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wow PVP is poorly designed...


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Way to go Bioware... you really shoulda thought through more when you did the pvp system. Right now my team of 50% level 10-15 and the rest around level 30 are getting destroyed by a team of 3+ lvl 50s. Why in the world would you make PVP so horrible? Its not even fun. They didn't even try to do the objective of the pvp match, just farmed us for 15 mins. Guess I won't do pvp EVER again. :(
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Way to go Bioware... you really shoulda thought through more when you did the pvp system. Right now my team of 50% level 10-15 and the rest around level 30 are getting destroyed by a team of 3+ lvl 50s. Why in the world would you make PVP so horrible? Its not even fun. They didn't even try to do the objective of the pvp match, just farmed us for 15 mins. Guess I won't do pvp EVER again. :(


Congratulations, you are the 8th bracket QQ thread of 2012!

Edited by dougan
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Of course another option is to get off your behind and lvl up to 50, then you too can be that guy smashing face in pvp. Just saying. It doesnt take that long to lvl, so why complain. I cant imagine it taking over a month to max out even if all you did was PVP.
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Sounds like a YOU problem OP. I have been PvP'ing since the get-go and having a blast doing it. I queue both solo and with guild. (Guess what, we win more when we queue together)


The brackets are coming. There are none right now for the sake of queue times. But of course if you were sitting in long queue's you would be here crying about that too, so whatever.



As others have stated, maybe read the other posts on the board and respond to them instead of cluttering it up with another pointless one. There are real issues that need to be addressed that would better server the community than pointless crying.

Edited by Swaay
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Agree with the thread title. WoW pvp WAS badly designed.


SWTOR on the other hand is the best balanced game and most fun I have had in pvp since Ultima Online.


Not that UO was balanced as far as just one class dominating (mage hybrid), but the fact that the more time and skill you put into your character with any AC? The more you are rewarded.


Unlike WoW where all tha matters was who wanted to heal today...


If you are a healer and liked bunny hopping around with no team skill and spamming 3 buttons with mouseovers or even worse "healbot"? You probably hate SWTOR. Just remember the people who were forced to roll a healer to get friends to 2200? Freaking hated WoW.


What an amazing concept that you can make a difference as dps or a tank. Holding a flag on a WoW tank isn't what I would call fun gameplay...


I sincerely hope people like the OP leave the game, but I know they won't. They will go back to WoW and cry on those forums, then come back here and cry on these forums.


My BG queues are instant my server ALWAYS has a long queue even until the early morning hours. I would hardly say this game is suffering and that people hate pvp. People are LOVING the pvp in this game. I suggest learning to play and adapt. You just may have more fun.

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I've beat plenty higher levels one on one, with the bolster mechanics of course. It's all about using every ability at your disposal and being quick on your feet. It's an uphill fight but not impossible just burn cool downs. In fact you have the advantage because a level 50 will automatically assume they can beat you and sometimes play worse because of it.

And the reason there are no brackets is for the sake of ques. Once they get a clear number of monthly players they will be able to gauge the strength of a bracket system versus ques and they will then be implemented. In the mean time I freaking love PvP and this is coming from someone who absolutely hated PvP in WoW.

Long story short, when it comes to fighting higher levels it comes down to playing your class and using every ability at your disposal. And be patient by trying out all the other great stuff in this game :)

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There is more imbalance in the 75-79 bracket on WoW than in the 10-50 bracket on SW:TOR.


Imagine a new player playing WoW for the first time in the lower brackets...


What do they say?


Rogues are op. Hunters are op. Then they get to 55...


DK's are op. Then they get to endgame? Whole nother story. Like I said before you can make a difference as a low level in a warzone in this game. In WoW? Unless you are a twink or in blue instance gear and know all the ropes? You are getting damn near one shot from 1-endgame.


Fun fact. WoW arena representation has plummeted. So has the people doing battlegrounds. Want to know why? They listened to all the whiners (and that forum has just as many). Most of the whiners are healers/fotm rerolls and are NEVER happy until they are OP as hell. Then? If any class even threatens them? NERF X!


Want to ruin pvp in SWTOR? Listening to the whiniest part of the playerbase, who spends most of the time on the FORUMS, is not a good idea. It isn't like bg participation is low in this game lol. People are loving it. The thing? Those people are just requeing and enjoying the game. They don't monitor the forums every 5 min to say how awesome it is and refute these people.


WoW was a better pvp game BEFORE they started listening to the whiniest people in the community. Once they gave in? Downhill.

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Want to ruin pvp in SWTOR? Listening to the whiniest part of the playerbase, who spends most of the time on the FORUMS, is not a good idea. It isn't like bg participation is low in this game lol. People are loving it. The thing? Those people are just requeing and enjoying the game. They don't monitor the forums every 5 min to say how awesome it is and refute these people.


It is already ruined by the enormous difference between a lvl 10 and a level 50

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It is already ruined by the enormous difference between a lvl 10 and a level 50


Blame all the baddies rolling empire along with the "horde". Not Bioware/EA's fault that everyone decided on fan forums to "join the winning side". If you had brackets atm you would have hour long queues in which case you would be forced to level anyways ROFL.


BTW I am enjoying destroying empire solo queuing. LOL at the scrubnubs on empire.

Edited by biowareftw
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