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Rate my Build?


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I've always liked making more unorthodox builds in these games and I have come up with this one:




I'll let you guys look at the build and then criticise or offer advise for any changes I can make :cool:


If making unorthodox builds is your thing, then by all means go for it. Just realize that you will probably feel underpowered at times.


As far as rating that build goes, I've got to admit that I don't quite know what you were going for. Being 1 point away from Plasma Probe, I don't understand why you sold yourself short. It looks like 2 different builds kind of got mashed together. On the one hand, your cooldown on the melee attack Debilitate is reduced. On the other, you put no points into increasing your other melee attack, Shiv. You've got all the talents from the Engineer tree to max out AoE damage, but you didn't take one of the best AoE's in the game (from what I hear). From what I can see, the only real strength of that build is that your Frag grenades will do more damage than anyone else, however you didn't take the 1 skill that would reduce their cooldown...


Again, the point of the game is to have fun, so if you like playing something different then go for it. Congratulations on the fact that your build is completely different than anything else I've seen. But since you asked us to actually rate the build, I would have to give it a 3/10 when it comes to actual combat effectiveness.

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Really you shouldn't be aiming at doing a hybrid build unless you can math out a superior way. 31/x/x, x/31/x, and x/x/31 are pretty much the standard builds that you can't go wrong with at the moment. 23/16/2 has some potential at sustained DPS though due to the energy regeneration you can get at, but it's rather unclear at the moment. The build you have lacks some of the best parts of all of the builds. Lethality is terrible without Cull as an example. Edited by Ayestes
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