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Posts posted by Styxx

  1. there's only one compromise that I would personally be ok with. companion replacers. a bunch of c2-n2 droids you can buy for your full crafting complement, with all that it entails - or in other words, they can only perform the role, that c2 n2 can - in combat or out of it. (and if it comes with ability to reject companions and replace them with droids? all the better)


    You know what? This is a GREAT idea! Droids to make up the numbers, with no bonuses to crafting, no affection, no nothing - just replacements for the actual companions.


    Can you agree with this idea, OP? Because it does seem like it`s the only reasonable thing to do.

  2. If they change the layers for Series 512 cybernetic I will ask my primary white dye money back, since it is not my problem that the whole outfit is black by default (which is the secondary layer) and the "line" takes primary dye, instead of what it might look like a secondary.


    Might as something more too, since it`s a paid set. And the only known bug is the super reflective surface, nothing else.

  3. The question is not whether he COULD HAVE done something. The question is whether or not he ACTUALLY DID that something.


    I could have leveled via PVP, but chose to level via PVE. Does the fact that I COULD HAVE leveled via PVP entitle me to full PVP gear?


    You may see companions as a basic feature of this game, but those companions have to be EARNED by going through the story line, much like PVP rewards have to be earned by participating in PVP.


    I understand your point of view and everyone else`s opposing the idea, but my thought process was this:


    1. I take a toon from 1 to 55 via any activity that is not normal questing - you know, planets in order and such.

    2. Said toon dings 55 with only the forced companion from the Origin World.


    It can be argued that our toon would have had all the companions if it would have played the normal way - planet questing, which lead you from one planet to the next, in a logical order.


    Now, let`s assume our player is in for the max level and OPS, and not for the story.So, IF he would spend 30 days going through planetary quests, he will have a lvl 55 with all companions. If he spent 30 days getting from 1 to 55 in a different way, he is stuck with only one. Excluding rewards that he didn`t earn, he is now gimped by the fact that he got to the End Game and has to perform additional activities, simply because Bioware tied basic functionality to only ONE way of doing things - in this case planetary questing.


    I am thinking that everything else is optional and as such he might not be entitled to get by default, but companions are a core part of the game and are limited to only one way of leveling out of about 5. From this point of view - a player that wants to level in a different way than the story - he should get the basic features of the game, which are the companions, I think. Anything else pass. If companions would be something that wouldn`t be tied to actual questing and leveling process, all this would be rendered null, but they are.


    NO, I`m not FOR the idea, not dead set, but it has some merit. It would be nice to skip content that I don`t like doing. I am also only in favor of companions awarded and that`s it. After further thinking, he doesn`t deserve anything else.



    As for the PvP - I see that as optional, just as anything else in this game, so nobody should get by default something that is based on a choice. But companions are not part of a choice, as they are tied to the actual story and not optional outside it.

  4. The @misfitsfan is a example. You are refusing to see that the @name has -nothing- to do with the character, in essence, its your forum handle. You don't run around as Dark Bubba Musfitsfan, you run around as Darth bubba. The @name is just a account identifier.


    As posted multiple times the @name is in no way a title of any kind. The only time it is seen is in the chat box-if- the option is turned on. Never will someone have floating over their heads @anything. Example:


    "Bubba sits down" is what you see in game now. If chat handles were turned on you would see "Bubba@name sits down" if they are turned off, again, you see "Bubba sits down"


    You are not following me. I will have to turn the handle on if I want to uniquely identify the Darth Bubbas. In the CURRENT system I have unique Darth Bubbas as they are, without the need for me to do anything extra.


    Example: Under CURRENT system, I have player Bob Terin, where Bob is an unique name and it is mandatory to be unique. He can hide his Legacy name, so he can show as just Bob. He can use a few naming conventions based on settings (no idea if he can use Terin Bob and I won`t spend one second to find out neither), or he can use titles, to show as Bob The Champion of The Great Hunt, or Bob The infernal.


    Under the proposed system you can have 500 Bob Terin players, with different handles. I will have to do additional steps if I`d want to /w Bob or go to mail and type in just Bob. At the very least it will require a revamp of the naming schemes and, again, for what? For an unimaginative fellow that couldn`t think for one second of a decent legacy name and matching avatar names and/or look for titles and hide legacy name? No, thank you.


    For example, say I choose "Terin" as my Legacy name.


    1.I change my Jedi Guardian's name to "Gigaslash", and using it as a surname, I become "Terin Gigaslash".


    2. My Sith Warrior, however, I might name "Evil", and flipping the display-name option around, he becomes "Evil Terin".


    3. For my Smuggler, though, I name him "Jimmy", but instead, choose only to display the name "Terin" to other players.

    This is from his opening post.


    1. Under CURRENT system it can show Gigaslash Terin, or Gigaslash and under it The Terin Legacy. You can get creative within current bounds and create a new toon or rename an existing one to Terin (any special characters for unique name) and use earned titles, like Terin The Infernal.


    2. Is redundant, as his legacy name IS Terin, so, under current settings, it WILL look like Evil Terin. He doesn`t even know what he`s talking about.


    3. Or he can name the Smuggler Terin (special characters or variation with ' , like Te'rin) and hide the legacy.


    He wants a naming overhaul because he can`t think for ****.

  5. its not about xp. its about doing specific content for specific rewards. the fact that I get to lvl 55 through say, pve DOESN't entitle me to pvp rewards yes? I don't get to have a legendary reputation with anything, without doing the reputation grind. then why should someone get rewards from content they didn't actualy do? it doesn't matter what level you start.


    and maybe people play this game for things other than story, but it doesn't change the fact that story - - the fourth pillar is what this game was marketed for in a first place. it was the draw, the "innovation", that special something that sets TOR apart from other games. you don't have to play for it, but if you want rewards that are ONLY available through said story? gotta play through it.


    Again, how I see his request, it is only reasonable if he gets only the companions and / or class quest rewards. Why? Because, for lvl 55, he would have gone though said content anyway. And it really doesn`t seem right that people should spend more time to access basic features of the game, like companions for crafting, simply because they have chosen to earn the same XP as everyone else in a different way.


    It could also be argued that he COULD HAVE ran it`s respective level`s planet when he had the level also.


    All in all not an exaggerate request. Again, how you think this game is or should be played is your personal opinion. Some are here for the story, some are for the PvP, some for Ops. Each has equal rights to level as they choose fit - via questing, warzones or Flashpoints.


    Also, what the heck does the fact that Bioware didn't conceive of cross-faction guilds have to do with this thread?

    The fact that a player that levels up via another choice than questing is forced to do its class, at least, to access basic game features, like crafting. They didn`t think of alternate ways of not punishing a player that won`t quest on rails. Just like they didn`t think or they didn`t care about exclusive side guilds.


    Because, past the 4th PIllar or Story BS, there is really no point in a Jedi Sentinel to do all quests again after it already has done them for a Jedi Knight, since they share the same story, but are very different classes.

  6. I don't see how this request is reasonable, honestly. because... why should you get rewards for activity you didn't actualy participate in?


    companions are reward for participating in a class story. when you chose not to play through it - you chose not to get those companions. your ship is a reward for finishing the intro to class story - same reasoning.


    and the thing is - this game is BASED around the story. you have a variety of options of how to level up nowadays, but story is still at the core of it. this is not a game that was designed to completely skip it.


    XP is XP and 1 to 55 is 1 to 55. EVERYBODY has to earn the same XP for one lvl 55. The USUAL way is to do all the quests on planets, which give you the companions by default. There are other ways to level as well, which are equally valid, as it is nobody`s business if our fellow grinds mobs for a year straight for one lvl 55 - he earned the same XP as everybody else.


    And who told you the game is based on story? For you, perhaps. For others it is based on PvP, or KDY, or mob grinding, or non-stop Flashpoints (the normal level ones, not KDY farming). Every player has the right to play the game the way they choose to. And just because Bioware is clueless and couldn`t think past questing on rails, doesn`t mean they have to do things they don`t want to because of it.


    <--- clueless folks that didn`t think about cross faction guilds, for example.
  7. yeah those silly devs making RP naming important in a MMORPG


    And what`s wrong with a PLAYER to hide his Legacy and show only the title? Of course, he will have to work a little, in the MMORPG, but that`s up to him, isn`t it?


    For the love of %#&&$$@ god for the tenth time you don't see people running around as "Luke @Leia Skywalker". In cryptic games... please pause a moment and actually read what people are saying FFS...

    So, all this complication for a lazy arse that can`t level a toon with a name that would fit a title, like "Misfitsfan The Infernal", or a stupid arse with no imagination that he has to steal names and cover them with @Misfitsfan handle?


    You see, regardless of how you explain it to me, Bob Terin sounds a whole easier than Bob @Misfitsfan Terin. When Bob Terin chats, I see Bob, which is an unique handle / name as it is, without the need to have a secondary one. And it is also a lot easier to see in chat just Bob, instead of Bob @Misfitsfan.


    And we still have the problem of the above arse that has at least TWO things going for him NOW:


    1. Google the titles and how to get them and create a toon that would fit its chosen one / ones.

    2. Make a name that fits it`s legacy and current legacy name permutation options.


    He would have a 3rd, I guess, but that involves a rope and a high tree. It does offer the least amount of work - both physical or mental.

  8. It CAN be done - NWO has a system that relies on a player's "handle" as opposed to a character name to chit-chat, allowing for multiple Drizz'ts and Elminsters - but would likely require wholesale overhaul of the communications system.


    Not advocating for the change. Just pointing out how it can be accomplished.


    It will still be more complicated than what we have right now. Right now, we have Bob Terin and Bób Terín. I can`t have 2 Bob`s or 2 Terin`s. I see in chat only Bob and / or Bób. Simple and efficient.


    What he wants is "Bob @KrulltheCool Terin" and "Bob @SpecialSnoflake Terin". And we have already too many Revans, Cat/Cheeta or famous names variations to open the gates to "Revan @TheIndestructible Pinkie" and "Luke @Leia Skywalker".


    Ironically, his idea is far worse from a RP or suspension of disbelief point of view than the current system.



    What he could do NOW, is make a new toon called Terin or any variation, finish EV on NiM and show title, so he will be "Terin The Infernal". But his logic doesn`t go that far past "IwantIwant GimmeGimme!"

  9. Well, it is simple. How are they presented to you?


    I have been working with databases since the mid 70s. The real world has people with the same name. It can be dealt with. I might be hard for some people to handle it but life is going to hard for them anyways.

    It`s not that simple. You see, our darling 'murica has this nifty thing called SSN, or Social Security Number, which is a UNIQUE way of identifying it`s citizens. Why are we talking about 'murica and SSN?


    Because, if we have Bob Terin Legacyname and Bob Terin Legacyname1, I will need to uniquely identify the "Bob Terin", since that is the guy I want to identify, for a COD delivery, for instance, or a mail.


    As a guy working with databases, you MUST know and understand that we will need, at best, one more dabase to uniquely identify all the players this game had and has. If you want to bypass that, you will have to ask players to type the full name "Bob Terin Legacyname", which is a more complicated way of what we have NOW - type Bob.


    So, you are asking at the very least a very considerable effort n a player to identify any other player that is not in close visual proximity for what practical gain? A guy that can`t think of any better names than Revan and Luke and cannot simply live with Bob Terin as a name?


    You know what would be easier? To allow one more naming option - Terin Bob and be done with it. Or mirrored naming of what we already have as options.

  10. You wanted practical and I gave it to you. Plenty of people wants to use different weapons on different classes, I was integrating that into this. And yes, most skills probably would but thats for Bioware to work on if they ever do decide to give the classes different weapons to use with ALL their skills.


    Here's a compromise -for you-, since you seem to be against "pew pew for 50 dmg".

    Give each class the option to simply unlock the weapon proficiency, be it credits, legacy, coins, whatever. That's it. No abilities, no skills, nothing. Just the ability to hold the weapon. That in itself would be miles simpler than making emotes. Why? Because I can hold any weapon I want on any class I want in the preview window, so apparently it's quite easy to do, all we need is the proficiency use them, if not actually -use- them.


    Also, yes they sell Bowcasters, but as to the entire reason of this thread -BOUNTY HUNTERS CAN'T USE THEM-.

    I can agree with only holding the weapon, nothing more.


    Would be nice, if you actually want, to have a "blaster slot", as it seems it is universally used in cutscenes, and the game to use the blaster you have chosen, instead of the default one.


    And if bowcasters are a problem, it would be much simpler to ask for smaller "blaster pistol" bowcasters (think BBA 3 barreled shottie that you can use as pistol, which is incidentally a blaster rifle, which you get from a Heroic on Taris - republic side for Vanguard).

  11. He did it once on a single character. Doesn't give him the right to be lazy about leveling up alts afterward. Even if he only did FP's, warzones, GSF, etc. to level up the fast way? No excuse not to go through, spend like half an hour on each planet to get story content done.


    That is not what he is asking. He is asking it per toon. So, as an example: OP gets an alt from 1 to 55 via anything else but planet stories, which is as legit as anything, as the effort was spent anyway, just not on what somebody else would do. He is asking for all his quests to be retroactively given (minus Heroics, I`d imagine, or at the very core only class rewards - which are crap anyway, considering the gear you need / can get later on).


    It is a valid request, as this is a game after all, with multiple ways of leveling - GSF, questing , KDY grind, PVP , whatever I don`t know about or I`ve forgotten. He has the same rights as everybody.


    If you want PVP rewards, you have to play PVP content.

    If you want Space Mission rewards, you have to play Space Missions.

    If you want Storyline rewards, you have to play through the Storyline.


    Seems like a reasonable approach as-is.

    This is a smart post and it could be used - have all companions, at a very least - although it might end up with companions that you have before your storyline actually has gotten to them. It does seem impossible, since Bioware won`t ever go for it, but the idea itself is sound - if a game has ALSO story, it doesn`t mean someone HAS TO go though it, once they reached end-game.

  12. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=738953 - you were getting butchered in there and decided to try your luck again, didn`t you?


    That would also work, but I don't think there's anything about my proposal that *wouldn't* work. They would simply have to schedule another "mass name-change" for peoples' Legacy names, which is pretty much going to have to happen at some point, anyways, pretty much regardless of what naming-method they choose.


    Really, the two naming systems we're talking about are really quite similar; the only real different is how they would be displayed to fellow players. It's basically choosing how you display the names above a player's head:









    I think the former is more visually appealing, but either way, there are tons of options and variations of the same idea. The reason I quite like the former version, is it allows for Spaces in your Character's name, as the Legacy name would be how to interact and /whisper other players. Either way, though, I think we can all agree that *something* should be done.


    It adds unnecessary complications to the very simple method that we have now. At the very least they will need to add a new way to uniquely identify a player. In real life, they do it with a unique code ala Social Security Number for USA, if you have identical names. Here, they identify by unique individual names.


    At the VERY LEAST, Bioware would have to implement a new database, to individually identify the Bob`s within a legacy name.


    Also, if the OP wants a legacy rename so bad, he can fork the cash to buy one.


    That would also work, but I don't think there's anything about my proposal that *wouldn't* work. They would simply have to schedule another "mass name-change" for peoples' Legacy names, which is pretty much going to have to happen at some point, anyways, pretty much regardless of what naming-method they choose.

    Either way, though, I think we can all agree that *something* should be done.

    I fail to see a reason why they will HAVE to schedule another mass rename for Legacies and why it has to happen at some point - maybe you want to elaborate where this idea comes from.


    Also, no, there isn`t something that HAS to be done, seeing how you can make a perfectly good sounding name : Bob Terin, or Bob and under it "The Terin Legacy" or whatever variation this game uses - you will have to forgive me, but I only use "Name Legacy" so I might not be familiar with all the other choices past the 2 previously mentioned.


    Reposting my response from the other thread with additional information. Legacy names arent unique so that really wouldn't work. They should go with Cryptics model (Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, Champions Online)


    They make you pick a account handle that shows up -after- your character name, so if you name your account name starwarsfan and your character Gilgamesh, you would show up as "Gilgamesh@starwarsfan" you name an alt kariah, that one shows up as "kariah@starwarsfan" and so on.


    (Account name as in account display name, not the actual name you log into the account as, like your forum display name is different from your login name)


    There is no room for character confusion if there are 14 bobs because there will always be the @name to reference. Bob@randomname, Bob@spacepirate, et cetera

    One problem here. The current system provide the simplest solution - unique names and legacy. So, within the current system, I will have only ONE Bob Terin. And, short of fluff or visual changes to the actual showing of the name, it will ALWAYS be Bob Terin. Anybody else will have to pick a different name AND Legacy name. Straightforward naming scheme with unique names.


    What you want to do is ADD one more identifier, which really doesn`t need to exist. At the very least Bioware will need a NEW database, with the unique new identifiers, ON TOP of the existing one, for each existing player, past AND present. That is too much work for somebody that simply cannot live with "Bob Terin" or "Bob The Terin Legacy".

  13. Say you have Terin as Legacy and I have Terin1. Say you have Bob, Joe and Suzy as character within your legacy and so am I.


    How would I /whisper between them?


    Say we have Bob Terin and Bob Terin1 online. Say I have 50 Bob players on. How would I know which one is which in chat, to /w to?


    Say I have Terin1 as Legacy and Bob as toon. Say someone else has Bob. How do I send cash to MY Bob? In other words, how do I make the difference between Bob Terin, Bob Terin1, Bob Schmabob and Bob Justbob?

  14. BioWare doesn't see money from you when you make that GTN purchase, no. But BioWare sees money from someone because the only way to create that gear is for someone to spend cartel coins.


    What you said definitely represents revenue for BioWare, even if it's not you directly spending it.


    I was trying to argue a different point - I have absolutely no reason to spend real money now. And it can be argued that the person I bought the CM items from has already spent the cash, so it is out of Bioware`s hands - 2 players, from which only one spent cash on CM items. The person would have bought the pack / items regardless, so, between me and it, it is still only one person spending CM cash.


    I MIGHT in the future (either on CM, or more storage space), if I would have an incentive to have multiple sets, for multiple purposes, as RP inclined as they might be. But right now, I have zero incentive to change gear and, as a direct consequence, to acquire gear and/or store gear, simply because the cost is too high.


    All this would do is change the "No way" into "Maybe in the future" - but, short of predicting the future, this is a better solution than not to change the "No way".

  15. It is only a problem of exercise and muscle memory.


    What I would suggest is this:


    1. Go to dulfy.net

    2. Decide your spec

    3. Write down the suggested rotation

    4. Organize your UI in such a way as to have in a logical sequence / place your most used skills

    5. Alternatively, use defensive cooldowns close together but away of main skills - same with offensive, different bar or spaced from the defensive ones - personal taste, so do whatever works for you

    6. Use the skills as you get them in their proper rotations / timings / train yourself to look for whatever you are looking in terms of cooldowns / icons for procs / visual proc cues.


    That should give you a semi-decent start. Once you get the basics down, it will all become very easy. Just try to understand what your class / spec is all about and WHY you are using the skills you are using in the order you are using them in.

  16. The practical reason? It could be the start of implementing other weapons to different classes. Note -the start-.


    So we have gone from cosmetic to "let`s make all classes use all weapons". As I said, 2 distinct things:


    1. Cosmetic ONLY - which you can get away with an emote only, as there is no real benefit in pew pew for 50 dmg.

    2. Performance - which will, most likely, need a revamp of weapon animations and skills, seeing how some skills are weapon specific.


    I am against anything that is not "1", because it is a too much volume of work, work that can be better spent elsewhere.


    That is true, I want to have a bounty hunter with a bowcaster like embo!!! :D

    BBA vendor in the Cartel Bazaar sells bowcasters. You can also buy a bowcaster off the CM store.

  17. 50% is nothing against a focused target.. and ALL experienced teams / players ARE doing it / should do it - focus the healer. You could try and convince your team to focus the healer, instead of playing solo deathmatches, rather than trying to nerf a tank that is actually doing what it`s supposed to be doing.


    So, contrary to the invectives you deserve, I`d just wish you a get lost fast, please.

  18. This' the same old pvper exclusionary argument that keeps getting tossed out. And it's not realistically going to happen, as the devs aren't going to code it to lock people out like that. So at this point, it's more constructive to have ideas that strike a balance between both sides (equal participation, but equal handicap) instead of being a hardliner on either the "pvp elitist" or "pve care bear" sides.


    As I said before, just because you are can do something, it doesn`t mean you should. PvE has gear check and limiting participation in the hardest ops via a human factor, so why not forced expertise minimum for PvP, to avoid undergearing?


    It seems to me that PvE content has it better than PvP, which is not nice. And no, it isn`t a God given, as the undergeared still have regular warzones in which to "grind" gear - just like the PvE crowd, which is grinding gear for harder ops.

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