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Everything posted by Nethgilne

  1. It can be. You just don't do it in UI customization mode. Just during normal play.
  2. I can't argue since i don't know why every MMO developer had failed to see this coming. Perhaps there are inherent logistical difficulties ? Looming deadlines? Maybe it comes down to plain ol' hubris on Bioware's part. I don't know. Obviously, having a back up strategy on hand is preferable to not having one, but such is life. Looking past all the would've, could've and should'ves - "What is the best way forward" is the more constructive question now.
  3. Agreed. Guilds will die and frustrated players will leave - BUT, these might be nothing more than "acceptable casualties" within Bioware's long term strategy. Sure, YOU and YOUR friends might quit. YOUR guild might die; but, once a sustainable server transfer model is put into place AND if the core game-play features remain attractive, the population will stabilize and grow: players will join, new guilds will form and stronger a communities arises from the remnants of the old. The world keeps on turning. I say "sustainable" server transfer models because, let's face it, If everyone were given free transfers to go wherever they pleased, we'd end up with 2 or three "Super servers" with queues at all hours of the day and a whole slew of ghost servers. You know what they say: "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer" - I don't see why the same wouldn't apply here. BW's only obvious mistake (in hindsight) was opening up way too many servers. Pro: smooth launch. Con: what we have here now. I do appreciate that they're not taking the knee jerk approach and going straight for server merges. One step at a time.
  4. Also enjoying the game and excited about the possibilities.
  5. Every planet has a shuttle that does directly back to fleet somewhere along the quest progression. Why not let us take a shuttle BACK to that planet surface location? It's silly that the shuttle is only one way
  6. I like this idea. I actually had a similar notion a few weeks ago, the only difference that Bioware could allow faction changes facilitated by choices made made by the player relatively early in the main story line. This would result in an completely alternate character storyline where the player plays the role of a defector. This would allow one to take their original character through an entirely different storyline. Maybe BW can even tie in dual specs through mechanic, by allowing players who've gone through the two factions story lines to switch between the "alternate reality" specs on the fly.
  7. I like this idea. Sounds like something fun that could be implemented through the legacy systems. For example, a "reverse-hand" lightsaber style like in Force unleashed would really stand out and would be a pretty nice incentive to rack up legacy XP (for me at least) . lots of work for those animators though. I wonder if any are still on the dev team
  8. I know the tread is about the lightsabers themselves, but what about eventually adding new light saber combat animations? Maybe as some kind of legacy system upgrade.
  9. good or bad, the Sith philosophy that the Empire is built on just doesn't pan out in the long term http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2012/02/13/five-leadership-mistakes-of-the-galactic-empire/
  10. Some quests seem to point to droids as a playable class in the future.
  11. I, for one, would like to see dialogue options open up based on the player character's attribute and/or crew skill scores. For example, giving players with high investments in diplomacy crew skill a dialogue option seeking non-violent quest solutions, or those with underworld trading occasionally given the opportunity to haggle for greater quest rewards. Elements like these in Bioware's single player games made an huge impact in the depth of interaction, replay value, and enforced a stronger connection between player and character; and I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be the same in an MMO setting. I can see how balancing would be a monumental task, not to mention the logistical challenges involved in writing alternate quest endings and recording additional voice overs, but seeing as how Bioware's made such an investment to allow players to play as that smart talking scoundrel, why not push that system even further and give that scoundrel the option of slicing, haggling or talking his way to alternate quest solutions?
  12. My hope - rather my speculation- is on free roaming space missions where a 4 member party can man stations at different points of the ship, perhaps one person piloting, another manages shields and torpedo while the other two get on the turrets. Mission structure would be pve: escort, getting from point A to point B or taking down capital ships and stuff. But i guess there would be room for group vs group pvp. To throw some rpg elements in there experience gained from these missions can be used to level up bonuses in things like ship handling, lock on time, shield strength etc. but like i said: that's mostly just a pipe dream of mine.
  13. Free roaming space missions. Maybe even an option to man turrets on someone else's ships.
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