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Everything posted by Shadinaxx

  1. there are also trade ins for a red with black core, and blue with black core (jedi) There's a magenta crystal as well, that requires the mats from the world boss in illum (it's basically a pink lightsaber)
  2. my money is on rage, and using the rakata med pack + pvp med pack
  3. Simplest solution is to give marauders what juggs have after a force leap, immunity to CC for 2 seconds. OR, give us another 30 rage cost buff like predation, bloodthirst, etc, that gives us total immunity to CC for 5-7 seconds. Description and lore says marauders are the unstoppable force, so why not?
  4. then educate me, on how to close the distance to a sorc that is focusing you, despite already popping force camo to try to escape. Also note, I am 400 biochem with rakata stim pack and medpack. My usual scenario is this: Close on a sorc after he/she knocks people away, I get yanked to the poisen pit by a bounty hunter, I use mu aoe stun on the BH and close back on the sorc, BH uses his stun escape and shoulder slams/rocket punches me then electro darts me while the sorce unloads. I respawn at the start. Unless I get the jump on someone, or they forget to CC me, I hardly touch ground in most cases.
  5. I can confirm that it works on Normal and hardmode annihilator droid (first boss in eternity vault), so I assume it works on others, wasnt paying any attention with Soa, as I was bouncing in/out of mindtraps
  6. <--- valor rank 32, didnt start pvping until 50, 2 weeks ago, full champion gear (minus weapons). Class IS fine, but needs tweaks, and some way to fight the CC/knockback, bring our damage output up to par with the ranged classes, if not a tad more
  7. Hardest to play, but most rewarding, imo, yes, you have to keybind alot of your abilities an mash em like a crank addict when the time is right, but get it down right, an you will shred through things like a runaway gas powered saw in a toilet paper factory. (until you get to end game, by then your saw blades are dull and rubbery)
  8. I assume this question is aimed at pvp, since there's no real basis for being OP in pve The jug has more control and passive dmg reduction to deliver what they both should be able to deliver. Mara would be right there with the jugg, except for two factors: 1) Force choke on a jug is not channeled, and therefore the jugg can max his stacks (in rage spec) to maximise his/her dmg output, this also includes the ability delay and animation loops associated with animations not firing properly 2) A jugg can control their targets via real stuns, grabs and knockbacks, plus they are immune to CC's after they charge, so they can deliver the obli-smash combo needed to succeed at where the marauder flounders.
  9. Yet other people I speak to also agree that they have ability delay as well, just not the 3-6 seconds marauders are complaining about
  10. Smuggler's and operatives are also melee heavy, but the sheer number of stuns and front end burst they have is their benefit, plus the good ones blow their cd's, then vanish. I'd like to see the mara/sent be able to burst like that, or even have another 30 rage popper that makes us un-CC-able for 7 seconds
  11. http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c233/Shadinaxx/swtor2012-01-1300-46-20-89.jpg ^^ carnage spec, I didn't get very high because of having to chase down targets that root an kite. I agree that rage is a pure pvp spec that dishes out some insane dmg, but I bet, and have utter confidence, that if Klinda applied his skill and equal gearing to a Rage Jugg, he'd prolly come close to doubling his dmg. I frequently get in the top 5 for medals and dmg, but most of the time, it's a jugg that does me in, they are able to control their targets (unchanneled force shoke, knockback, and a stun that isn't broken by dmg), WITH the survivability to deliver. Now, lemme clarify their survivability, because yes, we have awesome "oh s***" buttons, but we cant activate them while stunned, the ability delay pwns are face, etc. Juggs have passive survivability that is associated with heavy armor and their AC build up. Before you ask me to roll a jugg, I wont, I will stay with the marauder through it's infancy and struggles, because I provide feedback to bring this class up to par with the rest, and I LIKE the marauder. Think we can all agree that our biggest problem is ability delay, my force camo wont activate when I NEED it to, I've tried mouseclicks, keybinds, and I even set it to my "1" key, all the same results. Similer with Predation, undying rage, cloak of agony and saber ward, however cloak tends to work a tad quicker than the rest. I've spoken with our brethren on republic side, and seems sentinals are experiancing slightly similer ability delay, but it's only about .25-.5 sec, to our 3-6 second delay. Before I see us get a knock back or a "true cc" I'd wanna see how we do without the ability delay, which is how it sounds like the dev's are going with the upcoming patch notes and not giving marauders any "love". Granted, we still have issues in PvE content, I'm not dealing the amount of dmg I should be with the gear I have, in comparison to similerly geared ranged classes, even on "tank and spank" bosses that require little to no movement. I feel this could be fixed by giving a slight buff to our weapon's base dmg, they are currently the lowest of all the base weapon damages (go compare 136 rating lightsabers base dmg to a 136 rating gun).
  12. Well, that's pretty much any class, whether you're channelling for your enegry/force power or heat cooldown
  13. should make you laugh, if not, then well, I laugh everytime I watch it. Was a bad matchup, we were getting stolled over, and I didn't feel like farming badges.
  14. Quinn is an agent, so focus on buying him the orange set gear from planet commendations venders, or, alternateivly, the medium armor you are done with, just buy him cunning and alacrity mods from teh planet commendation venders and hand him your old armor
  15. lol, the mechanical shoulders are the chest piece, hood as well, I just have the helm hidden. The chest piece is the columi weaponmaster vestments, which you get from last boss in fallen emp hard mode or EV normal
  16. lmao, just wait until you charge HK-47 in fallen emp, kinda like playing raquetball 2 feet from the wall
  17. Best solution for this fix, is like it was suggested, get rid of erupting fury, and move the uninteruptable ravage from rage to carnage. How often do rage users even use ravage anyways?
  18. I'm a bit more geared than you, but I got rid of all companions to sort of compensate, same mobs, but carnage spec. Didn't expect the Gold star to be around the corner, so that was a sort of impromptu fight, lol Your vid is good, looks like you have the same sort of priority skills as carnage, but less twitchy
  19. It's a list of suggestions, not "we need all of these". Hell, I'd be happy to see just 1 implemented
  20. 7% chance to resist any CC x your rage. Lore suggests that marauders are "unstoppable". Chance to reduce/refresh cooldown on force charge when killing an enemy with vicous throw. This would alleviate our mobility in combat issues by a large margin (not so much on boss encounters) Bring our base weapon dmg up to par with other class's weapons of equal rating. Our uptime on boss fights, especially mobility based ones, could be helped a tad by increasing our hitbox slightly
  21. Yea, the assasin sprint + immunity to CC thing is aggravating, mostly because we have nothing that can compare, I just grind my teeth when I am forced to RP walk to my objective.
  22. I get the procs, but some are missed, for one reason or another, partially because the boss is tall, some of teh numbers disappear, like I said, I'll record and post the video this weekend, and I'll have the camera at maximum distance (I eat the missle barrages, btw)
  23. Unbuffed, I have 1531 str, 25% crit, 66% bonus crit dmg and 114% acc. On a 30 second "parse" fraps video time stamp on the MXX Annihilator droid on 8 man normal, I was sustaining 3k(ish) dps (on the steady dps phase between 70% and 50%, staying in for missle barrages and not having to move, only got stunned once), after right clicking my buffs that I got from raid members. White dmg non crits were 1100-1300, ataru procs between 450-600 non crits, and Scream hitting for 3.5-4.3k. Ravage ticks were on avg 1700, 1900 and 2300 for their dmg ticks, respectively (crit and non crits, averaged out). Gore was an avg non crit of 1300 and critting for about 2.1k This was last week's raid, this week's raid is scheduled for saturday, and I will make sure I post the video before I delete it, lol. However, I will be using full raid buffs, stims and adrenals for this upcoming raid. If someone wants to do a similer recording with annihilation, we can compare the time stamps, add up the little numbers, an do the dmg meter "back woods style" lol
  24. Jugg can have knockback, I dont want knockback, it's something that a marauder just shouldnt have, unless it's a disarm. Perhaps more closing abilities, or refresh charge on a kill that yeilds exp?
  25. Would also love to be able to keybind target markers, kinda pointless to have them on the fly when it's a 3 second process to mark the target, which effectivaly takes the person who's marking, out of combat. (I know you can mark target prior to combat, but I'm referring to targets that add in after initial pull, such as stealthed targets or add phases in combat)
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