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Why can't we skip the story?


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I agree with you. They want an mmo with a storyline? Fine, but at least give people an option to decide whether they want to read it or not. Too many impositions won't help people sticking around. There have been many people complaining about this; my guess, they will eventually add that option. Unhappy customers is never a good thing for business :)


Just a question ... Do you go somewhere and buy a coffee that's advertised as hot, then complain because it's hot? Because I'm pretty sure that just about every bit of news detailing this game, since the first trickle of information started coming out, made it obvious that it was going to be 100% voice acting and cutscenes during dialogue.


You're right. Unhappy customers are never a good thing for business. Ignorant customers who refused to educate themselves about a product before buying it are worse.

Edited by ShadowTeufel
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I agree with you. They want an mmo with a storyline? Fine, but at least give people an option to decide whether they want to read it or not. Too many impositions won't help people sticking around. There have been many people complaining about this; my guess, they will eventually add that option. Unhappy customers is never a good thing for business :)


On the other hand, if you market your game as story-centric, why would you then change it because people who didn't like story-centric games bought it and complained it it was too story-centric?


I mean, if I'm selling a product as being say, shiny, and people who bought it want to return it for being shiny or want me to make it non-shiny, that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the product, it just means that people are stupid and somehow think that everything revolves around their own wants and needs :rolleyes:


For the record, I'm not calling anyone stupid, people want different things, but assuming that Bioware wants to cater to EVERY possible demand of their game is unrealistic and honestly somewhat selfish.

Luckily, I like story-centric games but even if I didn't, I'd certainly rather that Bioware stick to their vision for their game instead of changing things around every time enough random morons on the internet (are there any other kind of people on the internet? ;)) insist that they're "doing it wrong".

Edited by Darth_Curious
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I agree with you. They want an mmo with a storyline? Fine, but at least give people an option to decide whether they want to read it or not. Too many impositions won't help people sticking around. There have been many people complaining about this; my guess, they will eventually add that option. Unhappy customers is never a good thing for business :)


you do have that option.


swtor.com > login > account > cancel.


sorry to be blunt, but they advertised everywhere and all the time as this would be an INTENSE STORY DRIVEN mmo. you could even see it on the gameplay trailers.

you were not cheated, this is what the game was designed for.

don't like, don't play.


ranting about how they should give you an option to disable the thing they've spent the most hours and money on, is just ridiculous.

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I honestly don't really understand why an option to disable the cutscenes and make a general summary of the quest with your talk options available; isn't there. I mean I am one of a bit of others who mash the spacebar and click random speech options because honestly, I don't really care. My way that I desire to play the game goes as follows, Get the highest level the fastest, get the best gear, and own the kids. I really find little use of the story included...Please don't tell me to play WoW, because I already have owned all the kids in that, and I'm moving on :) Now I sound like a bit of an ***, but really, is there no way that people like myself that don't care much about the story have it take less in game time to move on with the quests...? I liked the accept quest thing in WoW that gave a short summary, which nobody ready anyways, but that plus the speech options available, in swtor! So the people who like the story, can enjoy the story, and the people who wanna plow through, get the best level an gear and own the kids, can own the kids?;)



You sound like the "kids" you keep referring to, and yes, you do sound like an *****. Honestly, you should go back to WoW.


It's a story based game, unlike WoW, so why would you be here in the first place?


Oh right, to "own the kids" :rolleyes:

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If you bought a first-person shooter, would you complain that there was too much shooting?

If you bought a puzzle-based game, would you complain that you have to keep solving puzzles to progress?

If you bought a space-combat flight sim, would you complain you spent too much time in your spaceship?

If you bought a martial arts fighting game, would you complain that you couldn't shoot people?


This game is story-based. Wanting to skip the story is like. . . well, see above.


No one is forcing you to play the game. Learn to like the story, or move on to a different game. As a writer myself, I'd rather not be read in the first place than have someone read my story then complain about having to turn pages.

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This game is clearly story based and it has better support for RPers and such things than other MMOs, which I think is great. If you want to own every kid in the game, do that, but don't expect to have the option to skip the story completely, because, as said, the story is what runs this game and it should continue that way.
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I have an honest suggestion that would suit your gamestyle quite well, and that is to get eve online:D


Im quite sure you would rage for ages and then quit seeing as u wouldnt stand a chance there :tran_grin:


I love eve even though i typically cancel and reactivate my account every few months to a year. The skill training times are crazyness... And i love the brutallity of the game, i mean come on scamming people is a legitamate allowed profession in that game... all i did was mine and run missions with my raven and hulk because i didnt have enough training to make it in pvp last time i played. EVE has the most steep learning curve of anygame ever and is not for the faint of heart.

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You can enable subtitles and spacebar through the voice acting if you read faster than the actor speaks. I tend to do that for side quests if I have been playing for a few hours and don't really care.


However, unlike other MMOs the whole point of TOR is the story. There is absolutely no point to skipping it, at all. There is also no point in rushing to end-game in a newly launched MMO, because the end game is pretty anemic.

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Funny thing about this game is this is the only MMO that I have ever enjoyed. The story line and all of the dialogue just takes it above and beyond every other one I have ever played. Other MMO's I did not enjoy because the game wasnt the leat bit enjoyable until high levels where as TOR is fun as hell from the very start!
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