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Everything posted by Zeila

  1. With all the melee now, not fun playing a sorc at all.
  2. If Rep>Imp for Anchorhead then republic just isn't queuing. All day it's usually Hutball Emp vs. Emp. Really really annoying.
  3. Pro Tip: The game is launching today.
  4. Theres a power ranger droid in Imperial Fleet.
  5. This but also you can submit a ticket for support. Happened to a friend of mine also - did everything right. Bioware had it straight for him that day.
  6. The space combat currently is fun. If they made it like Rogue Squadron it would be perfect.
  7. Anchorhead (Alderaan) spikes to 2000-90K then kicks you out of the game.
  8. I would just update as much as you can (frameworks, etc etc) and see if you can solve your own problem. Not much the community can do for you, you're just going to have to watch it yourself.
  9. Zeila

    No xp for pvp...

    Not only is this unreasonable but an asinine sense of reasoning.
  10. Sorry but I call shenanigans on this. I think people are missing different sections on planets.
  11. /facepalm Handle your money correctly and worry not.
  12. Wow, AGP. Yeah get a new computer but if you NEED an AGP card. I think the 4670 is the fastest around for AGP.
  13. Stop crafting and you'll be fine, around 19+ you start making credits faster.
  14. Taking a look at the server lists now, multiple servers without queue's.
  15. Of course it's not going to be changed, that's what post-launch builds are for.
  16. Arena needs to stay out of this game. Case closed.
  17. Definitely disappointed myself. The box and physical items are pretty awesome but the CE Vendor is kind of a ripoff at the moment. I know they stated that more will be added to it so.
  18. I like where this thread is going. Don't have the problems of OP. Not sure what's up but AWWWW YEAAAAH.
  19. If you want to mug someone then don't push them off a ledge.
  20. Yeah, that's exactly it. Call your State Representative!
  21. Keep looking on their twitter page, they'll update you when they can.
  22. Was on first page, now third. Yep, UP TO. Not sure why this is so hard to understand.
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