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Everything posted by ctfred

  1. Maybe include the armor that the sith warriors wear in the trailers and opening cinematic, actually all the armor from the trailers.
  2. I have always found pre 50 bracket fun since you do not need to worry about ppl with high expertise compared to fresh 50's.
  3. Maybe include group buffs kinda like captains from lotro, So merc/commandos feel they help the group.
  4. Wonder what if they made our cast's mobile? Casting grav round while its casting, you will be able to move during the whole cast. not sure if we will be slowed during the duration or not.
  5. I'm really interested in recording some game play of myself either through ops, pve and pvp and i was wondering how do ppl record themselves? what programs they use etc, free or paid ones?
  6. Hey guys the patch actually fixed it. Though when it says to defeat the commandos its near the door and for the droids i had to exit room and go back in for them to appear, don't know why the way points are in a different area since they appear in the room with raktons holo.
  7. When i started my commando i never had the ord mantell quest bugs(made about 3months ago) but now operation talon is bugged kinda frustrating that i can not complete the mission and move on the trooper story line, tried resetting it nothing, grouping it nada, and even logging. Bugged when you have to find the head of state npc's, with the waypoint in different places and they are there for no reason. Can't start the convo at the end i keep getting the not eligible pop up. Ran into 4 other troopers with the same problem we even grouped it no luck.
  8. I currently have 2 jedi/sith toons a gaurdian and marauder. If my marauder with synth sends a imp armor to my jedi gaurdian will it be imp/sith themed if my gaurdian wears it or will it change to rep/jedi look? My gaurdian is arftifice. I have yet to try it and i am just wondering what happens if you send cross faction gear etc to the other faction. BTW are there rep/imp armor schematics or are they universal in look/style/theme?
  9. Subscribing swtor players should be able to queue gathering and mission missions if that makes sense to you. Should be able to queue up to 5 missions like for the crafting skills and per characher. Now for f2p'ers they should only queue up to two per companion or just one. Makes it a bit worth it IMO, now what do YOU guys think?
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