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Everything posted by Shadinaxx

  1. It was a a special that missed which boggled my mind, and that is my base accuracy, I'm thinking that for HM operations, we need 120% accuracy (which I'll test this weekend) Maybe we should start a thread called something like "Carnage theorycrafting workshop" lol I have videos on yuotube of normal mode EV, and this weekend I'll post some of the hardmode versions. I'll PM you the link to my channel so you can double check my math on some parses, etc.
  2. I woouldnt mind a talented change to int shout being able to dmg the stunned. Too many times I've broken my own cc purelly because I had cloak of pain up while I hit intimidating shout, while I had a dot on me an it ticked dmg back to the target, breaking the cc... I wanted to kill a puppy for that, lol
  3. Personally, unless you are seeing alot of misses, I would stay the way you are. As you get more pve gear for raids and HM's, your crit and surge rating will will go up with your acc. The pvp gear is a nice filler, but ultimately it will be replaced quickly as you do more pve content. Dont get rid of your pvp gear, it's invaluable for the expertise when you DO pvp.
  4. this may come to a surprise, but Force scream is the single most important ability that relies on massacre. Gore is highest priority, then scream, but you gotta have all the ingrediants to make this cake, not just sugar and water
  5. Just a tad more complex than that, but a start in the right direction, lol
  6. This. It was a well done video, loads of skill, and I'm not dissing the video in any way, but I did not see a single lvl 50 opponant in that match. Yes, I know they are "buffed" to lvl 50 stats, but they dont have the same kind of gear/mitigation and class skills. My own venturing into warzones nets me similer results against sub 50's, and I wont post a pvp vid until we have our 50's brackets. I am glad that there are other carnage players that have figured it out and are being fas ru dah lawn mowers on the field.
  7. Just did Hardmode EV tonight, and with 114% accuracy, 1650 str, I got a miss twice. I watched the fraps footage and on the annihilator I noticed that the bloodfrenzy buff fell off three times, just timed out, didnt refresh, even tho I hit massacre, saw the massacre animation, etc. I'm wondering if massacre was suffering the ravage bug, showing the animation, but the ability not going off. When we do EV again later this week after reset, I'll make sure I hit Massacre twice each rotation (gonna kill my total dps) and see if that has any change. @Kiba: I tested the vicious slash vs massacre spam, the numbers are only 5-12 points differant, but in the favor of massacre spam, so you were absolutely right, and I'm adjusting my rage dump phase accordingly, lol
  8. Below is a link to a screenshot of my marauder with the helm hidden, the hood is from the chest piece, which is the Columi Weaponmaster set (t2) that you can get from Eternity vault, or off the last boss in False Emporer. http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c233/Shadinaxx/swtor2012-01-0923-34-52-15.jpg Is that what you're looking for? it has no cape, but the set legs arent a dress either, so you're not wearing any robes like an inquisitor. The chest is moddable, but it has base stats as well. The matching helm is literally phase 2 of the darth vader helmet (just before the last part is put on)
  9. I did get that as well, an thought that maybe I got a miss on my massacre, or a bloick/dodge/parry an did not see it, altho I am at 112% accuracy. It was not often, but it was there occassionally. It only happened in hard mode tho, so maybe we need to boost our accuracy a few more %
  10. while I leveled (solo, mind you, with Jaesa as my companion, no pocket healer), I was taking on mobs 3-4 levels above me, I got Darth title at lvl 47, and the only help I had was a dps sorc that was lvl 41, so it's not like I got a healbot there either, lol It all boils down to your spec (very important), playstyle and understanding of how your spec works in with your rotation. Also, fyi; I leveled on a pvp server, so there wasnt just me and the mobs, there were random Jedi shadows ganking, etc. I leveled to 30 as annihilation, then switched to carnage, and took off like a runaway lawnmower on pure rocket fuel.
  11. I'll have to keep testing the two rotations then, cause with my stats and surge rating, vicious slash is hitting HARD (3-5k per gcd), but I'll have to go thru some fraps footage an count up the numbers an compare time stamps. I'll do that on our next EV raid, I'll do a couple rotations one way, then a couple your way an compare the results Eventually we'll get this class figured out be able to bring the devs some real solid evidance on what needs tweaking an what doesnt, lol
  12. lol, I was rage for about 6 hours, an then I raged at this happening 90% of the time, lol
  13. @Munks: it IS lag, just not client based, it's server lag. I'll try to hit abilities that wont take effect until 3-5 seconds later, but higher priority (less logistics required to process) will take effect immediatly. The abilities affected MOST are escapes, such as predation, force camo, undying rage, etc. Ravage bugging out is pretty mucht he same thing, except that when you activate it, client side says it's in effect an follows the rules of it's "cast" by rooting you in place, while the server takes it's time to proccess the ability. These bugs will get fixed, just takes time, use a differant ability before using ravage (happens most when I charge then go right into a ravage, I dont have issues when I use Gore first)
  14. Simplest solution there is that carnage mara's in pvp are late comers to a fight, if you initiate, you're gonna get focused fired, and if you use ravage while being focused, you're wrong. Use ravage on the ball carrier in a fire, as an added pin with force choke, etc. My job in warfronts is to "clean up", let the bursty classes put their focused targets into shock, an you close the distance to seal the deal. Rage is a good initiator, as you WANT people to cluster around you, but pray some sorc doesnt decide to knock everything away as you start your stomp, lol.
  15. The other thing that massacre does, that you might be overlooking in your dps rotation, is give you a 100% crit chance on force scream. Massacre (unlike the other two trees) is a self buffing attack, rather than a dmg dealer. The dmg it deals is only a bonus to the gcd cost it takes to make other more important attacks deal more dmg. Carnage is a very tricky build if you dont understand it fully, it took me about a week at lvl 50 to iron it out and get comfortable with my ability rotation, which massacre is only used after I use force scream (to que up another 100% crit when force scream is available again). I DO use viscous slash on rage dump phases (when I pop beserk an I'm at 10+ stacks of rage) In short, massacre is a waste if you want to use it as a spammable dmg dealer.
  16. Rage is a very good spec for consistant dps, but I am a carnage build, and I think it's overlooked alot. I run lvl 50 operations as carnage, and while the BH dpsers will drop mobs faster, if the fight is longer, they will overheat. I will not, and with the right rotation priority (carnage doesnt have a "static rotation" you can hit like a macro), we really tear things apart at the 20% mark. I currently have somewhat decent gear (columi 4 piece, and champion gear to fill in), and with my attack speed, I am dealing 1.2k white damage, with the ataru dmg procs averaging around 450-650 (non crits). Ravage deals 1.2k-3.2k per hit, force scream as high as 6.2k (on a burn phase with adrenals and relics active), and viscious throw crits around 8k. The Gore ability in carnage ignoring 100% armor, is a huge benefit, especially on high armor bosses such as Gharj and Soa phases 1 and 2, and if you let Bonethrasher eat a piggy. Thing about what makes carnage excell at add cleanup is that all your "ramp up" abilities that allow you to maximize and utilize your abilities fully, stay with you if you switch targets, unlike a BH that applies a debuff to the current target. This alone makes us carnage marauders the "lawn mower cleanup crew" as I have been called on a couple occasions, lol. Look for a post by Kiba, he posted a very well written guide on Carnage builds and rotations. The marauder is really best tailored by your own playstyle, if you like to bounce around and switch targets alot, Carnage is one of the best specs for you. Kiba's guide can be found here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=72872
  17. We ran our guild through EV 8 man as well, and we tried NBG, Master loot and FFA an the loot system never changed, it assigned loot pretty much randomly, except for the schematics and crafting mats, as well as a few random stat gear drops (it assigned some, not others, go figure, it wasnt consistant). We discussed how this system is great, but it needs a tweak... Allow the gear to be tradeable for say, 30 minutes to other members of the raid, provided the original owner has not equipped the item yet. Obviously the unassambled pieces will not be equippable. However, all bugs aside, we thoroughly enjoyed the fight mechanics, job well done in that department.
  18. My group killed the middle guy last and the chest was locked, which was a lil frustrating, since we were all eager for the biometric crafting material as well as the loot. we've since done this encounter with a variety of ways of killing (altho we never kill the left guy last). Never once has the chest been lootable (granted, only 3 kills so far) edit: forgot to put point of killing differant ways
  19. Some friends an I did some extensive testing. Taking a group that had no issues getting into flash points, we tried systematically changing things around. We found that if you have a normal FP quest and a hard mode FP quest, it will do 1 of two things: 1) Allow anyone that has cleared the normal fp that the fp owner has a quest for to enter, or conversally, if the fp owner has not cleared the normal version, it will now allow anyone that has cleared the normal version of the fp. 2) all group members must pick up the normal mode fp quest that the fp owner has (we tested this on foundry and boarding party flashpoints. To give a little more detail to the testing, we had the owner (group leader) pick up the normal mode boarding party, and we then tried to enter hardmode foundry, but one in the group had not cleared foundry on normal mode yet (due to reven being bugged at 10%). They were able to get the hardmode quest, as were the rest of us, but as we systematically dropped members an tried to zone in, the owner was the one that prevented us from entering due to having a normal mode FP quest in his/her log. Until bioware fixes this lockout system, try making sure that everyone only has one FP quest, and if you still have the issue, try disbanding the group, and then each player reset the phase of all their flashpoints by right clicking their portrait, etc. prior to reforming the group. In all, the system has merit, when it works, I like the lockout system, but atm it's preventing people from grouping together. I hope our input will help expadite the process to finding a fix ^_^
  20. 1) no-one pre ordered by looking on a "box" and deciding to buy. 2) if you're looking at the physical box right now, looking for every disclaimer that you dont agree with, then you fail 3) there has been no lack of knowledge about the "first come, first serve" principle here, bet you cut in line at starbucks alot huh? 'cause there's nothing in their store that states in bold (or fine print) that you must wait your turn there, either. 4) the zelda game referance is apples and oranges, because it is not an online play game, it is indeed a console, single player client hosted game. There ARE disclaimers on the box regarding that the SWTOR game is soley based on an online host that the client connects to and pays a subscription for. If you quote like a troll again and ignore all reason, go eat some cake and cut in line at starbucks, then come back here an tell me how that went
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