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Weekly server maintenance EU times?


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SWG had different times for EU and US. Stop embarrassing yourself.


Wrong, They had the same downtime because they had to implement the same fixes at the same time, they also had TCG to do during this time.


You clearly never played SWG or you would not be so incorrect, go on the site and look at the old downtime scheduled and stop :o yourself.

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SWG has had the same downtime's, I played the game for 7 years.


Wrong, they had different downtimes....I played on both US and EU servers at the time


WoW used to do the same as Bioware is doing, this only changed in the last few years.


Wrong, WoW launched in the EU 4-5 months after the US and straight awya had different down times


LOTR I never played.


Is true, also LOTRO


EvE has one downtime, STO has one downtime, DC has one downtime.


What a shocker the SINGLE SERVER games, go down at the same time :rolleyes:



Really, more ?

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Wrong, They had the same downtime because they had to implement the same fixes at the same time, they also had TCG to do during this time.


You clearly never played SWG or you would not be so incorrect, go on the site and look at the old downtime scheduled and stop :o yourself.


omg this is crazy

Is true all people is wrong, you are right

1 cookie for you

you win

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Can you please link to games and companies with the same policy as Bioware/swtor then?


Use Google and do a little research yourself, you should not believe anyone on a forum until.

At the end of the day this is not going to change.


Its sad people have to base there life on a game and its very funny people are unsubbing over this.


At least in the next few days most of these people will be gone and will make room for people who understand how a company / MMO works.


Its that simple.

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Use Google and do a little research yourself, you should not believe anyone on a forum until.

At the end of the day this is not going to change.


Its sad people have to base there life on a game and its very funny people are unsubbing over this.


At least in the next few days most of these people will be gone and will make room for people who understand how a company / MMO works.


Its that simple.


So simple all mayor AA companies out there doing the downtimes with separate windows, even the biggest one i will not say its name here

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No need to argue with others, they can research it and find the times, We are posting asking BW to listen.



Time is about up and most mmo players know other MMO (some bigger some smaller named) can do 2 separate times and we know BW can as well since the servers are already in EU. At this time they are choosing to not posting to acknowledge us nor considering a change in down times.



I have posted the Email I received when I asked if they were going to be changing or consider changing the down time for EU players. Answer is No they are not even looking into it.


And as an American I know Americans would not lay down and roll over if they were to miss 8 hours (more if need be) of play time a week. We are not asking for any changes to the NA Side So please do not get upset and hate on us for wanting to be able to have our down times more in line with the NA one.



I know tomorrow servers will be down for most my time again and then sadly my time will be up (1 month) so I guess all those who are serious about wanting a change will be watching and hoping at some point BW listens and changes the EU time.

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No need to argue with others, they can research it and find the times, We are posting asking BW to listen.



Time is about up and most mmo players know other MMO (some bigger some smaller named) can do 2 separate times and we know BW can as well since the servers are already in EU. At this time they are choosing to not posting to acknowledge us nor considering a change in down times.



I have posted the Email I received when I asked if they were going to be changing or consider changing the down time for EU players. Answer is No they are not even looking into it.


And as an American I know Americans would not lay down and roll over if they were to miss 8 hours (more if need be) of play time a week. We are not asking for any changes to the NA Side So please do not get upset and hate on us for wanting to be able to have our down times more in line with the NA one.



I know tomorrow servers will be down for most my time again and then sadly my time will be up (1 month) so I guess all those who are serious about wanting a change will be watching and hoping at some point BW listens and changes the EU time.



Much more eloquently written, than anything I could have come up....+1 to you :D

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Im sorry, but this seems really strange to me...


In the thread made yesterday http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=691258#edit691258 bioware announced the weekly maintenance and that they would try their best to keep these weekly maintenance's on off peak-hours.


And that seems correct in the US, but in europe the time is 10AM to 4PM.... How is that in anyway during off peak-hours. Its in the middle off the day.


They even have physical servers in europe so why cant we have maintenance on those servers when its the best time for us and not when its the best time for the US?


I really dont understand their reasoning for this and its rather annoying knowing that the servers will be unavailable every tuesday afternoon.


Hopefully we can get some clarification on this or maybe its just me overreacting?


The bottom line is that 8am-4pm IS off-peak for us in the EU and that's the end of that.


There maybe a minority that are impacted.

Edited by Zoggel
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Sorry Catch 22 not sure where you live but we are not all living in the same place. EU is HUGE just so you know



According to the Server list when I get up at 4 am, the servers are very low populated but by noon my time (gmt +2) you start seeing a fast rise in loads.



Children here get out of school at noon, we do not have the same school hours as USA:



It is called respect and I hope you can respect that our wanting a separate time does not affect you or your Na time, Please understand we will not take milk and cookies from anyone , we just would like our own.


thank you


Remember everyone, all have opinions but the best ones are informed, logical, and polite

Edited by Kaarina
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The bottom line is that 8am-4pm IS off-peak for us in the EU and that's the end of that.


There maybe a minority that are impacted.



As said previously....the 8am - 4pm is ONLY for the UK + Ireland. Many parts of Europe fall into GMT+2 or more and that means its cutting into 6-8pm


That is NOT during school/work hours and is NOT off-peak!

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As said previously....the 8am - 4pm is ONLY for the UK + Ireland. Many parts of Europe fall into GMT+2 or more and that means its cutting into 6-8pm


That is NOT during school/work hours and is NOT off-peak!


Since when does 4pm +2 equal 8pm...?


You surely realize not all EU lives where you live? for me it is 10 am to 6pm and that is not low time. 1 am gmt or even 2 am gmt is much lower play time according to server loads


Yes, but even in Eastern Europe that still only means 2 hours of the maintenance overlaps into the post school/work, assuming we call 4pm a cut off.


So, when you consider that maintenance periods so far have gotten no where near the 8 hours max, usually completing within about 4 hours, it is still well within off-peak times.


As to you final point; the game requires unified patching across all servers, world wide, so having split schedules is not an option and is unlikely to ever be.

Edited by Catch_TwentyTwo
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Since when does 4pm +2 equal 8pm...?




Yes, but even in Eastern Europe that still only means 2 hours of the maintenance overlaps into the post school/work, assuming we call 4pm a cut off.


So, when you consider that maintenance periods so far have gotten no where near the 8 hours max, usually completing within about 4 hours, it is still well within off-peak times.


As to you final point; the game requires unified patching across all servers, world wide, so having split schedules is not an option and is unlikely to ever be.



Other games have split patching and it is not that big of a problem since the servers are already located in EU



And patch times have been over 8 hours, first one I believe it was, was 10 hours and tomorrows is 8 hours :(



BTW Where do you live? which EU country

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