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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

My Only Problem with TOR (but it's a breaker)


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here is a quick list of that


Intel i5-2500K 3.30GHz (4 CPUs)

8192MB RAM

ATI Radeon HD 5700 overclocked to 850/1200 MHz

at 1600x900 resolution


That is my new system, the important bits anyway. so with that in mind, I get about 30-60 FPS on the Fleet with everything maxed but shadows off and AA on low. It varies depending on time of day, how many people are around, and where exactly I am on the fleet. On planets it is a lot better, I can have everything completely maxed and turned on and get 40-60 FPS. I usually keep shadows off all the time though, regardless of where I am at. I just don't think the FPS loss is worth it.



Try turning off the in-game AA and force it through the card instead. I have the previous version Radeon HD (5670) and I "lag" on even low in-game AA, but play smoothly with forced 2x AA through AMDs vision manager. Besides, it looks better, as the in-game "low" is way less than 2xAA.


Also try turning on "enable surface format optimization" it increased my fps.

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To answer a few questions from newcomers to the thread:


Both my pc and my girlfriend's laptop have been checked out by a friend who runs a computer shop building/repairing pc's - quite often for gaming. He can find no reason, in our software or hardware, why this game shouldn't run on highest settings for me and at least medium for her.


I did give my specs to Bioware, but did not post either here because it provides ammo to ignore the problem and focus on our machines. My pc will run ANY other game on the market on maximum settings, smoothly, no framerate issues. Hers runs everything we have tried on max settings as well.


I do love the game (despite that it does have issues, anyone who ignores that is just being willfully ignorant), but as long as Bioware ignores these problems it becomes less and less likely that I or anyone I know will continue to play. :( Which is unfortunate, as we've been following the development for years and had been quite excited about it....

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So if the issue is not your machines, why do so many other people, including myself, run it with no issues at all?


You and some other people have no issues means that is is their systems?


Fail logic is fail.


Plenty of people with high-end equipment, myself included, have issues.


Phenom II X6 1100

8GB low-latency Corsair



a connection that can pull 2+MB/s and latency from 20-80 in most games


I get lag (net lag, not visual) when starting combat on certain planets

I get loss of framerate (not net lag) in busy environments with the "you can't have high-resolution" state the game is in, yet can have scores of players on screen with high-res enabled in other games.


This "it must be your crappy machine" dick-measuring contest as a response to every valid criticism has got to stop.


Here's my latest complaint about this game: it is full of self-centered blind loyalists who attack anyone with a different experience than they've had. Also, people don't buff each other back despite the fact that I wait for them to finish combat, get right in front of them, buff them 2 or 3 times while they stare at me, then they run off and ignore /whispers.


Community might just kill this game faster than the performance issues.

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You and some other people have no issues means that is is their systems?


Fail logic is fail.


Plenty of people with high-end equipment, myself included, have issues.


Phenom II X6 1100

8GB low-latency Corsair



a connection that can pull 2+MB/s and latency from 20-80 in most games


I get lag (net lag, not visual) when starting combat on certain planets

I get loss of framerate (not net lag) in busy environments with the "you can't have high-resolution" state the game is in, yet can have scores of players on screen with high-res enabled in other games.


This "it must be your crappy machine" dick-measuring contest as a response to every valid criticism has got to stop.


Here's my latest complaint about this game: it is full of self-centered blind loyalists who attack anyone with a different experience than they've had. Also, people don't buff each other back despite the fact that I wait for them to finish combat, get right in front of them, buff them 2 or 3 times while they stare at me, then they run off and ignore /whispers.


Community might just kill this game faster than the performance issues.


I agree with everything you have said here. People complain (validly) about the idiots on WoW - but it seems to be getting almost as bad here. And thats sad for me to say, because I play on a RP server, and I would have expected slightly more mature players there. Instead ohjoy, there goes Dartthmawl the Assassin refusing to assist me when I am tanking and saying "no u" to everything I ask him to do.

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