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Posts posted by Styxx

  1. I was accepted into DF and DP 16 man story PuGs with 140 rated gear, or Makeb gear. You are over exaggerating, sir.


    Nobody is saying I wasn`t carried a bit, but I wasn`t straight up booted and people were actually helpful in escorting me on Oricon past the Heroic, because I didn`t do the quest to open the speeder.


    And yes, some progression guilds ask a minimum of gear for certain operations and modes. Join a social one if you are concerned about 180 ratings.

  2. this and the rest of your ramblings are just plain stupid, if everyone who saw this decided to follow your advice tell me how would u buy those cartell items off the GTN?


    Don`t be silly. There will ALWAYS be someone that will gamble. I offered a sure way of converting real cash into ingame cash, via known and non-devaluating items, like the rare dyes. Not my fault you or others get greedy then end up with lots and lots of stuff that doesn`t sell well and you can`t simply destroy or sell at 1000 credits.


    Now, be smart and invest in 50 black and black dyes - those still sell at 3 mils a pop. Or rare weapons, like the assault cannon Dorn and sit on it for 1 year, then sell at 1 mil, just as the folks that sell DLA`s and Holo Snipers. Those were dirt cheap back in the day. No need for storage neither, as you get free 50 or whatever places on the GTN for your stuff.


    Keep telling yourself is somebody else`s fault now.


    Maybe you should come clean and admit that your aggressive and judgmental behaviors here are an attempt to create for yourself a feeling of importance and influence in the face of what is likely an infuriatingly pedestrian existence, devoid of meaning, and subject to the whims of those more powerful than you? It's just a guess, and I hope an inaccurate one. But if so, one has to wonder why all the nastiness about something that couldn't possibly affect your ability to play the game the way you prefer. Nevermind, I leave that to you and the mental health professional you should be seeing. :)

    I am not the one asking to cheat the system because I`m stupid. Because you DID and still DO have the option to invest in sure revenue, like the CM things that never go down in price - rare dyes, renames, whatever you can find on the GTN that never goes too far down and you can buy DIRECTLY. That way you achieve 2 things:


    1. Have a sure and predictable CC to credits ratio AND ensure you keep minimum things on sale - using the GTN as a storage + your own for things that will go on sale.

    2. Keep your inventory to a minimum, as you don`t end up with 7 items, from which 5 are duplicates per each pack open.


    SO, you gambled, or brought it onto yourself and now you want Bioware to save you? Maybe you should have saved yourself. You still can - destroy the ones you don`t need / want or sell for 1k a pop. You had, have and will have multiple choices. Not my fault you refuse to use them.


    As for the red text, I`ll tell you why. You are part of the "GimmeGimmeGimme" crowd, that can`t think for **** and wants game mechanics tailored for their needs, even if they could have avoided their situation entirely with a bit of thinking before doing. And the man hours dedicated to a potential solution to a problem that doesn`t exist past the user stupidity, or the second it takes for someone to read your idea - could be used towards ACTUAL PROBLEMS, like the changing instances bug that is only in the game since launch, or fixing the big butt bug that was fixed before once and it resurfaced, or fix the reflection on Cybernetic 512, or fixing the very actual and real bugs this game has, even on PAID content, like CM items.


    Because, each time I change instance to join a Heroic or my group, I am thinking of the diverted resources to some idiot idea, instead of being forced to relog each time I switch instances. SO, I will shoot as many holes in any idea I think it`s stupid, in the hope that it never sees the light of day.

  3. And don't use a sorcerer or sage as your starting character. They require more skill to use properly and have low survivability.


    The real problem is not the game difficulty but the lack of a decent tutorial.


    Sage DPS spec with Tharan is as good as any, as it has really nice skills and instant AOE with no cooldown - the perfect PvE weapon :) . Add bubble and instant cast self heal also.


    So, you just AoE everything and bubble up before gold and let Tharax heal you while you mow it down. Planetary comms help you level for level and not the retarded old system, which was tied to the actual planet and it`s gear level.


    I would say it is a VERY easy class to play, even in its DPS spec.

  4. I guess I am offended by people expecting/demanding things be given to them because they don't want to do what is required for them. I used to have a neighbor who would have a new kid every couple of years. She did it expressly for the fact having kids=money from the government for her. She even said "I do too work, I had these kids"


    I didn`t ask no work. I earned my HK the hard way back in the day and it is only my hate to Ewoks that is stopping me to earn Treek.


    I like the idea of droid placeholders, because it offers a choice - level in any other way than the beaten path AND not getting punished by it, by missing companions. I like the idea of having companions, or mindless drones with no dialogues or bonuses for crafting / slicing / whatever purpose that are separate from the main story.


    I am NOT against working for them :) . But I am FOR having a choice, yes.


    there's only one compromise that I would personally be ok with. companion replacers. a bunch of c2-n2 droids you can buy for your full crafting complement, with all that it entails - or in other words, they can only perform the role, that c2 n2 can - in combat or out of it. (and if it comes with ability to reject companions and replace them with droids? all the better)

    From post #32.


    Would you agree with a slight modification to this idea, like adding "add a quest line for each of the C2-N2 droids"? Or a "gather parts" similar to the HK quest?


    Making it, in effect, a cheaper "HK" but a more or less replica of extra companion choice. The numbers will never exceed 5 droids and they will get replaced by the companions when and if you get them. The droids will offer no bonuses, pretty much like the butler, so you DO trade-off functionality for speed or acquisition. They will also be gated by level (of standard start quest for any of the companions, so you won`t end up with somebody at lvl 15 with 6 companions). Optionally add +2 level requirement for your assumed earlier "faster leveling", which is only time relative, not actual XP, but ok :) They will also never go past 0 affection. They will also have ONLY the functionality of the butler, aka healing - you get the butler anyway and you need a ship, so you`re just getting 5 more replicas anyway. You won`t need any other role because you are engaged into leveling that doesn`t require a companion, so functionality is not needed. The placing will be on the normal companion spots - as in in rooms on the ship, so replacing will be "place on place".


    Feel free to add anti-exploiting rules.

  5. This poster gets it.


    . As for your continuing arguments Styxx, you even said in a post about he companions "You don't care about the requirements for them, you just want them"


    So, are you going to walk into a car dealership and say. ""I want that Porsche. I don't care that I need to pay in full or at least have a down payment, I say i did the work by walking myself into your business so I demand you give it to me."


    So, you dont have the currency required to pay for that porsche (quest completed) but hey you want it so they should just give it to you just because you -want it-.

    I said I don`t care why and how they exist, not that I don`t care about the requirements.


    I want them and I don`t care HOW I get them. So, I simply want to have them, since I don`t care too much on how and why I meet them, as much as Bioware wants to - spacebar is an option anyway, so there isn`t anything in the game to prohibit a player to not care. From this point of view, their cutscenes are entirely useless.

    Quote from the original post - #64. Explanation - I am perfectly ok with requirements for companions. What I am not ok with are their ties to the actual story, like the mandatory questing all the way to Belsavis end to get Nadia Grell, for instance, instead of any long or short quest to get her directly. It was also aimed at the backstory of the companions and the lack of interest in it for some players, not about requirements - not everybody cares about the "buildup" :)

  6. Sold in the cartel market straight up? I would love that.


    About the cheapest +41 power crystal you can get on GTN is 500,000, and they are ugly. The nice looking ones start at several million, which is too rich for my blood. OTOH, I would pay 600 cc plus whatever (even another 600) for a decent looking color.


    I was missing the +41 power blue core and got it for 700k. Not the best price in the world, but it`s not the worst neither - Red Eclipse. I might be just lucky that it is the ONLY crystal I want apart from the black reds, black blues and cyans, which ARE dirt cheap :) .

  7. No, I don't think so. I am pretty sure that leveling via KDY, then going back and facerolling the class quests because I am 20 levels overleveled, is still faster than just leveling via class/planetary/sidequests in the first place.


    You faceroll it anyway, because, if you are using ALL the quests on a planet, you are AT LEAST 4 levels above the requirement, which is automatic faceroll. Makes no difference to the average time if you kill a mob in one rotation or two.


    That being said, let`s assume they all leveled up in the same time, so we won`t end up giving examples of players doing 5 minutes a day and taking 10 years to get to 55, ok?


    Also, the actual amount of XP required to get to 55 is the same. The ONLY thing you can change is the XP per hour gain. Planetary questing MIGHT look faster by the large chunks, but you run SOOO much that all the time you would gain you`re actually losing. Funny enough, I leveled one toon from 50 to 55 by KDY only - took about 6 hours, which is the same it took to do Makeb. What can I say.. I`m slow. You should try it one day - it`s an enlightening experience and something that CAN be timed and compared.

  8. I'm not sure why they shouldn't be, considering they are integral PART of the story, some companions more so than others - for several class story, companions literally progress the story arc throughout, beyond the planet you originally found them on (2 of the most obvious examples that come to mind are Jedi Knight and Sith inquisitor, although Sith warrior, Smuggler, Agent and Consular also very much qualify).


    That is the point I am trying to make - the fairness or unfairness of the system, or companions being tied to the story.


    I have nothing against the newer ones requiring work or money, as they exist independently of any "forced" content. The linking of companions to the actual story has a problem for me.


    Say player Jeweledleah has a goal in his mind - get to 55 (bear with me, it`s just for an example purpose). Player Styxx has the same goal. If we strip everything else, or the fluff and the BS, our goal is to get as fast as possible to 55. Player Jeweledleah likes the story and will watch every cutscene on the way. Player Styxx will get married with Player Spacebar and speed past anything. Now, player Styxx, having paid a sub fee, is entirely in its right to not care about the "Fourth Pillar" and, as a result, not care about why and how said companions exist or get to join the avatar.


    I am trying to argue that the actual story is optional, or there are players that don`t care much about it. It wouldn`t be a problem in itself, but said players do have other means of leveling, which are very legitimate. And past the "But Bioware designed this game such and such", the only fact still stands - it is down to player choice if to skip story, care or not care about it, or "power level".


    From this point of view, I don`t think it is right to give such a great advantage to ONE way of leveling, like 5 companions that can craft / get mats for you to sell / be the companion required class for the PC, in a game that relies heavily on PC + companion gameplay. No other activity in the game gives such a glaring advantage (to be read any leveling option not giving advantage over another leveling option, for the same amount of work - roughly 5 missions), so it WOULD be fair to have equal rewards for all the leveling choices, not be forced by default to do one regardless. Yes, forced, because nobody in their right mind will sit on only 3 out of 6 companions.


    It could be seen as Bioware`s lack of foresight, or simply not caring, just like the Guild example. There is a distinct difference between what was marketed, what this game offers and what a player chooses to do with it. And we STILL don`t get cross-faction chat for sister guilds, even if alting is encouraged. Just as we have no option but to chew sand and do the class quests, because we are given no other option.

  9. It is a proud tradition started by the budgetary restraints of the original movies. Han Solo's gun was a Broomhandle Mauser, the Stormtrooper blasters were British Sterling sub-machine guns, and the Stormtrooper heavy blasters were MG34s and Lewis Guns.


    It could hardly be more Star Wars than to give an iconic 20th Century gun this treatment. :)


    Oh? In that case, the ignorance got the better of me. Apologies are in order it seems! Thank you to everybody that tried to talk some sense into me :)


    I still like the gun! :)

  10. If you like the looks of your toon, you will likely have to remod all the gear at one point or another - full mods + reaugmenting (slots + actual augments) on all your gear ,or the pieces that you keep and not change, but, ultimately, you will have to augment your ear and implants also.


    A very expensive business if you`ll do it with BiS or close to mods / augments, on a large number of alts.

  11. I really don`t think we will see anything new apart of the big generic story arc. No sign of class continuation and I suspect it will not happen in this game.


    I could be wrong, but there are no signs whatsoever to point to even the slightest of hope.

  12. Why should companions NOT be linked to the story line? That is, after all, where you actually MEET them.

    Because it can lead to paradoxical situations, like the one OP is in: Player A levels exclusively via planetary questing and gets all companions. Player B levels exclusively via KDY and doesn`t get any companion. They both spent the same amount of time going from 1 to 55, but Player B has to spend extra time to get the companions.


    There is one thing to be optional and another to be mandatory. In this case, Player B will simply have to spend more time than Player A, just because he has chosen a different way of getting to lvl 55.


    In my opinion, this particular case does not fall under optional, because it is only a means to an end. If a player`s goal is the end game and NOT the "journey", it is very plausible for said player to just grind as fast as he can to get to 55, to start gearing up or do whatever he wants to. Now, because the game encourages one way of playing, but offers 5, it shouldn`t give exclusive content only on ONE - and I`m not talking about the gear. By choosing one of the possible 5 ways of leveling, I get exclusive content, even if it is the same activity - LEVEL UP.


    Or, put differently - 2 players spend 70 hours getting from 1 to 55. One via planetary questing, the other via KDY. The second one will have to spend more hours to get the content he would have automatically gotten, had he chosen to level like the first player. That is my point - automatic reward, just for being there. Companions are not rewards - are automatic giveaways, at least that`s what I`m seeing them as.


    It also can be argued straight to the quote that I don`t need their backstory or anything past their actual pixels for crafting purposes and presence bonus. I want them and I don`t care HOW I get them. As valid point as any, as it is a personal choice of caring for the story or not. So, I simply want to have them, since I don`t care too much on how and why I meet them, as much as Bioware wants to - spacebar is an option anyway, so there isn`t anything in the game to prohibit a player to not care. From this point of view, their cutscenes are entirely useless.

  13. Been there done that...

    Issue was to start once, and most of puggers simply boot out tank in 156s (what I was at least crafting myself).

    Had to change 3 guilds until find proper one (no elitists behavior but still some OPs and support).

    Now have more gear that I know what to do with... over whole legacy.

    It is still not correct for tanks to have half of their gear crapped, do you support the idea half DPS gear to have absorption on it?

    And PvP ... if you are not in it you will need at least 2 weeks or some relaxants to eat all that crap that new player at 55 receive in PvP.


    I was exclusively pugging on 2 fresh dinged 55`s and capped both their weeklies worth of elites and ultimates. Granted, they are both DPS, but never been kicked. I also saw poor tanks that gone afk and didn`t know tactics for lvl 50 operations - they still weren`t kicked. People were more than willing to help, so I have no idea why you are having this problem. Hell, they even let me in DP and DF with 140 rated gear! And if that bridge datacron wouldn`t have been so sweet I even would have made it out of there alive :)


    As for PvP, I openly announced that I am not geared, so I will play support only and guard duties ONLY if I am supported by at least one more player - didn`t get flak, got guarded nicely and generally I did what I could, with what I had at my disposal. Nothing could ask for more and it was not asked.


    Maybe I am lucky, but I am never part of those horror stories and I do play a bit. I am beginning to think I am missing on game content :)

  14. Styxx, we can't use your solution. Your solution is to stop buying. Then there is nothing to buy on the GTN. Bioware's answer would most definitely not be "stop buying" so I'm sure they could come up with something that took multiple pieces to roll for another piece, or something.


    Otherwise, OP... you just have to man up and sell them for 1k-20k each and make like a bandit at 300k for 20 items :p


    I have this same problem of ridiculous storage used up due to hypercrates. You're welcome everybody, I funded the next expansion.


    There will always be people that will buy. You are just slightly pissed, or, rather, OP is, so he is throwing hissy-fits, maybe big bad Bioware wolf will get scared. Since its entire philosophy is gambling for rares, this is unlikely to change, as the rare drops ARE the reason everyone and their mother are buying crates. It is, of course, to be expected that people will end up with multiple duds that they can sell for nothing. Next time buy only the black / black dyes, since those have a sure value, if you want SURE revenue and gamble less. See? You brought it onto yourself. You gambled your money in the hope of that 10 mil mount or 4 mil crystal, instead of buying sure dyes that sell at 3 mil a pop.


    My solution is stop gambling. There are plenty of solutions of getting sure revenue.


    You see, if you and OP stop buying, I`m sure those 80 mils will drop to zero in a blink of an eye.


    As for thank you`s... I paid RoTHC at its 10 bucks price as preorder and I AM paying my 15, which are actually 18, since BW has a funny way of converting dollars into euro, so you are slightly mistaken about your place in the world - as far as my money are concerned, anyway. Maybe the freeloaders should thank you, but they can`t post in here.

  15. I paid 3 mils for Mira`s set. While we can debate about the price, the fact still stands - I had the money and the will, so I made it happen.


    I don`t think it is nice to not work for your stuff. Maybe you don`t deserve that set, after all.


    I also don`t think Bioware should dedicate ONE second of even thinking about spending man hours to change a system, simply because someone is unwilling to buy the missing piece to finish the set.

  16. considering that I'm against just giving people story companions without doing the story, yet was the one who proposed an option of buying droids for crafting as character perk... I'm not sure "neither side willing to accept common ground" is entirely accurate.


    that said, I also happen to think that crafting itself is pretty darn optional. and even then - you can do gathering with zero companions available


    I was pro your idea, just so you know. Our reasons might not be identical, but I did find your idea a decently thought neutral ground.


    Then everything split into examples that have no bearing on the actual argument - Companions linked to the story quest, which they shouldn`t be.

  17. Or you make another alt, or you do ground PvP, or you do GSF, or you . . .


    There are a lot of different things to do in the game that different people enjoy in different ways.


    That was never in question :) . What was in question was if companions are a core part of the game, or optional and why are they tied to the story.


    We all agreed to disagree it seems, as no side will be able to convince the other and no new arguments are present, since no side is willing to even accept common ground, like the idea proposed earlier in this topic.

  18. Nothing in my life stopped me from getting what I want when I want it.


    Now, be a good boy and be honest with us all - you are not buying because you don`t want to buy, not because space is an issue.


    IF space would be an issue, you would simply buy MORE space, or make a new toon that would act as a "mule" and send unbound stuff over there, making use of an additional inventory + whatever storage tabs it might have unlocked. Or simply destroy crap items, as you previously suggested.


    Char slots are 300 - 500k = for those money you can buy about 8 rows or whatever is the last before the 100k expand for the player inventory, plus you get one free storage AND a 40k new one at lvl 20. A cheap way of getting two full storage tabs AND an inventory if you`d ask me. Repeat for as many times as you need, especially with Legacy storage coming. Cap your max toons per server and buy on all the extra tab, then buy one legacy extra for the 1050 CC or whatever it is, so you will have 16 or 22, whatever the max is extra cargo slots - might want to ask around if the legacy slot does what I think it does - unlocks one extra on ALL the toons in one legacy - never personally used it, so I can`t be 100% sure.


    OR you could come clean and say it: "I can`t make money off CM stuff because too many are trying it and anything minus the rares is dirt cheap, so I want extras". I`m afraid you`ll just have to invest more money into CM packs, in the hope that you can finally get THAT particular belt.

  19. And it has nothing to do with the fact that white and black is more or less expensive, right? You guys are doing this 500 times a day, for it to become onerous, or once in a blue moon, for ONE new chest piece?


    You will have to forgive me for not seeing onerous a task that involves at the very pessimistic point of view a ONE dye change per month.


    Perhaps, as I said, you are trying to mask as onerous an idea that is most exclusively about the money, or how would you like to avoid spending 3 mils each time you want an all black chest piece.

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