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SWTOR= Complete Fail


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LOL 2 people unsub... 5 more people Join in on the SWTOR action :p


please wow came out 8 years ago


bioware should've watched BZ mistakes and make a better release




like wow release is an excuse to say its np that swtor sucks...


lol and your still on the forums...

Edited by Corolie
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ive laughed at this whole thread.


arean was retarded. it was a cut and paste cookie cutter function of "pvp" a predetermined chest match where if you were lucky you got to be the queen piece if blizzard was in the mood.


playing the game for 1.3. years about and being 3rf most geared warrior on my server *pvp nath* the game was retarded. i quit season 4? burning cursades i think it was. and if your whole purpose is to feel godly, then go to ilium and fight 2 on 1 like i do all day.


Enjoy your new MMO and see you on Tat!

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What you think i do arena for fun ?


no i do it to earn the right to /spit on everyone i want to


u earn the right to call yourself better


you can distinguish the casuals and the ''pro's''


No you distinguish the dedicated to the people who just dont care


Arena's isnt hard its more flavor of the month than anything if all classes would be able to do well in Arenas then fine but that will never be the case since I know even you know that PvP will never be balanced completely.


The question is why would you want arenas so badly? And why try to bring it to a new game that from the looks of things (correct me if im wrong here please) no one wants implemented? again I dont want this games Pvp to be a WoW knockoff if I wanted arenas id go back to WoW.


If they had some other rated system that required more attention than arenas that every class could bring to the table and not just the new flavor then im fine with that but something like arena isnt what this game needs especially since this games PvP doesnt even have level brackets yet for its original battlegrounds.

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Some people play through the story fast. I'm level 41 and I have spent my time enjoying the game. I've done space combat, pvp, heroic quests, flashpoints, main story quests. I've loved every minute and I'm already 41. I haven't "power leveled." If my bracket was level 41-45. It would probably take me forever to get in a wz. Why punish the players who play through the content as intended with long queue times for pvp?


They didn't have brackets simply for que times. And to be honest, bracketing probably wasn't a huge priority. They were probably just happy their servers didn't fall apart after releasing the game.


I'm not against brackets at all. I want them, definitely, but they will probably release them just at a later time when there is a more evenly distributed level population.


Only bracketing that is needed is removing level 50's to there own queue. Bolster works great in all other cases. I also think that segregating 50's at launch would have been bad. Give it another week or two when most launch player's mains are at 50 then separate them out. Warzones will still pop for most folks and the matches will be more fair.

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Im a LV22 IA operative and I can equal LV 50 players in a PVP warzome no sweat. Maybe its me but the extra buffs for lower levels make everything really equal. However in open world I get beasted and im lucky if my entire guild can kill 1 lv 50 before death.
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SW:TOR is sooo AWESOME! I'm playing like crazzy! It has story, it has voice over characters, it has RPG elements filled to the brim, it has THE FORCE, Lightsabers!

WoW is an MMOG, Not an MMORPG, maybe thats why i despise it! SW:TOR is an RPG first and then an MMO, a true RPG which lets U shape the world around u!! :)


Lvl 12 Sith Warrior! Been helping out my fellow Sith with the Heroic Quests! Man i LOVE THIS GAME!!! Gonna get me a Lightsaber next!

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Ah i see !!!


People think a mmo is launched with 7 years of contend from the bat now ?

Pls go back to WoW while this mmo can mature.


Making mmo's is the most hardest thing a developer can create, fix bug A and 4 more bugs apear.

You need alot of time and patience to fix stuff and for a mmo not even a month old they are just crawling like a little baby.

After they learned how to crawl they can learn how to walk and when they can finaly walk they can try to run.


This can take years and years and developers need to build their expertise on the required codes to write all kinds of mmo related stuff.


I played WoW 3 weeks before launch and man i coulnt even play when it was launched as the server constandly kicked me off.

This went on for a week and when that was fixed i has severe lag issues.

It takes time, if you dont want to wait go play something else.

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The level scale up is fine! I was doing them on my lvl 15 Sith Warrior and completely pwn'd 40+ players at times.. but then there were times I would come across a lvl 34 that beats me down. I think the balance is fine and relies on the player to play well... imagine that right?:D
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What you think i do arena for fun ?


no i do it to earn the right to /spit on everyone i want to


u earn the right to call yourself better


you can distinguish the casuals and the ''pro's''


We see how long you last without arenas.


You earn nothing. You can't even make a living off playing this game competitively or any mmorpg with arenas. Thus, in the real world this game or any arena pvp will never amount to any thing.


This kinda behavior is completely unprofessional, even in sports. It generates bad reputation for the sport as a whole, which is why no professional player ever acts like this in public. You call your self pro, but your any thing but a clown and a disgrace. If arena were a professional e-sport with well payed players, any player with such comments would be reprimanded and warned by the organization. Thus, your attitude and comments will not help your cause for promoting arena.


This is the reason why so many people dislike arenas, especially when their is no definitive proof that arena is mostly about skill unlike sports. There are class, gear, and map imbalances, plus a host of other problems such as exploits. Competitive arenas have been shown in wow to be any thing, but skill base, which defeats the whole competitiveness. If one can cheat, use op comps, or gear, then one can't argue that the game is skill based and competitive. That's why no one, but a very very small group of people care about arena ranks while the majority of the players don't care about garbage ranks that don't mean any thing out in the real world.

Edited by Knockerz
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We see how long you last without arenas.


You earn nothing. You can't even make a living off playing this game competitively or any mmorpg with arenas. Thus, in the real world this game or any arena pvp will never amount to any thing.


This kinda behavior is completely unprofessional, even in sports. It generates bad reputation for the sport as a whole, which is why no professional player ever acts like this in public. You call your self pro, but your any thing but a clown and a disgrace. If arena were a professional e-sport with well payed players, any player with such comments would be reprimanded and warned by the organization. Thus, your attitude and comments will not help your cause for promoting arena.


This is the reason why so many people dislike arenas, especially when their is no definitive proof that arena is mostly about skill unlike sports. There are class, gear, and map imbalances, plus a host of other problems such as exploits. Competitive arenas have been shown in wow to be any thing, but skill base, which defeats the whole competitiveness. If one can cheat, use op comps, or gear, then one can't argue that the game is skill based and competitive. That's why no one, but a very very small group of people care about arena ranks while the majority of the players don't care about garbage ranks that don't mean any thing out in the real world.


Like reckfull never spits on scrubs, get real man

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This might stop people on here moaning about Star Wars The Old Republic I copyed this letter from the main forums menu


In my last two posts, I talked about how we will be adding new game systems and content in future patches. I also mentioned that we will be continuing to put effort toward bug fixing, balance changes and exploit proofing. But I didn't give too much information on what we're doing in that regard. So here are some more details on the topic.


Almost every week we will be releasing a new patch. These weekly patches are almost entirely focused on bug fixes, minor balance changes and fixing any exploits in the game. These issues are the highest priority items at the studio. They are reviewed by senior leadership on a daily basis. Bug fixes usually take longer than a week to get into the game because we need to fix the issue and then test the fix. Some bugs take longer than that because of the complexity of the issue.


There are issues that we will fix immediately. These are rare and not every issue can be fixed in this manner. We usually reserve these "emergency fixes" for bugs that are stopping players from playing the game or to exploits that could unbalance the entire game if not corrected.


Any game as big and as complex as The Old Republic will have bugs. We’re working as hard as we can to find, fix, test and patch the game to eliminate as many of them as possible.


James Ohlen

Game Director

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It's not the imbalances simpleton. It's the cold hard facts that the early 50s get to farm lowbies in easy mode for their gear. When the majority of people get to 50, they have to go up vs the fully geared 50s who got that way thru zero skill of their own but by using game a mechanics crutch. People don't stick around for that. Name one PvP MMO where people stuck around for that. You can't. MMOs with pvp are a dime a dozen. This one is more flawed than most. Soon you'll be whining on the forums for cross server warzones cause there's no one to fight just like has happened all other MMOs. Good luck boys.


Atlantica Online...u fight ppl in all lvls in pvp.

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You can't even speak of balance of pvp in wow because it doesn't exist.

Bioware just stated they are bringing level 50 brackets, rated pvp, and eventually new warzones. I don't see why 3 is so bad thats a pretty good amount for a release.

Have fun in WoW though you wont be missed.

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Balanced, yea right, this is the most unbalanced game ive seen in years, even wow does a better job.


PVP = completely broken, u really ??expect me to play the same 3 battlegrounds untill the next expansion, in a lv10-50 bracket oh yea right they've been scaled up << its a joke


No rated pvp<<< !!!!!


honestly i just resubbed to wow just because i missed arena, i hated wow, but just by seeing how bad the pvp on star wars is u made me love it again


SWTOR is like apple


= Lets make an awesome layout so users wont notice the utter lack of functionality


the worst thing is, even the layout sucks...


agree! Worst pvp i ever see.

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Without reading through the whole post,just wanted to point out


WoW launch 12:01 AM Eastern Standard time November 23rd, 2004


The two initial Battleground areas, Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch, went live June 7th, 2005

Arathi Basin was added to the list in Patch 1.7 on September 13th, 2005

A fourth battleground, named Eye of the Storm, was released with the Burning Crusade.

A fifth battleground, the Strand of the Ancients, was added in Wrath of the Lich King.


id go on but.....ya lol.


To me swtor is ahead of the game when it comes to pvp,if what you want to do is compare it to wow.


@bio...loving the game,keep up the good work

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Without reading through the whole post,just wanted to point out


WoW launch 12:01 AM Eastern Standard time November 23rd, 2004


The two initial Battleground areas, Alterac Valley and Warsong Gulch, went live June 7th, 2005

Arathi Basin was added to the list in Patch 1.7 on September 13th, 2005

A fourth battleground, named Eye of the Storm, was released with the Burning Crusade.

A fifth battleground, the Strand of the Ancients, was added in Wrath of the Lich King.


id go on but.....ya lol.


To me swtor is ahead of the game when it comes to pvp,if what you want to do is compare it to wow.


@bio...loving the game,keep up the good work


Yeah, right. If you market a new product you start with less features than your biggest rival... sure.

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  • 5 weeks later...
First my whole respect to the developers. As Columbus was wrong about the lost paradise, so you are wrong about this game. Gentlemen this is not the paradise we were all expecting. You ask from the people to pretend they are happy with the game. They have reasons to be disappointed. I know many people who were waiting for this game minute after minute, hour after hour... for years, people with lifetime mmo experience, so they can quit after 1 week of testing. You are going to blame this people that they don't appreciate the game? There is something really wrong about this game, that makes people leaving. The game is nothing, but ordinary. Poor pvp and pve mechanics(skill delaying, unbalance, cc system broken and so on...) poor ingame economy(are you serious? even dark age of cammelot has better, shame). I'm from those people who did not sleep for years waiting for this game, subscribed for a month and then I'm not going back. Big expectations = big disappointment. So you may stick to the game pretending and dreaming its good, or just stay because of your good hearts and loyalty, but... lets look at it from other perspective...when my wife is ****ed by different persons every night, and on top of that I give her money, come on... Anyway even the worst things deserve love. In my situation, I'm getting divorce. Edited by Xoru
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Hello everyone,


We do appreciate when anyone has taken the time to express their thoughts and concerns. We will be closing this thread.

However, we do value any feedback and do encourage anyone to voice their feedback on the forums. We only ask that feedback focus on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ itself, and that it is constructive and as detailed as possible.


If you have a specific suggestion or individual piece of feedback, we encourage you to post in the Suggestion Box forum or to make a thread regarding your issue in the relevant sub-forum. If you'd like to add your list of bugs or suggestions, we encourage you to post in the following threads in the interest of helping us keep compilations consolidated:




Thank you!

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