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Lightside jedis need love too!


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The Jedi Order allowed Jedi to fall in love and marry at one point. They eventually decided that allowing such things was part of the cause for the original Jedi Civil War. At the time that SW:TOR is set such things are prohibited by the order. This would not change till Luke Skywalker reformed it.


But there are "Gray" Jedi splinter groups that are recognized by the Jedi Order that do exist. The Order does not condone them or see them as "True" Jedi but they do follow the light side and the Jedi Order works with them as allies just as they work with non-Force user organizations.


Since the two Jedi storylines have you being members of the Jedi Order players must follow the rules of the Jedi Order. So no love and marriage.


What would be nice to see in a future expansion would be an end game option to join one of these Grey Jedi orders for those that want to explore this.

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The Jedi Order allowed Jedi to fall in love and marry at one point. They eventually decided that allowing such things was part of the cause for the original Jedi Civil War. At the time that SW:TOR is set such things are prohibited by the order. This would not change till Luke Skywalker reformed it.


But there are "Gray" Jedi splinter groups that are recognized by the Jedi Order that do exist. The Order does not condone them or see them as "True" Jedi but they do follow the light side and the Jedi Order works with them as allies just as they work with non-Force user organizations.


Since the two Jedi storylines have you being members of the Jedi Order players must follow the rules of the Jedi Order. So no love and marriage.


What would be nice to see in a future expansion would be an end game option to join one of these Grey Jedi orders for those that want to explore this.






This would be a great expansion idea to allow end gamers to have more options available for their toon in regards to story.

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On the subject of love and marriage in the Jedi Order, I think the main reason they outlaw it is because, simply, you can't trust people.


The issue with people is they fall in love and then that person is more important to them then anything. They can't remain emotionally detached, and thus they have a very exploitable weakness now. If more Jedi could think things out logically in a situation, instead of emotionally...

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Yeah, I kind of get the feeling BW took the idea of sex and marriage not being part of the then Jedi code too literally. It may break the rules, but the idea is not sex and marriage being the problem. but ones ATTACHMENTS to it.


There are many wise and sage like people in the world, with great contribution to enlightenment. In many faiths it is very much something to aspire to and be cherished. The core problems come from co dependance on ones partner, from not being mature enough and happy with onself. Tantra for instance talks about abstenance and over indulging as being the problems of imbalance. A health balance is sought and is the goal. It teaches children as an example by being good male and female role models.


This is something that is often missed in monastic religions, or at least misunderstood by them and practiced in that regard. Whereupon people engage in abstinance to purify themselves. This was not meant to be the idea. Which I beleive is where Lucas took some inspiration from when he wrote the Jedi. Along with a collage of warrior culture.


I would add, I am pretty sure, while never mentioned, ObiWan was not the only one to know about Anakin and Padame. Yoda MUST have known for a start. Along with other Jedi council members. Just they never acted upon it as being a sign of darkness. Which alone it wasn't.


I think it would have been nice for BW to acknoweldge this, instead of going as rule break equal darkside right out. The Jedi were trying to fight conditional love, they were all for unconditional love and compassion.

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I seem to recall reading somewhere that even during the clone wars, jedi master Ki Adi Mundi (or however that was spelled, the cerean tall forehead aliens), had several wives as it was part of his species' cultural beliefs and considered a duty to help propagate the species.
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I seem to recall reading somewhere that even during the clone wars, jedi master Ki Adi Mundi (or however that was spelled, the cerean tall forehead aliens), had several wives as it was part of his species' cultural beliefs and considered a duty to help propagate the species.


He has wives due to cultural reasons. Most likely he does not hold them to the same value as someone who marries out of love.

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I seem to recall reading somewhere that even during the clone wars, jedi master Ki Adi Mundi (or however that was spelled, the cerean tall forehead aliens), had several wives as it was part of his species' cultural beliefs and considered a duty to help propagate the species.

It was even more than a cultural belief - it was a practical necessity, because the Cerean species had a low birth rate.

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It's not the jedi way.. :jawa_biggrin:


.. the reason they are so effective is because they don't have emotion. Look at what happened to Anakin when he fell in love. Jealousy and lust cloud the mind.


Personally I agree that my light side jedi needs some love.. so I just choose the dark side choices because I enjoy my characters romantics.

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No one is perfect, even jedi. advanced training in emotional control and dispensation from the jedi council would be required in most cases where love gets in the way. for jedi+jedi it would be an up hill arguement worth fighting for some people. for jedi+sith it would be harder still as there would be the empire to face as well. or would a jedi chuse to become an outcast from the order in the name of love? Edited by VorEve
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