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Which companion is the most useful for a Marauder?r?


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Well I'm Annihilate spec, but I'm having a hard time figuring out which companions would suit me best. Yeah, it's easy to swap them out but it's not cheap to gear them all out with decent lvl 50 gear. I used to use Jaesa only because she was a LS wielder too but I realized she kind of sucks. I've found Vette to be the best DPS back in the day (lower lvls) but I haven't geared her out/tested her at lvl 50. Right now I'm using Lt. Pierce and he's a decent tank, but still isn't that great.
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Well I'm Annihilate spec, but I'm having a hard time figuring out which companions would suit me best. Yeah, it's easy to swap them out but it's not cheap to gear them all out with decent lvl 50 gear. I used to use Jaesa only because she was a LS wielder too but I realized she kind of sucks. I've found Vette to be the best DPS back in the day (lower lvls) but I haven't geared her out/tested her at lvl 50. Right now I'm using Lt. Pierce and he's a decent tank, but still isn't that great.









Keep his gear up to date & you'll break through everything.


Deadly saber > BA > sweeping strikes x3 > Smash will kill any aoe pack on Ilum.

Edited by Kodokai
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I've been using Vette so far (I'm level 30 currently), mainly because I'm tired of using the healing companion on every character I play. I've had no problems with strong or elite mobs, and have completed many heroic 2+ quests solo with Vette. It's just preference mainly.
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Screw Quinn. If you want to spend forever killing things, use Quinn. If you want to actually tear through targets, use Vette or Jaesa. I use Vette myself and have her pretty stacked out, and she hits like a truck. I'm 50, had no problems soloing and I've used nothing but Vette or Jaesa.
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You really shouldn't listen to anybody who says any one companion sucks. They most likely still have that particular companion in their starting gear, so of course they're not gonna perform optimally. Any companion who's properly geared does their job well.
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You really shouldn't listen to anybody who says any one companion sucks. They most likely still have that particular companion in their starting gear, so of course they're not gonna perform optimally. Any companion who's properly geared does their job well.


I've used him for quite a bit way back in the lvls with gear up-to-date with my lvl at the time. His heals are not good and his DPS isn't that great; Mako for the BH on the other hand is exceptional.

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It's not that Quinn's abilities suck, it's that you take much longer to kill things vs having two damage dealing characters on a target. You're just much more effective if you're actually killing things before they can kill vs trying to tank them with pocket heals.
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It's not that Quinn's abilities suck, it's that you take much longer to kill things vs having two damage dealing characters on a target. You're just much more effective if you're actually killing things before they can kill vs trying to tank them with pocket heals.


thats a fair point but where i think it starts to fail is when you fighting elites or "bosses"


most 1vs1 battles you cannot win within a matter of secs and burst damage really doesnt kill of bosses like other classes do, ie sniper class...


So given we cannot burst down targets like a sniper or a Sorc we need to keep damage ticking on them and that is why i love running ANh+quinn, its like having 2 pocket healers.


might change at higher level but currently level 26 and really enjoy boss fights....bar champions

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I run Annihilation with Vette kitted out to the nines. I've never felt the need to pull out Quinn. The only thing I could think he might help with is a boss mob and that's if you can even kill the boss depending on his level vs yours.


Agreed, I can take down 2 same level or just below elites simultaneously with Vette. Some people just can't go without the crutch of a healing companion though. As for me, I'll take a few seconds of down time after fights over taking twice as long to kill things.

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Hmmm funny I plow through mobs with Quinn out and I usually keep him in his dps stance unless it is an elite or boss then I flop him over. But I am carnage spec. I do use Vette also often (love her snarkyness) and have only a little downtime for a quick heal sometimes. I think it is more a matter of preference and likely which ever companion you like the most, because then you will find a way to make it work for you.
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Agreed, I can take down 2 same level or just below elites simultaneously with Vette. Some people just can't go without the crutch of a healing companion though. As for me, I'll take a few seconds of down time after fights over taking twice as long to kill things.


Ahh, so now we resort to passive aggressive insinuations about the skillfulness of people who prefer Quinn.

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Im lvl 33 running carnage. I have used Quinn since I got him, until yesterday when I got jeasa. I used Her in a couple battles and I didnt realize how helpful Quinn really was. I died or got close to dying in each fight with Jeasa and had to use medpacs. Those battles were with 3-4 regular lvl 30-32's and 1 basic elite. I could do the same fight with Quinn and have my health barely taken down to 75% w/o the need of a medpac.


Im fine with long battles, compared to short battles where I get worried about dying. Quality over Quantity.


I keep vettes gear slightly updated, she gets all of quinns "hand me downs".

Edited by JSitruc
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I haven't gotten Jaesa (sp?) yet, but between Vette and Quinn, I find Vette to be a clear winner. For one, she fits my greedy personality (although she hates how I kill people... grr...), and two, spending a few seconds after every fight or two to use Channel Hatred beats the hell out of fights lasting 10-15secs longer. Quinn uses the heals WAY too much. I'll be at 85%, and he's wasting time healing me. ***?


Vette just melts face.

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I personally favor Jaesa, as I like having two damage dealers, but it means a bit more downtime; I'm 34th level right now and find I'm often using Channel Rage after just about every fight. With Quinn it wasn't an issue; I only had to use it every three or four fights.


This said, I'm also interested in future romance options once BioWare patches in same-sex romances. I want my rep as high as possible with Jaesa as a result. On top of that, she doesn't cramp my style. I'm going Dark Side, and taking every Dark Side option available. Vette drops rep like mad when you do that, and Quinn is wishy-washy; he doesn't care about Dark Side/Light Side as long as you're "Let's go Empire!", which I'm not always.


Thing is, I find with really tough fights, I sometimes have to pull Quinn out, because Marauder damage output isn't quite where it ought to be (in my opinion). I can blow my cooldowns, use healing packs, and be stimmed, and sometimes I'll get within a sliver of a boss' health dropping, and I'll get dropped. I try again with Quinn out, and find that I don't always even have to burn all my cooldowns. His healing definitely helps, and doesn't have the same kind of cooldown on it that using health packs does.


The "best" companion is going to be the one you want to adventure with. But depending on which one you pick, you're going to find adjustments to your playstyle.

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if channel hate was an instant ability than i would agree with you. but your really only saving yourself maybe 5 seconds (in your scenario of saving 10-15 seconds) because you need to channel hate to restore health. which from 25% health would take close to 10 seconds.


when using quinn, you can jump from one battle to another without having to wait 10 seconds to channel hate.


it really doesnt matter, its all personal preference.

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