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Everything posted by Ramell

  1. Big issue: I can't seem to get the Hyde and Zeek quests for 340 gear components, just the conversation where they tell me to wait for them to have new stuff. I have completed all previous quests on all my level 80 characters. Others in the game have mentioned the same issue, no H&Z missions on characters that have completed all previous ones.
  2. Patching is just client-side. Server downtime is its own beast. But it is up now, a little ahead of time.
  3. No operation is soloable, they are large-group content (raids, in typical MMO terminology). They require you to be in an Operations group to even enter. Many can be done by a smaller group (~4 people) on Story mode, if people have some idea of what they're doing, but it's still group content. Group Finder's operation selection is limited and on a weekly rotation, but not many use it in the first place. The easiest way to do them would be to find a group on fleet, story mode ops are run quite frequently, especially the Oricon ones (DF and DP).
  4. They renamed the section a little while ago (patch 7.2?), to Retired Achievements. The section is otherwise the same.
  5. Anecdotally, Martinique seems to be much more rare than the Harbinger. But there's a neat trick to getting her, though I can't guarantee it still works. Back when I did it, a couple of years ago, she'd spawn immediately on the first kill of the placeholder NPC right after a server restart. Place your character there and log in as soon as your server is available again, kill the guy, and you should have Dessler in a couple of minutes.
  6. It's actually Smuggler/Bounty Hunter and Trooper/Agent. The "independent/mercenary" classes and the professionals have always been paired off there despite not matching in gameplay terms.
  7. Those are Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, and Jedi Consular.
  8. CZ-198 is a moon, not a planet. Leaving that aside, it only takes an hour or two if you've got enough people. You just need a group from each side, park near a respawn point and kill the players as soon as they appear, and swap around. Definitely doable with a bit of effort to organize it. They don't even necessarily need a guild to do it, I got the Section X player kills achievement not too long ago with a big pack of randoms off of fleet chat.
  9. Just do make sure, have you actually used the reputation items you get for trading in the Notes of Reflection?
  10. Since I only play stealth in PvP, I already hate Terminator Droid. Half-jokes aside, these changes seem decent enough.
  11. That's not actually a thing with Mandalorians outside of that group of weirdos in the disney show.
  12. I've had a few guildmates complain about the same. They've reset properly for me, so it's not universal.
  13. The tokens are currently not available. BW seems to intend to bring them back at some point, but when that is, we just don't know.
  14. I wouldn't trust a sequel to be good even if it wasn't April Fools. At the very least, it'd miss something of what makes SWG what it is. The current offerings of unoffical servers are probably better.
  15. Yeah, the selection rotates every week. Shae will be back on sale before long.
  16. Yeah, it's a great set for Jedi and maybe other force users. Fits perfectly with the lightsabers from the reward track too. The PvP season armor is also terrific.
  17. Patches aren't always pushed out as soon as the servers go down. Just give it time, you'll be ready to play when the servers come up again.
  18. All that stuff happens automatically nowadays. The only thing left on trainers is speeder piloting. It's probably your gear or rotation or something that's messing you up.
  19. Avellone was lead writer and designer on KotOR 2, yes, but not KotOR 1. The original KotOR was done by Bioware, and both the lead designer and writer of that game (James Ohlen and Drew Karpyshyn) worked on SWTOR.
  20. No, all Agent/Smuggler combat styles use Medium armor.
  21. Why? What possible reason could you have for any of the DPS nerfs listed here? I'm normally not one to spew vitriol about how the developers don't know what they are doing, but this makes no sense at all.
  22. The boss has to destroy them when it leaps down on a player. If there's spittle dripping on you from the ceiling, just jump on a canister and wait.
  23. You can still get the weekly from the quest terminal. Just travel there the old-fashioned way.
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