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Flirting with same gender non-companion NPCs.


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If they do add this (To which I dont care), I should NOT be able to Flirt/Romance/Sexify everything with genitals in the game.


This is one aspect of Dragon Age that pissed me off, 99.9% of the population was BI-sexual......... *******.


I don't remember that many bi-sexual characters. Only two I can think of are Zevran and Lelianna, which it made sense. I certainly didn't find a huge populatiion being bi.


For instance:



If you hand yourself in to the soldiers when you rescue Teryn Logain's daughter, if you are male all you can do to lure the guard in is state that you are ill, however if you are female you can give him a bit of a wink stating that you are feeling "lonely" and even get him to undress so he has no armour or weapons when you decide to jump him.


so yeah, you can't flirt as a guy, but can as a girl which makes sense as obviously the majority of the population are not bi, the total opposite of your statement.




I've had to look up online to see what companions I get due to my badluck of choosing female character's whose first companions are also female (except for Khem, who isn't romancable anyway). I also made a male character and wouldn't you know it, his first companion is a guy too :p Terrible bloody luck there, but oh well. I was thinking of making my second republic character a trooper but this time I checked up the companions online to find that the first companion is also a guy.


however arguments about the gender thing being said, I do see what the developer's vids said about feeling for the characters, which is something that I felt strongly in DA and ME where I actually cared for the characters and wanted to bring them on every mission. I think the same-sex thing should only fit the character, not because we want it to fit which might cause a problem as looking at the list some classes only have 2 romancable characters (1 male and 1 female) so it'll be a challenge. Perhaps we'll get same-sex relationships at the same time they bring us more companions either those companions being same sex or some pre-existing ones being bi or same-sex.

Edited by thegrognard
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I don't remember that many bi-sexual characters. Only two I can think of are Zevran and Lelianna, which it made sense. I certainly didn't find a huge populatiion being bi.


For instance:



If you hand yourself in to the soldiers when you rescue Teryn Logain's daughter, if you are male all you can do to lure the guard in is state that you are ill, however if you are female you can give him a bit of a wink stating that you are feeling "lonely" and even get him to undress so he has no armour or weapons when you decide to jump him.


so yeah, you can't flirt as a guy, but can as a girl which makes sense as obviously the majority of the population are not bi, the total opposite of your statement.





however arguments about the gender thing being said, I do see what the developer's vids said about feeling for the characters, which is something that I felt strongly in DA and ME where I actually cared for the characters and wanted to bring them on every mission. I think the same-sex thing should only fit the character, not because we want it to fit which might cause a problem as looking at the list some classes only have 2 romancable characters (1 male and 1 female) so it'll be a challenge. Perhaps we'll get same-sex relationships at the same time they bring us more companions either those companions being same sex or some pre-existing ones being bi or same-sex.


I think the person was actually referring to Dragon Age 2, where all the romantic companions were "Hawkesexual" -- they were technically bi, but basically the idea was that if you wanted to romance them, you could, regardless of your gender. Some people took issue with this because it made an unrealistic number of your companions functionally bi, but the intent wasn't to present them that way.


I think that was an interesting choice, but kinda have to agree that it would probably make for better storytelling for a character to have a predetermined sexuality that fit them and their background. Now... if it was written into their romantic arc for you to perhaps challenge their preconceptions, that'd be interesting, but again, that might only be fitting for certain characters.


And regarding your spoiler... *grins*


Actually, as a male Warden, you CAN seduce the guard in Fort Drakon -- you just have to have a very high level of Persuade.


(I'm mildly sad that my Warden who would have easily done that was also too awesome to get arrested in the first place. ;) )


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I think the person was actually referring to Dragon Age 2, where all the romantic companions were "Hawkesexual" -- they were technically bi, but basically the idea was that if you wanted to romance them, you could, regardless of your gender. Some people took issue with this because it made an unrealistic number of your companions functionally bi, but the intent wasn't to present them that way.


I think that was an interesting choice, but kinda have to agree that it would probably make for better storytelling for a character to have a predetermined sexuality that fit them and their background. Now... if it was written into their romantic arc for you to perhaps challenge their preconceptions, that'd be interesting, but again, that might only be fitting for certain characters.


And regarding your spoiler... *grins*


Actually, as a male Warden, you CAN seduce the guard in Fort Drakon -- you just have to have a very high level of Persuade.


(I'm mildly sad that my Warden who would have easily done that was also too awesome to get arrested in the first place. ;) )


Ahh well I don't remember much about DA2. One thing that shows me how much is fails is I can remember EVERY major event from DAO, but DA2 I could barely remember the main character's name before you told me. It was sooo lax, though I think bioware got the message.


Back to the current debate, I have no problem with flirting with some same gender non-companions but certainly not all. There are always going to be people who are either going to be straight, gay, bi or lesbian and they're not all going to be bi. It'll be nice for a little equality but as I've said already on the subject only certain people, not everyone and certainly not every NPC.

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Not having the same-gender flirt option for my male Imperial agent has been sort of odd. Especially given that some of the Imperial officers seem rather interested in the Agent that murders rebels with a skill that only an Agent could muster. Seems like a good way to get more information and resources would be to use that fondness with as much effectiveness as possible, just as is done with the female NPCs scattered throughout the game.


Might not be an option every Agent pursues, but that is why its an OPTION, which is something the game is supposed to be based around. Just as no one is forcing players to flirt, be nice, or harm, opposite-gender NPCs, or their companions, I doubt BioWare would ever force players to flirt with same-gender NPCs.


If seeing (Flirt) when playing a character talking to an NPC as that character is truly destructive to someone's psyche I have some serious concerns about that person and would hope to never encounter them in real life, or in some virtually created landscape of an MMO.

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Not having the same-gender flirt option for my male Imperial agent has been sort of odd. Especially given that some of the Imperial officers seem rather interested in the Agent that murders rebels with a skill that only an Agent could muster. Seems like a good way to get more information and resources would be to use that fondness with as much effectiveness as possible, just as is done with the female NPCs scattered throughout the game.


Might not be an option every Agent pursues, but that is why its an OPTION, which is something the game is supposed to be based around. Just as no one is forcing players to flirt, be nice, or harm, opposite-gender NPCs, or their companions, I doubt BioWare would ever force players to flirt with same-gender NPCs.


If seeing (Flirt) when playing a character talking to an NPC as that character is truly destructive to someone's psyche I have some serious concerns about that person and would hope to never encounter them in real life, or in some virtually created landscape of an MMO.


Totally agreed, it's just a option like either going down one road or the other. just because you have the option to go in the wrong direction, doesn't mean you should be angry at that road because it's open to you.

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I hate having the option to eat or starve.



sarcasm off



The options SHOULD be there, DEFIANTLY for those companions whom share your story arc, Kira Carsen for example, She is your Pad-wan as a male Jedi knight sentinel you get to romance her and I don't know what happens past that, But as a female you don't so you Never get to see or experience what happens in the story just because I exclusively play female chars on MMO's.


I feel its wrong to get penalized just on your gender.


But on the up side to this whole thing, It would not surprise if the RPG element started taking pointers from The Sims games, One of the most explosively good games ever made. Being able to have entire conversations with your companion would blow any other mmo so far out of the water they be in a desert.

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I'm very sorry for your loss, then. Whenever it is added, I'm sure you will be sorely missed.


I do hope that afterwards, you are able to find a game more suited to your tastes.

The game is fine as it is, so maybe you should find a game more suited to your tastes. Don't give your hopes up though, maybe one day you will be able to *** to the SWTOR cutscenes. Edited by KonduitX
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The game is fine as it is, so maybe you should find a game more suited to your tastes. Don't give your hopes up though, maybe one day you will be able to *** to the SWTOR cutscenes.


The game is fine as it is, true. Do you see me threatening to quit the game over not having something that pertains to me, which would add enjoyment for countless other people while not taking away anything from the current enjoyment?



Did someone state in this very thread that they would quit the game if somethng that did not pertain to them was included that they would never be forced to experience, while the exclusion of which would take away additional enjoyment from countless other people while adding nothing to the current enjoyment?


Which is more childish?


The end of the story is that it will be included. That is final, until Bioware says otherwise. So of the two statements above, mine has the high-ground. Hence, this *is* a game suited to my tastes as a gamer, story-lover, romantic, and LGBT member.


As a question, do you often *** to the current heterosexual romances? (No idea what three-letter word fits there, but I'm going off of your post.) No? Then why would I? Can't someone just enjoy a romance arc for what it adds to the story?

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The closest I have yet to find was my female bounty hunter complimenting the Twi'lek banker's outfit in Nem'ro's palace using a suspiciously sultry tone...


It roughly went;

"By the way, I *really* like your outfit..."

"Oh, thanks! You're not so bad yourself!"


So no, pretty much nothing at the moment. Perhaps they'll unlock a few flirts when they come out with the actual romances, though I doubt they'd bother with something so minor in comparison to the romances. :(



Oh what a shame that goes nowhere, by design.

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Yeah, it's a disappointment, and I'm hoping that when they do add them, they're thorough about it and add in not only full romances, but flirt options as robust as the ones that are already there.


One thing I am finding is a hesitancy to play some characters because it's frustrating to think I'm going to have to start all over when they finally get around to adding this. Even more than relationships (which I assume will be set up so you can get them even if you've already proceeded through your class story) the flirt options will necessitate a reroll in order to see all of them.


I'm dealing with that now. I rolled a juggernaut initially and by the end really wish I had romanced Vette up instead of Jaesa. Now I rolled a female marauder (I like dps a lot more then tanking and juggie dps feels so slow and ponderous compared to marauder) but I find myself hesitant to advance the Vette story on the chance that I might lock myself out of romance with her for a second time when they finally get around to adding same-sex romance as an option.


Similar reasons hold back my leveling a BH because I greatly prefer the female body types (males desperately need size 2.5) yet I really want to watch/experience the entirety of the Mako storyline.


Guess I will just have to get used to seeing that triangle over Vette whenever I am on the ship or in a cantina since I'm not willing to chance missing that story arc for a second time.



The male romance options are pathetic for a female sith warrior. Pierce is a one-sided flat character without much meat to his story and Quinn is a backstabbing SoB who I already wish I could kill off on one character and who will be the first pushed out the airlock on both of my warriors whenever they finally give us additional companion options or they get around to making the Droid less annoying so warriors can have another option for a healer.


I'm running my marauder as a light-side but I already know she will have at least 2 blemishes. One from killing Baras and the other from choking Quinn as far as the game will allow for his betrayal.



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This is the reason why I cancelled my subscription and won't level anything before I see the patch notes saying I can romance and flirt the way I want to.


I'm lucky enough to have both an ace character and a straight character, but it's still sad (and ever so frustrating) to have to keep avidly avoiding every Inquisitor spoiler until there's a patch notice telling me I can play them properly.


And my poor Agent collecting dust at level 2.

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