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Posts posted by MorgonKara

  1. I've got a Warrior, Inquisitor, Bounty Hunter, Trooper and Smuggler and Vette is my favorite companion character so far. "If I die I'm going to haunt you." lol She's just like Mission Vao from KOTOR, I even used to give Mission 2 blasters just like Vette has.
  2. What? God forbid a game have a strong solo player component followed up by multiple group oriented components. Shoot, that might only net you 9 or 10 million players.


    Yeah except someone has already done that and WOWs endgame is actually really good. If people want to raid they will play WOW, if you want cinematic RPG you play TOR. There is no way TOR is going to compete with WOW at it's own game.

  3. No kidding, here we have this awesome RPG but with an endgame that seems like it was an afterthought. I mean they completely reworked the PvP endgame stuff a couple months after launch and the dailies didn't even work for a long time. I wish they would stick to the RPG elements and worry less about the endgame MMO stuff because it hasn't worked that well. Instead of raids and warzones I think they should be building more campaigns and stories.
  4. And that's FINE! It's always a damn wizard. However, that's besides the POINT.


    I'll reiterate it since this one person keeps conjuring up irrelevant nonsense after irrelevant nonsense.


    A smuggler, the one you can create, killing not one, but three, dark council members in rather rapid successsin in a straight up fight with no deus ex devices is ridiculous in the confines of the universe.


    They weren't distracted, on the rag, drunk, old, blind or anything. They drew their Lightsaber in anticipation for an attack from a dude with a blaster and a smart mouth.


    That is the essence of what I'm trying to say here.


    I'll give you that one. Although I will say that Legacy could suggest that your Smuggler is exceptional. I know mine has both Force Valor and Force Might. just saying.

  5. Not arguing that. The point was, I think... that magic powers are acceptable as story lore till those powers become so commonplace and magnified that they lose the suspension of disbelief.


    This is why the Enterprise's uber-science always breaks down at the worst possible time... Because Capt. Kirk outwitting the badguys is way more believable (and dramatically effective) than magic saving the day every episode.


    yeahh but outwitting the bad guys usually involves some pseudo-scientific babble about accelerating through the gravitational field of the sun in order to travel back in time or somesuch made up convenience.

  6. Yeah we should have all joined forces to repel the first Vong invasion! That would have been SO GREAT!


    No, it really wouldn't.

    Why you strawman-ing me bro?

    No one would have cared about them as much. Jump off into the "Story and Lore" forum and see the arguments that have been going on; there are a *lot* of people who care about that character. It carries more weight to see it occur when you don't know the outcome. With Darth Vader, we all knew what was going to happen to Anakin Skywalker. Everyone had flipped to the end of the book and saw the final pages. It wasn't a surprise to see what was going to happen, as the prequels basically just answered "how" and "why" instead.


    No one could have seen the parallels with Revan back and forth, and finally back again in that last moment where he quotes Malak. He was blinded by his own zealotry, and saw only his ways (genocide of billions) to be absolute. He became the Anti-Emperor (as in an Anti-Christ, or Anti-Matter), using similiar methods to obtain opposite means, but did not see himself being consumed by the Dark Side until the final blows struck him.

    You definitely got more out of it than me.

  7. Because if your internal logic states that force users are immune to modern weaponry, and then they suddenly aren't... it falls apart. Being able to block laser beams with a melee weapon is "god mode" immunity. If you can react faster than light, you are a god.


    You can get away with a character or two (Luke, Vader) being gods. This is standard sci-fi convention. You get one or two massive leaps of logic for free. Trying to explain those leaps of logic or expanding them to entire armies of god-like beings is what is known as jumping the shark. It's when your universe collapses on its own ridiculousness.


    Except blasters are "magnetically projected plasma" not light. If you can actually perceive the shot in motion it's not moving anywhere close to the speed of light.

  8. As the MMO I played for a year prior to SWTOR I do think rather fondly of Lotro, but I think post Mirkwood they really started losing themselves in terms of the best elements as Isengarde just lacked soul to me and the emphasis on the Turbine store that I felt was well handled initially finally reached breaking point.


    It's true, but you could say the same about TOR and it isn't even a year old yet. The cartel store is sucking the soul out of TOR imho.


    It's like Turbine held on to their principals for a long time and really believe in their product whereas Bioware caved before SWTOR even launched, basically.

  9. I actually think LOTRO is the best MMO made, or at least it would be if the combat gameplay was better. I know WOW is the most popular but it has too many bad pop culture references and it's too cartoon-y to be taken seriously as a RPG. LOTRO does almost everything better except the combat, which unfortunately is a major setback. People gripe about responsiveness or whatever but SWTOR has the best combat of any MMO I've seen.
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