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Everything posted by TheRealBrave

  1. Sounds like you're just terribad, honestly. 75k healing is easy as hell to reach as Watchman. I've gotten Assassin medals in team fights many times, bug or not. Also, you happen to run into that guy who insists on fighting you so many times on warzones like Huttball when you're on your way to the ball. 300k damage only one time? Sorry you're just a baddie. It's okay, you'll improve when you stop whining about a class that is more than fine. "E-peen stroking" the fact that you even think that it is a rarity to reach 300k damage as a Sentinel explains everything. 300k is something any Sentinel hits multiple times a day, no issue when doing their daily. Doesn't even matter what spec - it's called having a pulse. I get 3k defender on Alderaan roaming... it isn't hard if you roam from node to node with several teammates, and in the process you get medals like you normally would. Also laughing at you saying perma transcendence is unpredictable as Focus. How is it unpredictable? It isn't even something you have to predict, you know whether or not you will get refunded enough centering and it is never an issue. Screw up a Transcendence cycle as Focus? Valorous call is hard to press hurr durr. 1k Defender conditional? This is one of the easiest medals to achieve and it doesn't matter what warzone. Fighting near the goal line in Huttball for 5 seconds gives you it for pete's sake. I really don't know what else to tell you, but the fact that you've gotten 300k damage once explains a lot. I got 300k nearly every round as Watchman back when I only had a few pieces of Champion gear, and now with full champion it's a joke getting 300k as any spec. (Done it with all specs plenty of times, hell there are Sentinels that obtain 500k damage in the right circumstances)
  2. Rarely above 5-6 medals? LMFAO you should average 8 medals, bad utility? 20% MS, Zen group heals as Watchman and Perma Group wide speed buff as Focus. Easily obtain 8 medals a round: Killing Blow Medal 1k Defender Medal Assassin Medal 2.5k Hit Medal 75k Damage Dealt Medal 3k Defender Medal 300k Damage Dealt Medal 10 Kills Medal 25 Kills Medal 5k Hit Medal (admit you have to get lucky for this one with adrenal/cd popping on a squishy as Focus) 75k Healing (have to be Watchman for this, easy to obtain) Most of those are easy to obtain, no reason to not average 8 medals a full game.
  3. Don't need and lack of capability are two different things, I am not surprised this eludes you entirely.
  4. How are there people who still think that Sentinels/Marauders are underpowered? I just don't understand.
  5. Sadly yes, you still use a pistol. Believe me though, you pack a giant punch as Power Pyro. 90% ARP Rail Shot.
  6. I play both Watchman and Rage. Continue having no knowledge when it comes to PvP in this game though and spreading misinformation. Nice to see you cannot form a coherent argument though.
  7. Go Pyrotech Powertech. Most underrated PvP spec in the game and it absolutely wrecks in PvP. Juggernauts are very powerful with gear as either Tank spec / Rage.
  8. If you think Rage/Focus only works on undergeared players you are entirely clueless. Good luck vs. geared competent players when Rateds come around, you'll need it with healers dispelling your dots - effectively crippling your dots, action point generation and centering generation. You can do 4k+ AoE crits as Anni every 9 seconds? Please explain. Don't come back with Focus/Rage has bad sustain, 50% crit chance Slashes with 20% armor pen and Stasis/FE/Bladestorm filler hurts, badly.
  9. Talking pure single target DPS Watchman wins hands down. Coming from a Focus/Watchman player.
  10. It really depends on so many different factors, team makeup of classes on both sides, individual skill on both sides, what warzone, how geared is everyone, running with premade or not on either side etc. With the right conditions one can pull 500k damage as Focus or Watchmen. I've pulled 400k before (multiple times - Watchman and Focus - no premade) with only a few pieces of Champion gear. (Post 1.1) It's not so much how much damage, but how ahead you are of everyone else. Too many factors go into every match to say (you should be doing X damage every match etc.)
  11. 1v1 is cool and all, but warzones are not 1v1 matches. Also the difficulty of Watchman is ridiculously exaggerated. Compared to other classes in the game is it difficult? Sure, but this game is also one of the easiest to play as far as PvP is concerned.
  12. Uh weird ones say Rage? You keep up a permanent team wide speed boost, have multiple charges, great CC (compared to the other two specs) and ridiculous burst. (With proper play we're talking 4k+ crits every 9 seconds... AoE).
  13. I agree. I find lack of team play utility Combat's biggest issue, not to mention it's up time of even a selfish centering buff like Zen rather poor. (Absolutely pales in comparison to the uptime of Zen for Watchmen (which is much more useful to not only the Sentinel, but the party than it is for Combat) and Transcendence for Focus).
  14. I disagree. Combat can easily be screwed out of all it's burst, it's burst relies heavily on Precision slash and all it takes is one crowd control ability to ruin it. Outside of Precision slash, Focus has Bladestorms that crit just as hard. (20% ARP [no setup or global cooldown] +3% raw damage). Lack of on demand burst? With proper play you're doing 4k+ aoe crits every 9 seconds. Combat's burst relies on a 15 second cooldown ability that lasts 6 seconds. Combat is loads easier to kite than Focus and it isn't even close. Focus has permanent transcendence, extra leap and Force Exhaustion. Combat lacks utility, damage and durability. What does it bring to the party? A 3 second root? That pales in comparison to what Focus and Watchman brings.
  15. Care to explain why? What can Combat do better in an assist train that focus or watchman cannot? I will give you that Combat has an easier time switching targets than Watchman - Focus however has no issues switching targets and Force Exhaustion + Perma Transcendence is like cheating when focusing a target down - not to mention sweeps putting out immense pressure for the other team's healers. Focus doesn't have the ramp up time some will have you believe. Even outside of the sweeps, 20% passive armor pen and 50% crit chance on Slash's are nothing to scoff at. I can get similar Bladestorm crits as Focus. Not flaming, I'm just curious.
  16. I do feel that Zealous Leap could use some fine tuning. The animation is pretty sluggish.
  17. Focus and Watchman are both excellent PvP specs as a Sentinel. They both bring different things to the table. Watchman: 6 Second Cooldown Interrupt Massive sustained damage on a single target 0 Range Charge, practically an extra interrupt Zen heals for the team that are out almost constantly using your abilities properly Invulnerability during Force Camo, amazing on Huttball when there is a ball carrier on the other side of the fire when your charge is on cooldown. This wins games. Focus: Massive AoE / Single Target burst (we're talking with proper timing, gear and buff stacking 5k sweeps (even more as a Guardian) With proper use you provide your team with permanent Transcendence Extra charge (small range but it provides a speed boost, does respectable damage for the purpose it serves) Force Exhaustion, drop that on a healer or Huttball carrier - congrats you've made that person hate life. You can't go wrong with either spec for PvP. I feel that Combat is viable but not ideal right now. It just doesn't bring much to the table as far as teamplay goes, and it's burst isn't as high as Focus and it doesn't have the sustained damage that Watchman does. It does have decent damage and you don't have to worry about switching targets - easily switch targets with little to no DPS decrease. I feel like Ataru procs should scale better than they do right now. I've played all 3 specs at 50, they're all fun talent trees.
  18. Fix It: Warzone wins not counting. Charge disconnecting you on Void Star if you do it near the bridge. Make Ilum not terrible.
  19. Please fix charge disconnecting you from Void Star, thank you.
  20. Snipers do bad damage? Yeah, if a bad player is playing one.
  21. I believe he meant if he does a typical combo (Charge -> FE - > Sweep) it will kill someone. Very possible in the 49 bracket against lowbies I imagine (I believe he said he was level 40).
  22. This is simply retarded. It is obviously inferred that the poster means both abilities when they say one. Are we such a stupid society that we literally have to post the name of both abilities every time we reference one? I mean honestly people.
  23. Can we get an ETA on when Bioware will attempt to fix this issue with Warzone wins not counting towards daily/weekly?
  24. Vette is awesome. One of if not the best romance able companions in the game and she is just plain funny.
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