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Posts posted by MorgonKara

  1. It's Star Wars, it's cartoony by it's very nature. The original film was inspired by the old matinee serials like Buck Rogers and Flash Gordon that G. Lucas used to watch as a kid.

    I agree if it was "realistic" the universe would likely be ruled by Force users like the Jedi or Sith, possibly made corrupt by their political power, but not necessarily villainous evil characters as they are portrayed in TOR. Star Wars isn't realism though, it's fantasy.

  2. I'm in the exact same boat as you. It's rather interesting that, for as many mistakes as were made with swg, people kept playing it. For me, the space game had a lot to do with that. When I would get bored with the ground game, I'd go to space, and vice versa. It was like two games in one. Space in this game is a joke in comparison.


    Sorry it was 4 years. Early 2005 to 2009 or so.


    Yeah JTL was part of it but also just the sandbox elements that gave that MMO it's staying power like the Crafting and the Entertainer professions, Housing, Decorations, Badges, Bestiary, open world PvP and so on. Those are all elements that TOR is lacking. SWTOR is more "cinematic" than "virtual reality", which is cool, but it doesn't have the same longevity. You're not living in the SW universe, it's more like you're playing along with a movie that's set in the SW universe. What do you do when the movie ends? Well, you leave the theater of course.

  3. I'm guessing the winner would be determined by the fan-fiction author writing the story and whatever goals that author had for their narrative. I find that's always the case when discussing a duel between 2 fictional characters from 2 completely different fictional universes.
  4. I'll agree with the post above me but I'll also add something about this specific quote.


    I'm not sure why you would have issues with your sniper and then turn around and say that you are awesome with your scoundrel. You are aware that both subsets of the scoundrel class are mirrors of their imperial agent counterparts? If your scoundrel is a gunslinger than you should be playing your sniper the same way you play that toon. If your scoundrel is a smuggler then maybe you chose to play the wrong Advanced class.


    Everyone needs to take this to heart - chances are overwhelmingly likely that if you are having difficulties playing a game, class, or whatever it is due to the user not the game. You need to adjust the way you are doing things and educate yourself more on what works and what doesn't. Don't take out your frustrations on things that don't have anything to do with your problem.


    People who are at the top of their field, both in the real world and in games all say the same thing, though they often choose different words to express it. That is - Failing 100 times isn't a waste of time. Instead it was 100 opportunities to find out which ideas didn't work. Instead of throwing in the towel, get up and try again but this time try something different. And before you do, put some time into learning how the other successful sniper's PVP. Sure, there's the risk that the playstyle you will need to adopt isn't the way you want to play and maybe you wont enjoy that playstyle. But that's life and the only way you are going to find out is to try it.


    Good luck.

    No Scoundrel and Gunslinger are the adv. classes for Smuggler. Scoundrel and Operative play very differently than Sniper and Gunslinger. There is no such thing as a Scoundrel Gunslinger.

  5. Yeah I've never been a really big fan of Sniper/Gunslinger for PvP but that's just because I prefer to be more mobile when playing against other people. It may be that you are like me and are just realizing that your playstyle favors mobility in PvP. I'm sure some people wreck house with Snipers in Warzones but I prefer my Vanguard and my Warriors.
  6. It's okay, you basically run the same dungeons over and over for gear. I wish TOR had a bit more sandbox in the endgame with better crafting, achievements and exploration. I've got a bunch of characters for the class stories but once they get to endgame I pretty much get bored. Endgame is not good if you're mostly a solo player; the same dailies or space missions over and over.
  7. There is a difference between going out of your way to kill things and killing things that are in a specified path....


    ...I have had COUNTLESS groups where people facepulled a mob they forgot was there, or a patrol aggroed them, or they didn't remember how we skipped X mob and accidentally pulled them .

    ^this exactly^


    I'm not against skipping MOBs but there is a big difference between pulls that are easily skipped and pulls you have to go out of your way to avoid fighting. If it's on the main path and you can't easily skip it by hugging a wall or jumping over a ledge or something then chances are you're better off just killing them.

  8. There were quite a few times I played hardmodes in the past when people trying to skip MOBs or knock them off the ledges actually ended up costing us more time and difficulty than if we just cleared everything on our way through the instance. My favorite is stealth classes that skip MOB that are impossible to skip without stealth and then won't help you when you pull aggro. idiots. How hard is it to clear all the MOBs on the path through the FP? It's not.

    Seriously, you're going to sit there and wait minutes to sleepdart a trash MOB so people can sneak past when it will literally take you 12 seconds to just clear them all out. I don't get it.


    Just kill everything in your way, it's easier.

  9. I don't really like stealth classes either but I don't think they are unbalanced in the current build. At least not like operatives used to be, unstoppable killing machines. They used to kill you in 2 or 3 globals before their opener CC wore off.
  10. The theory that bolster off sets the effects of these CM crystals is false.


    The expertise crystals make a huge difference in pre 50 warzones. I put one on my saber and one on my shield, then stacked exp enhancements in my armors when I hit 41 and I had over 200 expertise. I literally could kill entire teams on my own, as an assassin of course.


    and no, it is true because I literally did it. Before the exp stacking I did ok, afterwards I was a wrecking ball.


    Absolutely, the WZ bolster does not effect Expertise. Expertise has a huge effect on your character in PvP, especially when you have it and others do not (like in pre lvl 50 WZs) Classic example of pay-to-win from the cash shop. You're talking like a 5% boost in damage, healing and armor vs other players just from having those 2 cash shop crystals.

    Pay to win I say!

  11. In swtor we can make our own chat channels! All you have to do to create a new channel is type /cjoin and a channel name. Whatever channel you create can be seen GALAXY WIDE!! But can only be seen by those who also join the channel. Once you do this it will keep you logged into the channel forever (until you type /cleave).


    So, lets make a 'World Chat". I'll start!


    How about we cal it Galaxy? If you're reading this go to your server and copy this into your chat box: /cjoin Galaxy


    If no one else has done it yet then you will have started it. If anyone already has then you'll be joining it. It's that simple.

    Never trust anyone with an Esh-Kha avatar.


    JK that's a good idea.

  12. Or they could make resolve actually work. I've lost count of how many times I've had a full white resolve bar and my toon is still CC'd.

    The way it's designed now you have to have your lvl 10 CC break ability available if you get full resolve otherwise it doesn't do anything. Even still, the duration of the immunity is so short it's barely worth anything. I can remember 1 or 2 times when CC immunity actually helped me in PvP and both times it was when I was getting chain-healed as the ball carrier in Huttball. Usually you're dead before resolve can even get full (or you're immune just long enough to die)

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