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Everything posted by Esron

  1. WTH BW !!!!! thios is pure utter bs.... You cant just make people work theír asses of for an item and then just pull the blanket away from under them, this is just something you dont do in a game as new as this. You are really giving all the wrong signals to people about this game over and over, free month for people with a lvl 50 char ( and i got 2 ) but ***... what about those who have been playing since day 1 and still has an active account with a lvl 47 char on it... then you pull out items that are at least giving the game a sparkle of fun. whats next, you delete peoples lvl 50 chars and make them say sry to you for playing this game ?
  2. hehe i like the fact that all of our playable races are humans with diff color skins but what really made me look wrong at it was when i made a cyborg only to find out all chars you make will eventually be abit of cyborg due to implants and what not.. That is just lame tbh But yes GIEF WOOKIE PLX !!
  3. we have wookies in the game, we here them talking about it but where is it ?? Are you telling me that kashyyk isnt a part of starwars in this timeline ?? because then where the hell do the wookies come from and how on earth can they talk about it ?!??
  4. i gotta agree its been done before and it worked ! and fact is a server merge would serve the game well at this point... 70+ empty servers proves this pretty well
  5. 1.2 Likes: 1: More pve 2: More pvp 3: Legacy system 4: more end game ( hopefully better than what ive seen so far ) 5: UI customitation !!!! ( \0/ AT LAST !!! ) 1.2 Dislikes: 1: more bugs 2: no server merges making it able to get to do the new stuff on low pop servers 3: legacy system ( yes there is both good and bad things in it imo ) 4: still no lfg tool ( on my server its impossible to get groups due to low pop ) 5: missing a better chat system
  6. nope no one can tell for sure
  7. Server merges so the rest of us can actualy see the content of the game !
  8. if you dont get lucky at lvl 50 and find him a really good weapon by chances, he is somewhat worthless tbh, i played around with alot of stuff untill suddenly i was **** lucky and found a purple blade for him, now he just kicks ***
  9. i saw this nerf comming a thousand miles away, tbh sages are OP as it is now, in every WZ i enter i never come out with less than 8 medals, i get into top 3 dps most of the times and sometimes i even have the 2nd or 3rd highest healing running along side the dps. i could solo most of the content i lvld through with him where as my smuggler i had some issues with at times, so imo this is ok as long as they dont screw us over in all specs. I think ill still enjoy my sages with the nerfs, but im worried about my healing trooper cause thats not a nerf, thats a freakin hammer banging the hell out of that class
  10. ok so playing around 1-4 hours ever 2 to 3 days is rushing ? man id hate to be one of those guys who has been playing for more than 5 hours a day then cause that would mean they really need to get a life i guess, and what would you call them if you call someone like me a "rusher" ? just because i can spend my gaming time in a strategic way dosnt mean im rushing things. a job ? thats your solution, now how about i tell you i have a job, a wife and 2 kids i spend more time with than anything else ? what is your answer or solution then ? And once again, i like the game ( as stated in my previus post, but i guess i just cant utter my opinion without some ignorant blabbering person who has no positiv feedback butting in )
  11. This is excactly dead on the spot, i got 5 toons and 2 of them are almost maxed out as far as i can go with them ( and as far as i possibly can take them on a low pop server ) i still got a few datachrons to get but honestly lets face it, its just boring fluff that really does nothing to improve the game for a player. Now dont get me wrong i love the game and all, but there is so much in the game that screams "once you hit 50 your ****ed and you have nothing to do" Waiting in que over 1½ day just to get to do a FP because you rolled on a low pop server is one of the things that kills the game for me, Ops well ive done 2 so far and honestly some of the FP´s was longer and even more fun. ( and Ops is supposed to be end game stuff ) In the end im sitting here with litterally nothing to do besides the occasional WZ wich is getting harder to do because people are leaving my server or quitting the game overall. So pls tell me again, what is there for me to do now ? re-roll on a new server and do the whole thing over once again ?? Unsub untill 1.2 and then try once more ?? cause if thats the best answers anyone can come up with, well lets face it, then BW DID actualy shoot themselfs in the knee with this.
  12. honestly i couldnt give a rats *** about alot of issues in the game since it will get fixed in time so those i can live with, but come on, any kid with an IQ of 80 or above could see the issue with the serves at launch and how wrongfully they handled it, but this is also something that will get fixed in time, the problem is just that it kinda needs to be fixed now because this is actually one of the things that can kill an mmo today, people expect more due to all the games that has been out on the market for so many years now and frankly BW should have learned something from all the years they' ve had games out there and how other companys failed.
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