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Sup guys..I am level 36 and I couldn't help but to notice that I have more Endurance than Strength. Currently I am sitting at 597 Strength and 636 Endurance. Am I doing something wrong with my gear selections or is this normal??


Also, another question I was wondering about...Should I be looking towards more Power or more Crit when choosing gear and weapons?

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You may have geared wrong. As a melee class, YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT STRENGTH... You need lots. Eschewing almost everything else at any given time.


Power is almost useless for you, except in the rage tree, but even then... Power only affects force abilities and healing.


Go for crit, but above crit, go for accuracy. If yo ustack accuracy beyond 100%, you'll basically be penetrating armor there on after.

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You may have geared wrong. As a melee class, YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT STRENGTH... You need lots. Eschewing almost everything else at any given time.


Power is almost useless for you, except in the rage tree, but even then... Power only affects force abilities and healing.


Go for crit, but above crit, go for accuracy. If yo ustack accuracy beyond 100%, you'll basically be penetrating armor there on after.

try reading?


Power is melee abilities as well. Its attack power, force power and tech power.


Also, over 100% acc does NOT give armor pen. it gives defense pen. Defense is parry/evade. players have 5% base parry/evade. Npcs, we don't know. +defense such as is on tanking gear, jugg/gaurdian pvp gear gives parry/evade as well.

(there is a resistance stat too, but I don't know what effects that)



End vs str. early mods and gear come in two forms. Might and guardian. Might generally will be something like 20 str, 10end. While Guardian items will be like 15 str, 15 end.

Pick which you value more. pure dps or dps mixed with survival.


Personally, I did go str+++. I have like 1050 str, and 500 end at 46.

Edited by MBirkhofer
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I too have alot of an Endurance on my items. I have done this to help keep me alive.

Am I doning something wrong? Would more Strength (= more Damage) be a better way then having more Endurance (= more HP)?

Depends on the situation, really...

If you are planning on taking a lot of damage (PVP, for example) more END is never a bad thing. If you rarely take damage, or the damage you do take is easily offset by your healers (flashpoints) then Damage is the way to go.


More HP does not make it easier for a healer to heal you, it simply gives them more time to do so before you fall over dead, so I always try to sacrifice raw HP for more DPS when I know I can get away with it.

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Depends on the situation, really...

If you are planning on taking a lot of damage (PVP, for example) more END is never a bad thing. If you rarely take damage, or the damage you do take is easily offset by your healers (flashpoints) then Damage is the way to go.


More HP does not make it easier for a healer to heal you, it simply gives them more time to do so before you fall over dead, so I always try to sacrifice raw HP for more DPS when I know I can get away with it.


I definitely agree, I think there's a lot of situational things that change your gear. You will always have end with sent gear, but str is number one stat for Sents, aka might mods/armor/hilt/etc. being what you want as Sent and why it always has Str more than End.


That is what will maximize your DPS more than any other stat. I do have some gear though with more endur if I feel I need the defensive boost, but not with taking too much str away. So I always make sure my overall Str is MORE than End, even when I have more end gear on.


But if you stack end more than str/ have 100+ more end than str you prob should have gone Guardian.


I do have 4 color crystals sets I use, one is 2 +Crits, the other 2 +End. easily swapped out that can net you a good end boost without sacrificing any str and less crit from it is tolerable. :)

Edited by ErisktheRed
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