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Everything posted by Reble-Dog-Squad

  1. Thats why it would have been better to buy 24xsingle packs as apposed to the bundle
  2. i have had no trouble on that server, i am in a great guild which is both republic and imperial. never had an issue being Australian on that server
  3. No - Where is my Transfer from APAC servers?
  4. lvl 1-55 is the content and is free, everything else is just bonus content as its not strictly needed to advance your class story.
  5. Well, i have come to the conclusion that the transfers will not be happening today but Wednesday 5th of June 2013 our time. Back to the game.
  6. This is what we need, another epic fail.
  7. When are we getting our transfers, i was hoping to use my toon for the update? THIS QUESTION IS FOR THE DEV TEAM
  8. When can we see more than one additional armor per update?
  9. Legacy and therefore its perks are server based, if you have toons on two different servers then you would have two different legacy's
  10. If this was an option with 3D space flight i would like to see a space ship for the smuggler similar in design to the Millennium Falcon. Before you all go and start telling me that this is the wrong era for that design of ship, i would advice you to look around at some of the wrecked ships that are on some of the planets and there are plenty of ships that resemble the Millennium Falcon crashed on some of those planets.
  11. So even with the pressing of the "n" key you still can't bring them out?
  12. if only we could sell Cartel Pack junk at a vendor it would make the pain of getting the same junk from every Cartel Pack less.
  13. All i am after is the ability to craft mods that have the expertise so that i can craft them by sinking credits in gathering material for those items. The PVP war zone coms would not become obsolete as they would still be used for schematics and also the standard PVP gear you can get now.
  14. i would have thought people would jump at the chance of being able to craft their own PVP mods.
  15. Hey all, I was thinking with regards to Mods and how that there seems to be no mod/armor/hilts etc after lvl 49 for crafters and nothing that is use able for lvl 50 PVP or PVE. I was thinking that with the PVP empty shells you can buy for 50k at the PVP vendors it seems that no sense was given to this as you can not fill them with any PVP crafted mods. My idea is that EA/Bioware introduce schematics that players can purchase using war zone com's so that they can craft their own mods for PVP or craft armor etc. Whats people thoughts on this idea?
  16. WOW!!!! this thread is still going, i thought that Bioware/EA would have resolved this important issue by now
  17. I usually get this if my internet connection goes down, but as you are posting i don't think that it is that problem.
  18. I agree that this is going to be AWESOME and i hope that everyone will simmer down upon launch and realize how much fun it is to play. As soon as i saw it on the front page i purchased it in under 15 secs.......call me a Fanboi i don't care....i am having fun playing this game and my experience is made even sweeter by the people in my guild.
  19. Yup, been here since the beginning and will most likely be here until the end. Happy birthday Star Wars:The Old Republic!
  20. What are you smoking, i am not asking for free gear, they are already doing that, what i am asking is that they remove Recruit gear and replace it with Battle Master which they deleted and most people were against. Because they removed BM and gone from Recruit to War Hero there is a significant gap in PVP armor and to solve that they could have moved everything down a tier and that would have removed recruit gear and made Battle Master the new "recruit gear".
  21. i'm not, i'm just wanting my battle master back......
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