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Do you think story is really what MMO players want?


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Story is very important to me. I was always that kind of gamer who actually pays attention to the story and reads and listens to everything said. But in an MMO, you can't focus on the story this much. I feel like i'm playing a fun, normal rpg with other people around whom I can ask for help if I want. I don't feel like its an MMO so much. Its like a single-player game I have to pay to play at this point. I think they really need to give more endgame content and more social things to do, like other MMO's. The questing and combat is really fun, but I look for more in an MMO. This is just my opinion though. Edited by thebluefire
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I quit WoW because Blizzard's prime directive became herding its subs into end game as fast as they could to better position sales of their next expansions. WoW has become a loot pinata and has conditioned it's core base for it. Now they expect easy money and faceless progression in everything they do. Sad really...


Agreed. I missed all of WotLK and didn't play my account for around 2 years. When I came back, I was immediately told to respec to a healer or tank to level up quickly, which I did. That killed it for me. I missed a lot of story only to be shoved into end game content for which I didn't know the background. I don't even miss WoW at all.

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While the story is welcome, the nature of most quests is the same. Be it a classic Fedex quest or "gather such-and-such from these creatures for whatever reason".


The voice actors are what really sets it apart, and I think its always going to be up to personal opinion if its enough to maintain interest.

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1) I like cutscenes for everything but I DO think there should be an option to skip the ENTIRE cutscene for quests if you wish.


2) Check my previous 2 posts, it gets better as you get higher level and I included why that was from a plot/balance perspective.


3) I don't think there should be a prime focus to be honest, I think it's equal dibs story and gameplay. If you have good story and gameplay you don't even need to worry about replayability because that will just come naturally.


Replayability is also helped by the fact that if you roll an alt you get an entirely new story...oh, and each class has a fork in their story by the way, and after that choice you get two different possible stories. However, I do understand that the sidequest cutscenes might get annoying since they're obviously the same for each alt you roll on the same faction so they need to bring in a full cutscene skip. I believe they will, by the way, as they've already employed similar cutscene dynamics in ME3.



The thing is they can't put that option in because of the light and dark choices and the companion feelings, so it's a double edged sword for them.

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While the story is welcome, the nature of most quests is the same. Be it a classic Fedex quest or "gather such-and-such from these creatures for whatever reason".


The voice actors are what really sets it apart, and I think its always going to be up to personal opinion if its enough to maintain interest.


It may not be, but the other option is to just do what other MMOs do and not even try to relieve the mundaneness and simply say it to you bare faced: "go grind 15 basilisk brains - oh, by the way, only 1 out of 3 basilisks has a brain."



Edited by Myrmedus
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The thing is they can't put that option in because of the light and dark choices and the companion feelings, so it's a double edged sword for them.


True, that is a difficulty, though not many sidequests have the dark/light side choices in fairness...though companion feelings is a different story. Having said that, companion feelings are more disposable since you can affect them with gifts.


However, ME also has what amounts to dark/light side (Renegade/Paragon) and ME3 has an "Action Mode" option where you don't choose dialogue options at all, so presumably there must be a way :)

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My plan for this game has been to run through several of the story lines until gameplay becomes repetitive and I tire of it. The storyline has increased my interest in the game tremendously, since I now have an endpoint to drive me through the character progressions. Without it, my experience is that I'd just tire of mechanics and leave sooner.[/Quote]


This is the problem, this game will not keep subscribers that are like this! "Complete all the stories until it gets repetitive and I tire with it" so in a sense............this game is drawing off a single player game and charging people monthly to play a single player game.

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This is the problem, this game will not keep subscribers that are like this! "Complete all the stories until it gets repetitive and I tire with it" so in a sense............this game is drawing off a single player game and charging people monthly to play a single player game.


Possibly, but I think the levelling part of an MMO is often a single-player game anyway. But yes, it's possible they will lose subscribers like this once they complete the story (having said that there are 16 stories...rofl).

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Possibly, but I think the levelling part of an MMO is often a single-player game anyway.



Which is another problem, back before WOTLK, MMOs never used to be that way..............quite honestly I think WOTLK started the decline of MMOs and Cata put the stake in the heart, MMOs used to be all about grouping up to quest and explore.

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I wanted story. Other MMOs get bland and boring. Skill is about gear, and gear gets depreciated with every single expansion or content release. So far with TOR I've got something to keep me entertained beyond just simply grinding.
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I wanted story. Other MMOs get bland and boring. Skill is about gear, and gear gets depreciated with every single expansion or content release. So far with TOR I've got something to keep me entertained beyond just simply grinding.



Nah skill isn't about gear, I beat the crap out of better geared people than me in pvp and out dps and heal people with better gear than me.

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I wanted story. Other MMOs get bland and boring. Skill is about gear, and gear gets depreciated with every single expansion or content release. So far with TOR I've got something to keep me entertained beyond just simply grinding.


Lemme tell ya about the golden days of an MMO called "Utlima Online..."

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Which is another problem, back before WOTLK, MMOs never used to be that way..............quite honestly I think WOTLK started the decline of MMOs and Cata put the stake in the heart, MMOs used to be all about grouping up to quest and explore.


Really? I never did this to be honest...but perhaps that is just me.


Every MMO I played I started to play on my own, not with real life friends, so invariably I played it single-player. And once I started to play it single-player I simply continued to do so, both in terms of levelling and exploring.


Don't get me wrong, there were times where I'd group with someone to kill a tough elite or do the odd group quest/instance, but this probably constituted about 10% of my gameplay while levelling.


This is mainly due to the fact that it takes time to build up a friendship base but also because so many people on MMOs are leechers who don't leave you be after you help them once.

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Nah skill isn't about gear, I beat the crap out of better geared people than me in pvp and out dps and heal people with better gear than me.


Depends on the MMO. UO and early WoW had this in spades (though UO was a bit harsh with: you die, bai bai gear!), WotLK onwards the difference skill made became very small.

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Story is very important to some folks, like myself, who don't simply want to exercise the functionality of a game - BioWare made book on engaging story lines, voice talent, and immersive plots.


If this game doesn't work for you, if story isn't as important as, say, raid progression, then there are actually dozens of games out there that do cater to the "succession of hamster wheels" gameplay characteristic of current MMOs.


Your post made me giggle, hehehe, its pure truphf!

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Not going to read all 11 pages here but my short answer is:


I didn't know I wanted it until I realized how much all the other MMO's I've played lack in comparison without it. They were all still fun but the story in this game is just way more fun and add something that I think will be emulated in the future. Those with the patience of a 2 year old can still breeze through the game if they like, the rest of us will actually enjoy experiencing what an MMO should be. An immersive experience that makes you actually feel like a participant in something bigger.


Btw, I'm not saying the game doesn't have it's flaws, it sure does. But story, they nailed that.

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Lemme tell ya about the golden days of an MMO called "Utlima Online..."


What about it? A game like Ultima Online wouldn't survive as a new release. Having a story to enjoy while leveling and engaging is a step forward. Other MMOs tried to do that, but failed.

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Really? I never did this to be honest...but perhaps that is just me.


Every MMO I played I started to play on my own, not with real life friends, so invariably I played it single-player. And once I started to play it single-player I simply continued to do so, both in terms of levelling and exploring.


Don't get me wrong, there were times where I'd group with someone to kill a tough elite or do the odd group quest/instance, but this probably constituted about 10% of my gameplay while levelling.


This is mainly due to the fact that it takes time to build up a friendship base but also because so many people on MMOs are leechers who don't leave you be after you help them once.



My first week in WoW and I found a good guild, we went flight patch exploring (nothing like being level 15 going through Burning Steppes with high levels), grouped with guildmates to quest and do dungeons (not being brought through dungeons but actually DOING them)...........good times.

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My first week in WoW and I found a good guild, we went flight patch exploring (nothing like being level 15 going through Burning Steppes with high levels), grouped with guildmates to quest and do dungeons (not being brought through dungeons but actually DOING them)...........good times.


I honestly think that's an exceptional case. Finding a guild that early on is quite rare (with the exception of those kinds who trying to make their own guild and just need 4 signatures from any random person).


Having said that early WoW I did make alot more buddies than any other MMO I've played...it's just a shame how the community is these days though, and it's not just WoW it's the MMO community at large.

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What about it? A game like Ultima Online wouldn't survive as a new release. Having a story to enjoy while leveling and engaging is a step forward. Other MMOs tried to do that, but failed.



Yeah..........pretty sad when people have to have a story made for them rather than make their own adventures :(


UO was great and it would DEFINITELY do good today because of all the features it had..........


- Build a house anywhere


- Different shards to the same server, 1 if you felt like open world pvping 1 for pve


- Multiple class styles (A healer that can wield a shield and sword and beat you down)


- Bounties can be put on peoples heads


Oh yeah.

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This is the problem, this game will not keep subscribers that are like this! "Complete all the stories until it gets repetitive and I tire with it" so in a sense............this game is drawing off a single player game and charging people monthly to play a single player game.
Has anyone ever bought a DVD so they could watch it multiple times? Or bought a good book series from a trusted author so they could reread it multiple times? Welcome to a video game that subscribes to the same axiom - good story never grows old for people who enjoy good story. Edited by GalacticKegger
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Has anyone ever bought a DVD so they could watch it multiple times? Or bought a good book series from a trusted author so they could reread it multiple times? Welcome to a video game that subscribes to the same axiom - a good story never gets old.



When you have leveled all the classes you are out of story, he eluded to the fact that he has no interest in pvp or raiding.

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