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My Only Problem with TOR (but it's a breaker)


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Can't say this enough.


The issue isn't with our hardware.


Ignore these fan boys, the problem is very real, and is going to end up wiping this game out. People posting in this thread to downgrade the problem only hurts SW:ToR as a whole because it encourages the development team to continue to ignore a game breaking flaw. As much as I love this game, when you look at how many people cannot play this game fluidly, I will be surprised if this game has 100K subscribers in 3 months.


I took a poll in-game a moment ago, and quickly learned that most of the people in General chat who claimed the game ran smoothly reported that they had 15-20 FPS once I asked them to hit ctrl+shift+f on their keyboard and tell me what it said. I'm sure for a casual gamer, this seems fine, but for any serious gamer this is horrible, and this was in Dromun Kaas, a low level, mostly single-player portion of the game. Imagine when these players get to higher levels and attempt a flashpoint, PvP, or just walking around the Imperial Fleet.

Edited by RecondoJoe
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There is definitely a memory leak in this game. After it has been running for a few hours, I can see a definite performance decrease. On the Windows performance tab I can watch the Ram being eaten up while SWTOR is running. I have a good machine, so I know it must be horrible for people with old PC's.


I reported this to Bioware many many times during my time as a permanent beta tester, and nothing was ever done about it. As far as I can tell, they completely ignored it.


I typically get anywhere from 50 to 80 FPS in game.


My System Specs:

Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

Motherboard: ASUS P7P55D PRO

Processor: Intel Core i5 750 @ 2.67GHz (Quad Core)

RAM: 4 Gigs DDR3

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 Core 216 Superclocked (1 Gig DDR3 Video Ram)

2 Hard Drives: 1: 500 Gig 2: 1TB

Edited by Thamelas
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Yeah, my machine is admittedly old (5 years-ish) with only the video card and PSU upgraded in that time, but I can run Skyrim on mid settings with 50-60 fps no problem. I bottom this game out and have a max of 35 with no one around. Really sucks.
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I feel for ya both! This was the BIG gift for Christmas from my girlfriend. I've also been following the game news since it was first announced forever and a day ago. I used to play WoW.... all the way up until 12/20/11.... and with the release of this game, I said bye bye to the Wow "community" and was sooooooo stinkin' happy to get this game up and running... only to be completely crushed and disappointed by the constant lag and locking up of my system. To be fair, I must point out that I'm running on a three year old system and I barely meet the minimum requirements.... BUT really, I can play ANY other MMO more than just fine on full quality settings, and I had to dumb everything down as best I could on my system, just to be able to play for a few minutes at a time. I really don't know much about computers and I don't have time or energy, or want (to be honest), to keep up with the latest and greatest system and such. But it is lame to be able to play ALL the other MMO's that I've tried, but not be able to play this one. The story is great, so far, it is everything Bioware promised and then some.... but none of that means Jack when I can't play it. Very very frustrating to have it lock up constantly. I haven't even bothered trying anything multiplayer out of respect for those who do have systems that can handle the game. So, I've solo'd as much as I can. But I finally gave up on it after Christmas and now my gal feels like she wasted money and could have gotten me something I could actually use.


I assured her that just owning the game and being able to play it a little bit was totally worth it... but, I feel like I'm kind of lying at this point, because whenever she asks me how the game is going I have to tell her, "Oh, it's awesome." And, really, how the heck would I know if it is awesome or not? I can't play it for any decent amount of time.


I truly hope they figure out how to get the game to work without me having to get a degree in computer engineering and blowing a grand on a new system just to get to play without constant frustration.


(I'm not happy about it, but, it is good to know I'm not the only one having to deal with all of the problems you mentioned.)


Good luck, and may the Force give insight to the developers and aid them in simply making the game as playable as the rest of the MMO's out there!


Happy New Year to you all!:)

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Meh .. I built a medium quality machine on a low budget three years ago and it is handling SWTOR fine.


I really haven't had any issues with hardware vs mechanics/engine in this game.


(And honestly i was expecting to have to upgrade .. thankfully I dont)




For the sake of argument ...


Windows XP

Intel Core 2


ATI Radeon Sapphire HD 3870 (this was changed out a year ago when my NVIDIA cooked)

Cable modem








How do I check my IG FPS? Just so I can add a hard number to my stats above?





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It's managed fine. And again, not posting them because I am not asking for help, I am asking if Bioware intends to do something about the issue. It's not just me, it's not just here, it's a LOT of people I know and a LOT of people on these forums and we're not all running the same setup. And I am not giving nasty little people like you ammo to derail the issue onto our gear when our gear isn't the problem. If it were the problem, like I said before, the problem would still be Bioware's because their engine requires far too much, far more than the requirements state when you buy the game.


So yeah, not giving you the ammo to make strawman arguments or attacks against me.


It's not ammo to slam on someone's gear. Often issues can pop up with certain drivers or certain hardware configurations, and others might know the solution to the problem, whether it's tweaking one or two settings, getting a specific driver that maybe isnt the latest, or some other solution. At the very least, it allows for Bioware to look to see what complications are on their end that aren't playing nice with your system and work at fixing it...something they can't do if they do not know where the particular issue might bet coming from. Since they can't exactly test every hardware configuration out there, reports like this from players are important when problems do arise.


You really don't need to be so defensive.

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Have you ran a virus scan also? Run Malwarebytes, see if it picks up anything. (sorry if sugggested before, i didnt read through 10 pages worth). My friend had a virus screw with his drivers, which allowed him to not run the game well at all. Removed the virus, fixed the driver, and all was fine after.


For the record, I'm running an Nvidia 570, Intel I52500k, 8gb 1300mhz ram, and havent had any problems on highest settings. All of my friends have decent-mid range gpu's but havent had any problems either, other than the virus screwing with drivers

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Meh .. I built a medium quality machine on a low budget three years ago and it is handling SWTOR fine.


I really haven't had any issues with hardware vs mechanics/engine in this game.


(And honestly i was expecting to have to upgrade .. thankfully I dont)




For the sake of argument ...


Windows XP

Intel Core 2


ATI Radeon Sapphire HD 3870 (this was changed out a year ago when my NVIDIA cooked)

Cable modem


Graphics settings set to medium

Latency between 30-50.



And I'm between 20 and 25 FPS pretty consistently.



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Did you update the videocard drivers and such I was having the same issue on my laptop and when I updated the Graphics card it plays a lot smoother on medium settings with shadows off




Processor: AMD Turion II Ultra Dual-Core Mobile M620 6.1


Memory: (RAM) 4.00 GB


Graphics: AMD M880G with ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200


Gaming graphics: 1918 MB Total available graphics memory


Primary hard disk: 297GB Free (452GB Total)


Those are the specs if anyone cares :-P

Edited by MetalXx
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I think Bioware did an okay job, my 4-year old laptop runs it very well with all the graphics options set to low or off in 1280x720 fullscreen. If I want better performance in big areas such as the Jedi Temple I could set the res at 1024x768 windowed (prevents the horizontal stretch). If you have a big screen, 800x600 windowed might even be readable for you. Lowering the resolution can make all the difference.
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This Game is a CPU, RAM and data hog, It transfers too much, and pulls too many resources. There is so much added BS that they don't want calculated on their side of the fence, that it clogs up our systems.


Any MMO that want's to be successful needs to run on any combination of hardware put out in the last 6 years, and needs to focus the majority of it's processing in the GPU.


Bottom line, and to my surprise, This game engine is an old piece of crap. I was almost positive that a game that cost this much to develop would have its own game engine.


This game runs horribly, there are some people that must be running the same specs as the devs, but then there is a huge chunk of people that have crippling graphics. And when i look at my computers performance, the weekness is in the processor, my GPU (Geforce 570) doesn't even kick on the fan. Yet both of my 3ghz processors are maxed and 2 gb or ram are used up. Warhammer did the same thing, it ate up computer resources and didn't mess much with the GPU. My comp runs single player games fine, but when i get into a game like TOR and more than 5 people are around me, my processor gets eaten up and my fps plummets, I get 40-50 FPS alone in an instance, and 4 fps in PvP.


I was brought into beta(full time tester, not weekend) before upgrading my GPU, and i must have been let in as a lowball computer, and obviously they didn't pay much attention to my output.


The background beta collection program could also be running, I didn't notice any difference in RAM and CPU usage after "launch" and i have yet to find out why this game must run 2 processes.

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The code is broken and unfixable. There are threads hundreds of pages long already detailing it, and so far BW has said nothing about it.


They can't fix it - it's been known since long in the beta and they still aren't close to a fix. Do not buy a new pc assuming that will work - it's completely random and even people with the top end pc's are getting crap performance.

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I have to say this, as a LoooOOOoooong time bioware fan, their games have ALWAYS had a memory leak.


Always. Since Never winter nights core, I could only play that game for two hours before it started to become unplayably laggy. It's gotten better. after two hours mass effect starts to show it's getting a memory leak, 3-4 hours it really effects game play..


a little worse with dragon Age.


Now Don't get me wrong, this is DEFINITELY A FLAW... but one personally I've learned to live with... that and honestly I should be taking a break after two hours any how.


crazy idea (Not Sarcasm, actually Crazy) What if it's a FEATURE and not a bug? to get their customers out of their computer chairs so they live long lives and buy more of their games... Huh? huh?

Sounds bloody brilliant dunnit?




any how

In reguards to what others have said....


Let me Illustrate this matter!


Say computer processes are all a thousand different tendrils with varying PH balances, from Acidic to Alkaline. Most of them are within a range of tolerance, because of the standardization of Design, that there is never any real issue, but occassionally, some don't mix so damned well. they get all excited, they start foaming at the mouth and neutralizing each other, just wasting every one's energy.



JUST to make a small list of what these could possibly be...


Direct X (rare, it's almost always updated)

Video Card data infastructure (different companies use different logical proccesses. 1+1 = 2 sure.. but is it because 1 equates a step, and you are advancing it 1 step to the second step? or is it because you have merged the individual qualities and resolved that their combination must equate 2? Hell this can change from Video card to video card, certain models within the same brand have different and updated infastructure)


Video card Driver


Version of the OS


Ram (who what? yeah. RAM is also made differently <3 I've encountered Issues with Specific lines of RAM)


Sound card (what? It's a graphical error.. there's no way there's a snag in my sound carding eating up extra... Oooooh... never mind)



Any how. YES


Bioware makes some demanding, and also memory leak prone games. they have issues


YES, There are still individual quirks to your systems which IN MY EXPERIENCE






The People on the forum are actually MORE helpful then the tech staff.. Any time I've had an issue with a game, I have gotten it solved 8/10 times by people on the forums for that game pointing out what to fix and how, and 2/10 with a Support drone telling me they have a listed fix for this problem and to go here.


The people on the forum LOVE the game


The Tech drones are paid to be here.


Some one is doing a more thorough job...

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Well, after restoring her computer to factory settings, running nothing but TOR, with all settings optimized for it, it still runs like crap.


Good game.


Bad engine.


Way to not pay attention to anything that was said in 12 pages (unless it agrees with what you think). I don't know why she bothered restoring it to the factory defaults, odds were that would do nothing. Game runs fine here on multiple computers (typically over 70 FPS on a 4 year old machine, didn't check the other machine, but it runs happily 99% of the time). Guild mates run it fine on multiple computers. The problem likely has to do with the combination of hardware in the laptop, the OS and the video card drivers. It is also likely that the game is exposing a bug or bugs with the particular combination that your girlfriend has.


Is it frustrating for you guys? I am 100% sure it is. It it game breaking for you guys. Sounds like it is. But repeating your mantra of Game Engine Sucks isn't going to help anything, especially when there is loads of evidence that the game plays fine for the vast majority of people (meaning that the game engine doesn't suck for those people).


I see you didn't post the DxDiag results in the CS forum, too bad since it'll be harder for Bioware to figure out what the issue is without them. Again, here is the forum post for posting your specs.

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In pve my game runs fine and experiences no lag at all, but when I go into pvp and theres what... (only!) 16 people running around it starts to lag a lot and really breaks the game for me. When I played wow I had all settings on max and did 40 man raids and I used fraps to record the bosses and never experienced any lag. And that was from Japan playing on a US server. This game eats my system alive, and I'm playing from the US now. I dont know what it is about their engine but its a pretty terrible experience with the lag.
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FWIW ehre is my system


Western Digital Caviar Green WD10EARS 1TB 5400 RPM 64MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive -Bare Drive


ASUS M5A99X EVO AM3+ AMD 990X SATA 6Gb/s USB 3.0 ATX AMD Motherboard with UEFI BIOS


CORSAIR Vengeance 16GB (4 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory Model CMZ16GX3M4A1600C9


AMD FX-4100 Zambezi 3.6GHz (3.8GHz Turbo) Socket AM3+ 95W Quad-Core Desktop Processor FD4100WMGUSBX



I run at ~50 ms latency and over 60 fps(don't know off hand the number)


even while running completely smooth, I have issues with a delay in abilties firing from time to time.

lol you forgot something:)


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