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Cancel your subscription if your unhappy with PVP


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I am sick of the "warzones" they means slaughter houses..... 50 destroy everyone you get a group of 3-50's and its game over.....


Cancel your subscriptions and let Bioware know how pissed you are about the PVP. A few hundred thousand ppl cancel and they will make changes real quick.


I cancelled today I think you should too.


As long as your paying they can string you along with false hopes about they are working on it etc... They stop getting you money and it will become a real priority.

Edited by ShadowKastar
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I just cancelled. 17 days left.


The reason I gave them was PVP. My comment was there's no PVP and Warzone is horrible, especially the barrier that gets you kicked out of the Warzone.


I'll be back in 4 or 5 months. I enjoyed the single player game and the story was great. But now that that is done, I want to PVP and Warzone doesn't do it for me.

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I'm not understanding what the problem is. If you want to own at PvP, then just get to level 50. If you don't want to rush your way to level 50, then just don't PvP right now, it's not like it's the only way to level.


Sure they could improve it and put in a bracket system or something like that, but it's not even 2 weeks after launch and they have to fix all the bugs that actually affect gameplay.

Edited by Arzhanin
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I'm not understanding what the problem is. If you want to own at PvP, then just get to level 50. If you don't want to rush your way to level 50, then just don't PvP right now, it's not like it's the only way to level.


Sure they could improve it and put in a bracket system or something like that, but it's not even 2 weeks after launch and they have to fix all the bugs that actually affect gameplay.


You forgot a lot of us were beta testers and these very problems were talked about and brought up in mass and fell on deaf ears.


So to us it's been months that they haven't been listening.

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You forgot a lot of us were beta testers and these very problems were talked about and brought up in mass and fell on deaf ears.


So to us it's been months that they haven't been listening.


But regardless, if you want to PvP, then just get level 50. It would be stupid if low levels could own level 50's in PvP gear. I agree that they should find a way to make PvP-leveling more enjoyable, but everything takes time. Compared to other MMOs, this is probably the most successful launch ever. I think people are forgetting just how many things they have to handle right now.

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I'm not understanding what the problem is. If you want to own at PvP, then just get to level 50. If you don't want to rush your way to level 50, then just don't PvP right now, it's not like it's the only way to level.


Sure they could improve it and put in a bracket system or something like that, but it's not even 2 weeks after launch and they have to fix all the bugs that actually affect gameplay, instead of catering to whiny little girls that cry if they don't get exactly what they want.




Just cancelled my sub as well. Vote with your wallet, its the only way to make a change.. if not, enjy the 120 man instanced PVE servers :(

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Lets see how many of you actually stick to your guns on "cancelling"


As for those that are going on about "we complained about it in beta" I highly doubt it, most beta testers keep broken classes hush hush so they can use and abuse them in live.


As for the brackets, they are coming.

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But regardless, if you want to PvP, then just get level 50. It would be stupid if low levels could own level 50's in PvP gear. I agree that they should find a way to make PvP-leveling more enjoyable, but everything takes time. Compared to other MMOs, this is probably the most successful launch ever. I think people are forgetting just how many things they have to handle right now.


You are missing a very important point.


PvP is not an end game option. People don't want to finish the game THEN pvp...


Some people like to take their time in the game and see everything INCLUDING pvp all the way up.


Compared to other MMO's yeah it's a good start, but this is one of the more buggier mmo's I have ever seen at launch, and I don't mean the major things.


I am talking the stupid things that even free to play armature mmo makers catch and have perfect at launch. For example chat...a TON of people are complaining (myself included) that they get a bug where randomly they can't talk in any chat channel, including Ops, General, Guild, Party or anything.


But to get back to the point, the argument "wait till 50 to pvp" is a very VERY poor argument to try because we shouldn't have to and it's a poor design to put 50's with pvp gear in with level 10s. It is literally a no brainer and we have been telling them for MONTHS this wont work but they have CLEARLY shown they don't care what we say.

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Lets see how many of you actually stick to your guns on "cancelling"


As for those that are going on about "we complained about it in beta" I highly doubt it, most beta testers keep broken classes hush hush so they can use and abuse them in live.


As for the brackets, they are coming.


Were you in Beta? If so you must have been one of those to keep to yourself because the beta boards were BLOWING UP with this stuff.


The weekends where they set 1 day aside to ask people to pvp and actually had devs in the WZ's people talked about this very thing and it fell on deaf ears.


So please don't sit there and say we didn't talk about it because that's a bold faced lie.

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This is one of my major bummers. I ran into about 10 players on tatooine during my 20's and now i'm 42 and havent' seen another player since. Does bioware think that 3 warzones will hold my attention? I love PVP, but i want to do REAL PVP and have a bunch of my friends n me attack a town or something...oh wait the guards all have 1 billion health. Good job discouraging open world pvp. So what they are telling me is i have to sit there and do the same 3 warfronts over and over again to get valor? Why can't i get even a small amount of valor for slaying a +/- 5 level player in world? Thats LAME! If nothing is fixed with PVP by the first major patch i too will unsubscribe.
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lol at people thinking a theme park game will have good pvp. this is a pve game, pvp is just a side note.


Yet again I will come behind you and correct you.


BW talked all through dev about how important pvp was.


They showed it off at conventions and talked about how important it was.


Then they announced they had a devoted team with people who have exensive MMO pvp experience JUST for pvp in this game.


So no you are 10000% wrong they knew it was important and made us all believe they knew what they were doing.

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Well it sucks to be you guys. Because you dont know what your missing out on i got 463 expertise on my jedi guardian and the game balanced out big time people aren't dieing in stunlocks premade v premade battlemaster rank teams. Just hit 50 which isn't hard only takes /played 5 days....games been out 11 days-18 days get gear and play the PvP how it was meant to be played with actual gear....If you can't hang then go quest then PvP at 50...Devs said in a month or two when theres enough people higher levels they will make brackets...
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Well it sucks to be you guys. Because you dont know what your missing out on i got 463 expertise on my jedi guardian and the game balanced out big time people aren't dieing in stunlocks premade v premade battlemaster rank teams. Just hit 50 which isn't hard only takes /played 5 days....games been out 11 days-18 days get gear and play the PvP how it was meant to be played with actual gear....If you can't hang then go quest then PvP at 50...Devs said in a month or two when theres enough people higher levels they will make brackets...


What? Who are you PvPing - the One 'pvp planet' is an empty trade off of empire / republic objectives for PvP objectives. Its a joke. I havent seen any pvp future plans, only that pvp is on the bioware back burner

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:/ joined this game because it looked fun.



The story? Meh.


The quest, better than wow i guess. Almost no "gather____" or "Killl ____ amount"


The pvp? Broken.



Gonna unsub because the story isn't anything special, the pvp design had no thought into it, and the maps are big for no other reason than "we make them bigger because"

-If the servers are overpopulated with less than 100 people in a giant map, then ***.



make no mistake, i liked the game. Not worth paying another 15 bucks for a weeks worth of grinds at 50 for pvp gear thats a few points off of the top pve gear.


:/ not gonna bother with it after my months up. Hopefully some game comes along, or i'll have to go back to skill-based games.

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I get this argument, majority of players do not have a whole lot of time in the day to play. Therefor if they enjoy pvp they should not be subject to me smashing their face all the time. sorry dudes. but for the other guys who have a lot of time to play and wishes you to get to 50 and stop complaining-The bright side is total play time to 50 average prob around 4 to 5 days play time divided by 3 hours a day.... yup i see your point.
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