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Skirts and Skin Tight Boots! Sith Progression a lie!


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Let your words be seen! Let Bioware and EA know skirts and Lady Ga-Ga boots don't f'ing fly. Let Bioware and EA know that re-coloring the same art again, and again is lack of creativity, artistry, and work.


This crap won't fly come an expansion with me. Bioware's promised modifiable looks was a back handed lie, and holding out on customer's is no bueno. The sheep may be happy with re-colored artwork, and piss poor artwork, but those of us with 2 brain cells won't stand for this lack luster BS.


Pulling this doesn't help your credibility Bioware: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qb0vquRcys














Edit: Don't be that guyBioware. Don't leave us hanging, give us the run around, hide behind fine print, eat away at our time with grinds, and hold out on the customer.

Edited by BrolleunHunter
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The only nugget of truth your post contains is that we do have some ugly gear. Entirely avoidable with orange gear, and our high level gear looks pretty good(same as in the progression video).


Hilarious videos though!

Edited by Sayc
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The only nugget of truth your post contains is that we do have some ugly gear. Entirely avoidable with orange gear, and our high level gear looks pretty good(same as in the progression video).


Hilarious videos though!


Once you get the purple skirt-chest with cape on Belsavis I think it is, it only changes to purple-white and then red-gold.


Looks the same.


Recolored gear from Belsavis to Corellia.

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The only nugget of truth your post contains is that we do have some ugly gear. Entirely avoidable with orange gear, and our high level gear looks pretty good(same as in the progression video).


Hilarious videos though!


*** are you talking about? All end game gear is locked. A player cannot modify PVP Centurion, Champion, or Battlemaster gear, and a player cannot modify the end game PVE gear from vendors. Their stats take a nice steaming dump over anything a player can find or make, and excusing the lack of effort in artwork because it's recolored three times makes you a simpleton. By the by, all most all the progression gear is recolored time and again.



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I'm only level 42. Is belsavis before or after there? If its before, I dunno what you're talking about. I haven't seen any of the gear you're discussing. If its after, so what? Poor looking gear for a few levels then bam, endgame gear just like in the video.


You continue the hilarity with your ad hominems.

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I'm only level 42. Is belsavis before or after there? If its before, I dunno what you're talking about. I haven't seen any of the gear you're discussing. If its after, so what? Poor looking gear for a few levels then bam, endgame gear just like in the video.


You continue the hilarity with your ad hominems.


And the player is forced to look like every other monkey? Modifiable gear was suppouse to resolve that issue, and instead the player is given crap to work with--in regards to Marauder--and then told: All those modifiables you earned were just hand-me-downs, and now you get to wear what we want you to wear. Enjoy looking like everyone else!


So let's recap on the issue of Marauder gear.


1. Redundant, reused, and recolored modifiable gear.


2. Gender bending, skirts, and dude looks like a lady outfits.


3. Progression videos are a complete and utter lie about gear progression.


4. Forced to look like every other player by end game to stay competitive due to stat locking.


5. Near end game before pvp/pve gear the player is given Butter's Professor Chaos super villain costume from South Park.



Edit: Also, who the hell thought it was genius to include pink in Marauder gear, make no DS/LS gear, and totally neglect off-hand weapons for pvp?


I expected polish from Bioware. The more I play the more I'm disappointed. Why are npcs cooler looking than my guy? Such lousy itemization.


Last, but not least, why the hell is their defense rating, absorption, and tank stats on Marauder gear?

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