build or two.
  19. I did not address my comments to anyone in particular, the bickering destroyed something beautiful, I was voicing my opinion on the state of the thread. If you want to own my scorn; more power to you, we don't need to talk about guilty conscience or anything do we?
  20. Drak did a good thing, he created an event, he promoted the event and he got people from all servers to participate. They acted like adults, they took responsibility for themselves and transferred or rolled new toons to participate. You know what? Reghas from Pot5 joined STOCK and wrecked it. I live on the west coast and my pings to the server where horrid (four seconds). I dealt with it, I did not whine, Viisas was playing from Australia, you know DOWN FRIGGING UNDER, he did not complain. So all you nancys whining that it's not on your server. S T F U, F F S Do something productive and thank Drak for his work, don't crap all over the place like an entitled douchebag. Watch me get banned for this post speaking the friggin truth.
  21. You know, T1 scouts, even stock kill gunships very well. You can't just fly straight at them all happyjoyjoy and give them a hug. You have to come at them outside their view and do this one trick called, aiming. The meta in this game is fine, there is plenty of this 'counterplay'. SHOCKER! It requires the players to be cognizant of their team and the meta of the match. This is where GSF fails. It lets the player choose everything without guidance in the beginning. This trial by fire method of learning a new game type is not fun for most people.
  22. Like others I spent real money to get my hanger ready on Bastion for this event then was crippled by four second ++ pings for most of the event. I finally tracked it down to a router in San Jose that was dropping 85% packets. I blacklisted the entire C block of addresses so I could get around it. 99.999% of people don't know what a packet is to start with, I was lucky, I'm me. NFTables ftw. In any event it was a blast flying with and against the best the world has to offer. IMHO the dedicated need to work up toons on bastion. There is hundreds of dollars (if not thousands) in req and server transfers already spent for this event, I'm sure everyone that spent that money is expecting this to not be a solitary occurrence.
  23. Don't feed trolls they just end up fleecing you at the bridge.
  24. Just no. That would make a minor component the most important factor in every build. There is nothing wrong with the current meta. There are traps in some places like T1 strike and charged plating but for the most part it's up to the pilot how they build their ship. Adding a must have like this destroys the meta on every ship.
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