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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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I will cancel if they don't inform me of their plans for PVP in the immediate future.


I enjoy the PVP. I can handle the lag as the game just came out, and it will be fixed. I have yet to experience Ilum (Currently level 47), but hoping on my server it's actual PVP and not objective trading.


BUT, 3 warzones is not enough to keep me interested. I don't like to PVE but I understand the majority of the market does...so i can deal with it being a PVE focused game. That being said, there needs to be more support than a WoW type approach (1 battleground each expansion IE 1 a year).


We'll see, as of now I'm still subbed, but if I don't see any type of plans by the end of my free 30, I will cancel and come back when new PVP stuff is added.

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1. could be your computer, only experience lag on the fleet?

2. opinion although I dislike huttball, and they'll add more

3. RvR is totally optional and not mandatory not even on the list of things needing improvement

4. QQing trust me Sages and Sorcs are very squishy because I am a sorc, and dps class can take us down easily

5. bleh you get some gear at 20 and in between to 40 and all the way upto 50, sounds good to me, again they'll add more later

6. they can fix that with lvl 50 brackets which will probably coming, or something close to it.

7. don't like the look of gear? then go to the modding side of things,k yes theres more game systems than just PvP.

8. not sure what this means? talking about the warzones?

9. yeah remind me what happens in uh say mid to late december? holidays? Family? vacations? no work? give them time like I said. max of 6 months and see where it goes from there, I know i'm staying my 3 1/2 years atleast, I didn't spend all my time waiting just to quit and give up


This is just dumb and wrong on so many levels it hurts but I'll endure the stupid and clear it up for you...replying to your replies.



1. My computer can host this game, I don't lag on imperial fleet and server response time while participating in PvP is a non-debatable known issue sorry chump.


2. It's not an opinion, it's a known fact and the reason why proper PvP games don't limit their PvP to the crap Bioware has is because the whole reason people PvP is to be better than others. One easy example is...when you have all the gear, levels, valor...etc the only reason to queue PvP is to demonstrate you are better than others (aka killing them) and yet there is no basic murder ball or premade vs. premade (there are many examples of more popular designs). I won't even go into detail about how objective points are rewarded causes bad PvP habits for the sake of points.


3. RvR motivation problems means there is no reason to actually do RvR, it has nothing to do with being mandatory or not it's the fact it's useless by design.


4. You are a newb crying about class imbalance whereas I was comparing faction class balance...aka certain trooper skills take longer to proc vs. BH equivalent...the list goes on. No game has perfect class balance but most games at least balance it per faction.


5. "they'll add more later" yeah too bad the game is released NOW. Expertise ruined gear progression, expertise ruined bolster, the fact they actually had gear for level 10,15, 25, 30, 35, 45...etc in beta yet removed it was a poor design CHOICE by the devs. It was intentional they limit the PvP gear because they felt their crappy PvE story rewards weren't being utilized enough so they screwed the PvP players for those level ranges.


6. Level 50 bracket is ignorant and stupid, it's expertise which causes the problems, and it’s premades vs. pugs that is the problems not to mention level 50 brackets would cause a MASSIVE queue time increase. Stupid idea from stupid people.


7. Guess what, you still keep trying to inject PvE into this and its 100% troll but I'll bite anyway. Hey did you know that many of the CE, social and dark/light side gear are not even complete sets? Yeah they have lots of showy gear but since they didn't actually add it all it still looks like clown crap. That means there is only raid gear and PvP gear both which are dual-crap. Spandex pants with big thick chest peices is never cool.


8. Of course you wouldn't understand because you are the random guy who gets owned. Warzones are 8 vs. 8 yet you can only queue 4...that's what it means. In other words "forced pug-play," any PvP that increases "random factors" is fail PvP and the random PuG factor is damn significant. There is an entire guild on my server that queues up and afks on the sidelines who haven't been perma-banned yet...that's a big deal to PvPers which could be avoided with proper pre-made queuing.


9. How about you pay for my sub and my guilds subs and all my guildies who chose not to even attempt this awful waste while they "improve" the game then? Yeah didn't think so, how about you wait until Dec 2012 and figure out which servers will merge due to low population.




"Just pay Bioware and wait for fixes" theory has got to be the dumbest theory I have ever heard, how about Bioware makes the game free until they "fix" their problems if you guys keep claiming everything is just a minor easily solvable "bug" instead of conceptual flaws.

Edited by ShottyTheShotgun
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I am about to cancel and not just because of PvP, which I loved to death at the start of the game (obveuly lots of testing and it did payed off because it was good) but now that I am lvl 50 it is a stinking pile of @#$% it also shows that testing really was never done for higher level content.


But that is not only why, I like PvE so I tried that and Flashpoints are not bad at all, but I see this endless string of Looking for Tank/healers and it is no go because then game again is not well thought out. Players are not specing as these and it is killing yet another part of the game. I even respeced to healer and all was well, then go back to DPS (my prefered playstyle) but the game is made to make respecing HURT, and hurt it does, I can not longer afford to respec and again the game is broken...

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I will be cancelling my sub if PVP is not fixed soon. The fact that every single class has multiple CC abilities is down right absurd. Did BW actually think about this before they designed the classes? Im a Sorcerer and I have 7 freaking CC's. It isn't fun at all. GG Bioware. This is NGE 2.0.
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I canceled the day the game came out. But that was only because of the fact I wanted to make sure It was for me. Ill still keep playing it till i hit 50 and have some good gear going for me. if things arnt fixed by then, i might leave till it gets better.
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I really wish people who will not be playing anymore would just unsub and get off the forums already. I'm sick of coming to the PvP section and seeing "I R NOT SUBS NO MORE CUZ PVP IS BROKDED" in every single thread.


Some actual PvP chat would be nice.


I would love to chat with you about PvP, but unfortunately, whenever I try, my keys don't work. :rolleyes:

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Cancelled, 14 days left.


The game has so many unbearable flaws that have all been identified and yet nothing has been done to remedy the situation.


What a colossal shame.


You guys set your expectations too high; that's why you're all disappointed.


The game is still new; these things take TIME to fix. Doesn't anybody have any *********** patience?

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Cancelling.. I like Warzones when the teams are balanced actually. The class balance is not good. Pvp skilling is bad, underdeveloped. It's a fantastic bloody mess and patches wont cut it, pvp needs a good year of development to be remotely balanced and FUN. As it stands now it's mostly very frustrating.
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I will be cancelling my sub if PVP is not fixed soon. The fact that every single class has multiple CC abilities is down right absurd. Did BW actually think about this before they designed the classes? Im a Sorcerer and I have 7 freaking CC's. It isn't fun at all. GG Bioware. This is NGE 2.0.


That is annoying and over done. Cc should be 2 to 3 abilities u time perfectly not 10 u use as an entire rotation. They r supposed to matter and cause u to screw urself when u use them at the wrong time not use one then realize u wasted it and have another waiting and ready. They made the classes all he same pretty much just with different icons and names. Theres no identity i was hoping the classes would be individual almost like vanilla wow with shamans and pallies only available to specific factions. Not homoginized and repetetive.

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Way to show your gratitude and support.


Trust me, I want to support BioWare, after all they are a local business and implemented a system myself and my friend presented them (I would link you the thread on "Crew Skills" by Sainner posted on October 21, 2008, but searching is disabled). I seriously invested a lot of my personal time during beta from July 2011 until the first week on December. I reported every bug I came across, and suggested tweaks to the game's systems as I saw where improvements could be made. Those tweaks can still be made, but BioWare hasn't said boo regarding any improvements to the game (which it needs tons from a PvP perspective). Since all the hard work by beta testers has gone ignored or unacknowledged, I just can't support BioWare anymore. All the reasons ShottyTheShotgun posted are reasons why I am leaving the game. I hope you understand that these aren't simple "bugs" that are unintended -- these are design flaws, because BioWare got in way over their heads.

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When you come back, I'll be in full Battlemaster gear, waiting to run you over.


Uh u can have that anytime. Instead of wasting commendations just buy the lvl50 boxes when ur close to the 1k cap. Boom lvl50 full set waiting when u open them. U dont wait to hit 50 then start working on the gear lol. Cause if u do then the guy who coms back u were aiting for and was smart enuff to have the boxes bought and waiting will outgear u his first day back.

Edited by Masturomenos
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I'm leaving not for the fact of the problems with the design methods of PvP from BioWare, but the lack of response from them.


A new MMO is very Fertile, tender, and needs to be handled with care. BioWare isn't doing that. The lack of response from the development team shows they don't care about us. So i'll take my 15 dollars back each month and find a game that does. Maybe with some pandas in it or something...

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