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Flirting with same gender non-companion NPCs.


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Wouldn't a simple solution to avoid unwanted advances and alternative flirt options be to just allow individuals to set it up in the character creation screen?


I just started playing a smuggler and virtually every female I encounter has a flirt option, it is irritating- and some just can't catch a hint. No means NO ladies.


I honestly feel like I am missing out on a lot of content and humor.

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The closest I have yet to find was my female bounty hunter complimenting the Twi'lek banker's outfit in Nem'ro's palace using a suspiciously sultry tone...


It roughly went;

"By the way, I *really* like your outfit..."

"Oh, thanks! You're not so bad yourself!"


So no, pretty much nothing at the moment. Perhaps they'll unlock a few flirts when they come out with the actual romances, though I doubt they'd bother with something so minor in comparison to the romances. :(

Funny you'd mention that, stuff like that and a few other encounters amongst other classes makes me think that the writers and voice actors ~started~ fully expecting this game to have same gender romance but then something reeled them in. If this is true, I hope the same gender romance update will restore whatever content that was lost.
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There is no possible way Bioware or Lucas Arts will jeopordize thier good names by remotely touching this tabu issue.


Rainbows and Sunshine... Rainbows and Sunshine :D


They already said it's being added. Just a matter of when.

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There is no possible way Bioware or Lucas Arts will jeopordize thier good names by remotely touching this tabu issue.


Rainbows and Sunshine... Rainbows and Sunshine :D


There's nothing "tabboo" about same sex relationships anymore. This isn't the 1980s.


Plus its a topic thats been explored in Star Wars before, and Bioware have a strong history of sexual equality in their games.

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There's nothing "tabboo" about same sex relationships anymore.


What are you talking about? Those things are really taboo! I mea-...


This isn't the 1980s.


... Wait, what?

Seriously? :confused:

*sniffles quietly as she throws out her denim jackets and ripped jeans.*

New decades suck.

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Someone back in testing said that you could romance Ranna, the female twi'lek for the Jedi Knights, as a female. That's what I saw on chat but I can't confirm that.


That's a negatory, as far as my recent playthrough showed. Female Knight, and never saw a single flirt option. Then again, never played male either, so it might be hidden where I didn't notice.


Doubt it, though.

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There's a really easy way for them to impliment the option of s/s relationships


They obviously already have it coding whether a character is male or female


They already have NPCs and companions with 2 sets of interactions (flirt and no-flirt)


All they need to do is add a option to preferences:


Relationship preference:

with male

with female

with both


Defaulted to 'straight'. If a female character has 'with female' selected they are efectively tagged as 'male' for flirt responses etc.

The 'with both' option might be hardest because it would mean tagging the character as both 'male' and 'female'

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I agree that it needs to be added in as a possible option for those who choose to pursue it. It's a MMORPG... life isn't as black and white as everyone is heterosexual and MMORPGs on some level simulate life interactions no? I look forward to it... often I've wanted to put the moves on Darth Lachris with my female Sith but alas no options for such :( How disappointing! :(


Additionally I like the idea that was posted about making it an option to cut on or off. It gives people the option to play how they want and maintain a happy player base.

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It was kind of disappointing to find out you can't Flirt with NPCs of the same sex. Since I saw the option the first time I hoped it would show up while talking to same sex NPCs, I think it will be better for the game experience when you'll have that option instead of just being forced to Flirt with one sex, if you ever want to chose those dialog options.
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The closest I have yet to find was my female bounty hunter complimenting the Twi'lek banker's outfit in Nem'ro's palace using a suspiciously sultry tone...


It roughly went;

"By the way, I *really* like your outfit..."

"Oh, thanks! You're not so bad yourself!"


So no, pretty much nothing at the moment. Perhaps they'll unlock a few flirts when they come out with the actual romances, though I doubt they'd bother with something so minor in comparison to the romances. :(


On Hutta, the quest giver (male) to free Oren from the carbonite begins by saying something like, "I've been looking for someone like you." To which one of my possible responses prompts my character (male) to say, "You're not really my type." And I thought, well, let's not be so quick about that.

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Everything that this game gains by adding in a NPC romance system is completely outdone by the endless amount of drama and controversy that the system creates. I just love having my MMOs filled with the conflicts of significant real life moral positions clashing over the game's content, and likely with no end to it in sight.


BTW if you don't agree with the above paragraph, you're a close-minded bigot, or immoral heathen, because you clearly don't see the world exactly as I do... and as you should know I'm 100% right because its my opinion, and should be yours as well :)

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I'd be more than happy for same-sex relationships.


Just make it so I can kill them dead (The Relationship not the Crew Member lol) and just be friends. Also make it so you always have to be the one to start it.


Zevran trying to flirt with my Dwarf Noble... urgh...


"But....... I'm a man?"

Edited by CptBrit
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If they had to include Flirting and Relationships they could at least give you the choice, rather than being only able to Flirt with opposite sex. You have plenty of choice and freedom with everything else, so why to leave out something like that is what I don't understand.
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I would love to see this enabled... Hell, I'd love to see more flirt options for random NPCs in general. I wouldn't even mind getting shot down by the NPC, or if my character only actually had a few different flirts that got recycled depending on context. ("So when do you get off duty?" "So, about that payment... how about dinner?" "You know, I like your style." Corny, but it would convey the intent.) The key is that I'd have the option to hit on someone if I wanted to.


My friend and I are leveling together, and we find ourselves filling in a lot of missing conversation (generally humorously) in party chat when we can't flirt with the NPCs we want to. It's particularly bad for him since he'd prefer to play his male IA as gay. My fem BH is more of an omnivore. I was tickled to have as much conversation with Juda (that Twi'lek in Nemro's palace) as I did, even if none of it was labeled "Flirt". Alas, she can't make passes at Watcher Two, and my friend's IA will continue to sigh gustily when he doesn't get a chance to talk to some of these very friendly Imp soldiers about anything besides business.



On a serious note, I suspect "back-porting" existing NPCs may be a bit too work-intensive to add in same-gender flirting, unless you really did make all of them bi (or "playersexual"), and therefore accepting of all incoming flirts. That would still take some effort, but probably no dialogue re-recording. Adding a "What? Not interested"/"Sorry, you're not my type" or gender-specific responses would mean a lot of new dialogue to record and integrate into the dialogue trees, and for random NPCs, I could see that being written off.


Maybe it could be snuck in for a selected set of NPCs, though. (Juda, I'm looking at you. ;) )

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It's because of this that I haven't wanted to play my main character (or who was meant to be my main toon).


This is the reason why I cancelled my subscription and won't level anything before I see the patch notes saying I can romance and flirt the way I want to.

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