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Everything posted by SWImara

  1. I've gotten free days/months in MMOs before, the problems those MMOs had were real problems, not SWTOR forum trolling problems. If the 15$ a month is too much for ya OP maybe check in in 4-6 months, whatever changes/polish you're expecting will likely have occured by then. Truth.
  2. Subscribed for 6mos, if nothing else I am excited that in 6 days theoretically some of these types of posts will no longer be here.
  3. Agreed. I actually really appreciate the issues OP brought up aside from the "they're out to get Repubs" nonsense. These things are issues, they will be fixed (or at least should be) end of story. PvP balance in any MMO is constant and ongoing.
  4. To be frank, you are wrong. Its a known issue, sure to be addressed, hardly game breaking at the moment though so it might take a while. Mortar volley is still good of course, but the abilities definitely aren't mirrored. The same can be said of Trooper's full auto, sad that either of these slipped past the radar really.
  5. Datacrons, not necessary. If you don't want them, don't get them.
  6. Not sure I follow, what's trolly about this? I mean sure OP put it in basically the douchebaggiest language possible, but the request is more than reasonable. Server forums are one of those few issues I have no idea *** Bioware is doing on, but then I haven't followed the issue on the boards. Has there been some explanation for this?
  7. Here's what the rumors are apparently based on, interesting that it wouldn't be anywhere in patch notes. I guess we'll see once 1.1 goes live. http://db-ptr.darthhater.com/recipes/722/rakata_medpac/
  8. The problem is that people think they are playing "that other game" and just want to be someone's pocket healer. If you just focus on healing the 4 medals you can get from healing are more than enough. You have a host of abilities and do not have to just heal, this is your choice. There is no reason BW should have to cater to the healing playstyle more than any other, really get over yourselves. I cannot believe the things that people will complain about in PvP forums. Note 1: I play a healer, and a medic at that so the 5k medal is not safe to assume for me. Note 2: People should not be getting the heal medals for medpacs, that should be fixed. This IS a WoW argument, not all games with PvP have approached the healing archetype this way. You cannot and are not intended to outheal DPSers in this game making healers more durable than tanks, this is a marked difference from the WoW healing PvP model. Your "its the healers that make the difference" argument seriously belongs elsewhere man. You are not the only person on the team, nor even necessarily the MVP just because you chose a healing archetype.
  9. Um, ships are way better than most implementations of player housing. The games that have done housing well are few and far between, but I remember reading that they plan both housing and eventual ship customization here.
  10. I think this is an issue of personal experience and perception. I know (as a pure anecdote) on my server, once expertised out 50s started becoming more and more common server queues got longer. The first two weeks after release my warzone pops were instant, now they often take 1-3 minutes. Based on absolutely nothing I'm going to assume that that's a result of people gradually realizing that there is 0 reason to PvP unless they are 50 and that they're currently just feeding 50s free valor. Thus by my unsubstantiated assumptions the segmenting of PvP warzones into 10-49 & 50 will be great for PvP and for server activity overall. As another personal anecdote when I do alts it will almost definitely be purely via PvP and Space Missions. I really love the story of the game, but after running side quests all the way through with one character of each faction I have little interest in doing them again. So after leveling a character to 50 on each side I will probably just be doing lots of PvPing and Space Missions to supplement my class quests for leveling. Neither of these points have been proven as of yet and I suspect that in the vast majority of cases this won't be a problem. I mean I am giving the OP the benefit of the doubt that on his server there really are very few 50s interested in PvP but patch 1.1 still seems at least a week away and in that time I'm sure a few more will hit 50. If there are no level 50s after a month of play on his server that are interested in PvPing but tons of 10-49s who are, why is it at all justified that those 10-49s have their experience ruined so one guy can play with them and have fun stroking his e-peen? The core difference between 50s and 10-49s in the brackets is that 50s have the ability to progress. In levels 10-49 you can never hope to compete with 50s because you can never be equally equipped. At 50 characters are introduced to a new grind but they're all on equal footing through that grind. You have the ability to get expertise gear like all other level 50 players. On the other hand no matter how much time or effort a 10-49 puts into PvPing he can't get access to expertise equipment. I can respect your opinion, but try to understand that just like my opinion it is based on nothing but assumptions. Level 50 PvP being "dried up" after 1.1 seems mindblowingly unlikely to me for the majority of servers. On the other hand level 10-49 PvP drying up if things continue as is seems not only likely but currently evident.
  11. I think the assertion that a month or even a year down the line the whole 10-49 group will be empty suggests way bigger problems for BW than just flaws in PvP. People in MMOs pretty much always assume that everyone plays just like them, this really isn't the case in gaming or anywhere else in life. People's behaviors are different, so long as this game is doing well there will always be people leveling up. This argument is really valid in those games that bracket every 10 levels or even every 20-30 but the bracket presented by BW is literally everyone but end game players. That is totally reasonable as games play differently while leveling and end game. I don't think the issue is whether or not people "rushed" to 50, those are just emotional responses on one side or another. Yes people can get to 50 without rushing, ultimately that's irrelevant. Should all of the people who are 10-49 basically have a section of the game made worthless for them just for the enjoyment of those who are level 50? An 11 up against a 49 really does have the possibility of success, against 50s in expertise gear they should almost unquestionably expect to get stomped. The whole point of warzones (contrary to world PvP) is to have balanced conflicts. The current systrem is grossly imbalanced.
  12. Just wanted to comment that even though I would heavily prefer not having cross server PvP for warzones, small server clusters might work out and be fine. Largely I figure Ilum and other world PvP zones/areas are the perfect spot to develop the PvP community as warzones are largely just e-sports anyway.
  13. That'd certainly be a step in the right direction, but I suspect its just a rumor.
  14. I appreciate this, seeing people shoehorn their nonsensical reasons that other MMOs failed into whatever personal desire they have for the next new MMO is one of the most frustrating aspects of being an MMO gamer. AoC had all kinds of problems, yet plenty of people stuck with it for quite some time due to appreciation for the setting and/or the (largely terrible) PvP, voice acting in no way impacted people's reasons for disliking AoC and arguing that it did is pretty absurd. I wanted to love that game, its about my favorite setting every for fantasy material and the combat system could have been great, it took me months to decide the game was trash and even then I went back when they made the Blood & Glory (or whatever its called) FFA PvP servers. The game's flaws were really deep and numerous. Sadly this is a standard MMO forum issue, hopefully it'll cool off some after a few months. Essentially some wander from game to game trying to make them all the same as some other game they played and quit. In the end these folks doubtlessly leave the game after devs make changes to cater to them, leaving those who enjoyed the game from the start now dealing with a bunch of crap they didn't want. If BW intends to draw "community" opinions on stuff, I hope they do so through in game surveys etc as other games have done. MMO forums are unfortunately just for trolling.
  15. The crew skills system imo is pretty amazing and one of the few "innovations" in the game. I thoroughly enjoy it, really I think the only thing that needs looking at as far as crew skills is the rewards. Hopefully this gets a look sooner rather than later, but its definitely not any sort of end of the world situation currently.
  16. Quality response, atm I am planning to keep Cybertech on my main despite its relative uselessness (better than most but not going Biochem atm = fail). It is my hope and basically expectation that eventually BW will offer each of the crafting skills some solid type of end game stuff while also toning down the end game biochem medpacks, adrenals etc (they are crazy atm). That being said any of my alts are without question going Biochem at this point, SWTOR is going pretty well with the pace of updates, but crafting typically is the last thing to get fixed in any MMO.
  17. Do you have any data whatsoever to back this up? I (presumably like you) have played a ton of MMOs, and I generally assume that people who develop games know the behaviors/habits of people who play them and what they should add more of. If a large portion of players plowed through content and were only concerned about end game material, it seems likely that either A) leveling would be harder or B) developers would put all of their time and effort into new endgame stuff. In the last few years however games have changed to cater much more heavily to "casual" users, do you think that's happenstance? AoC's biggest problem wasn't endgame, it never was, seriously. It was a poorly conceptualized combat system (would've been great if not for casters) and a deplorable system of PvP for a game that claimed to focus on it. PvE felt tacked on in AoC and was never honestly any good after level 20. Saddens me to say that as I love the setting and wanted to love the game. I hate this argument. Leveling is easy in SWTOR, no question, but not everyone who plays this (or any other) MMO is a raid grinder. The end gamey "more raids plz" crowd will never be satisfied with the volume of content set aside for them even when that becomes all that developers push out. The differing tiers of raid/dungeon difficulty seriously is a great middle ground in the attempt to provide content for different groups (for those jr. raiders etc who can't handle the later tier) rather than putting out 18 different level 50 dungeons and no new leveling/midgame content. Honestly IMO the less raids the better, unless that is BW intends to make all current dungeon's/raids also scaleable for when they eventually raise level cap. The heavy focus on end game content (other than PvP) typically ends up being an utter waste when in at most a year or so, an expansion is released and no one ever does any of that old end game content anymore. It'd be nice if developers just stopped focusing on the old "layered levels of end game" content model and just tried to develop something new/different.
  18. Its an issue of preference, much of the stuff people regularly complain about on the boards is. For some (I'm not going to try to theorize on most or any other made up data nonsense) the voice overs are a great aspect of the game that makes it genuinely enjoyable. SWTOR is probably the only game that I've ever paid this much attention to the story in. Typically there is no point in even reading quest notes as they're ultimately irrelevant and little effort seems to be put into them. What puzzles me is just what people who hate storytelling/RPGs actually find interesting in this game? I am having a blast playing, but if one looks at it as just another MMO with a light saber skin, I don't really see what there is to enjoy about it. TLDR; If you hate the voice overs, skip them. Just realize that not everyone has the same opinion as you.
  19. Biochem would be fine if any other craft offered anything close to comparable. I'd prefer they add more useful stuff to the other crafts as I /do/ appreciate crafting theoretically being useful in PvP, if there is no intention to bring the others in line though then yes Biochem is a big problem. You're basically gimping yourself if you don't use it.
  20. I only mouse turn so I use Q&E for more quickslots, I remapped my strafing to A&D.
  21. Here's the thing, those who took their time and enjoyed whatever it is they enjoyed about the game are still having a blast and looking forward to future changes etc. Those who "raced" to 50 are now in the same boat they end up in every game, demanding more content (which will incidentally never be enough to satisfy). Leveling in this game is neither difficult nor particularly time consuming, that said it is totally understandable that people aren't all 50 yet. Some people play alts, some people have other RL commitments that prevent them from 4+ hours a day, some people just don't give a **** about leveling to max in a game that just came out (perhaps due to past experiences doing the exact same thing in other games and being disappointed). There are tons of games out there for you if you want hardcore end-game content or a really slow level grind. Play any of the asian style MMOs, I assure you games like L2 (if that's still out) or FFXIII (or the new apparently terrible version) or EQ2 (if that's still hard) have all catered to this playerbase. I used to love it, when you had a max leveled character it really meant something, that was neat and all but there is no reason for every game to emulate that.
  22. Best advice I can give to anyone looking to enjoy this (or any other game), stay away from the forums
  23. A short term-problem created by a long-term fix to a long-term problem. The system as is makes PVPing before 50 essentially not only worthless for people under 50 but detrimental to those 50s that have underleveled people on their team. I understand that his concern is potentially valid but I suspect (based on nothing as are your assertions) that his argument is rooted in hyperbole. If he comes here the day after the change and rants about getting 0 PvP pops all day then I'd take it more seriously, as is it just reads like someone who came late to the noob farming party and is frustrated that he won't be able to get to 65 Valor the same way the rest have. I actually appreciated that potential solution you presented, allowing 50s to queue into the 10-49 field with some sort of standardized attributes and/or no expertise gear. That would allow people to PvP with others on the off chance (based purely on my assumptions) that no PvP ever pops on his server for 50s. Another possibility would be to allow those 10-49s to queue in fights against the top tier folks with the ability to raise their valor rank above their current level. I still can't really see people bothering, but you never know. [edit] TLDR; The OP's problem I suspect is a rare and temporary one created by BW's fixing of a huge, long-term and potentially game breaking issue for many people.
  24. I don't see this idea being popular, but it certainly would be nice to see in some future game. It'd be a nice way to reward exploring etc. I like the current system plenty, but the static nature of datacron's locations negates the "explorer" role they were intended to fill. Maybe with some future update they'll add more that fit your random location type of model.
  25. Correction: For players who are 50 and want to PvP lower level folks without access to end game gear. You could also go to a PvP server and troll around lowbie areas if you really must have access to noobs to farm.
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