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A real scum move.


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Or are just waiting to get the shaft cause we were suckered into pre ordering under the ruse of playing eraly now for whatever reason your giving access to some and not others.


"BioWare, LucasArts and Electronic Arts are excited to announce that they have begun taking pre-orders for Star Wars™: The Old Republic™! Pre-Order now to get Early Game Access and as an added bonus you’ll receive a Color Stone to change your weapon effect! Supplies are limited and the order in which you pre-order and redeem your code at The Old Republic’s Code Redemption Center is the order in which we let players in during Early Game Access - so don’t delay!"



Known since day 1. Also, the 5 days was announced AFTER the fact that you pre-ordered (this is assuming that you pre-ordered 5 months ago, as you say in your post). What does it matter to you if they changed the early access to 7 days? It's only going to let you in sooner.


Source: http://www.swtor.com/news/news-article/20110721


07/21/2011 news post about pre-orders.

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I wish Bioware would never have announced that change, just left it at the 15th and then today just started sending out the emails to people. That way people wouldn't have been so stupid as to take vacation, leave work early, call in sick to work/school over a video game. Also none of this whining would be happening, or at least much less as most people wouldn't be aware that it was early access up to 2 days earlier than promised.


That's people's own fault.

BW never promised that anyone in specific would get to play in the 1st day of EGA. They were specific when telling that only a few would.

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That's people's own fault.

BW never promised that anyone in specific would get to play in the 1st day of EGA. They were specific when telling that only a few would.


Agreed, but people have this pathetic sense of entitlement now, and sad ethics and priorities. So many posts from people who took vacation, left work early, called in to work, skipped school, etc. Geesh.

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Joined: Feb 2009 Today , 04:50 AM


They never said all pre-orders will get early access.


They said depending when you registered your pre-order will determine WHEN and IF you gain access to early access.


edit: Oh and Euro servers are up. I could log in at 12:10pm GMT time and had all listed EU servers avaialbe except 1.



LOL wrong one of the pre-order items is early access! Which means derp dederp you get early access. Also the order page says absolutely nothing about purchase dates an access times. It just says early access is a pre-order item. So if the label of a product states whats in the package and when you open it the contents are not there do you have a right to be upset at not getting what you paid for?

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So for months now you have been standing firm to the claim that early access will be from 12/15-12/19.



So over the weekend you shut down your site ignore your support pages and e mails. Changes the date to the 13th and give little or no info at all on the changes. Then you bring the website back up and avoid it like the plague while all your subs run around tring to find out why most of us got the shaft. Or are just waiting to get the shaft cause we were suckered into pre ordering under the ruse of playing eraly now for whatever reason your giving access to some and not others.



Its complete BS you can open a beta client to over 500,000 people in an hour but you cant get early invites out to poeple that paid for the game already 5 months ago.


Someone missed their scheduled breastfeeding. Sheesh.


FYI - The change in dates was announced probably while you are being a jerk on some other forum for some other game you felt maligned you in some fictitious way.

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LOL wrong one of the pre-order items is early access! Which means derp dederp you get early access. Also the order page says absolutely nothing about purchase dates an access times. It just says early access is a pre-order item. So if the label of a product states whats in the package and when you open it the contents are not there do you have a right to be upset at not getting what you paid for?



Not quite sure what box for pre-order you were reading, but mine clearly and specifically stated that you MAY get in up to 5 days early. Per Meriam Webster may verbal auxiliary \ˈmā\- used to indicate possibility or probability.




SW:TOR Forums: You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

Edited by Siggora
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They never said all pre-orders will get early access.


They said depending when you registered your pre-order will determine WHEN and IF you gain access to early access.


edit: Oh and Euro servers are up. I could log in at 12:10pm GMT time and had all listed EU servers avaialbe except 1.


Then why the hell did we paid extra for the pre order code for that stupid stone that change the color of my sword?:mad:

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Wow... rant much?


Preorder = up to 5 days early, that's all they officially stated, any earlier is a gift.


Preorder = allow people to join in order they registered their preorder, meaning not everyone gets in the first wave.


Find a corner, and go count to 10... the world isn't ending.

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Patients young padawan, you,ll get there to be honest though the promise of £5 for a possable 7 days. im gambling on a day max!!


Look out SWTOR lance is coming!!


I paid that in euros but since I paid them I demand 7 days of early access as everyone else!!

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So for months now you have been standing firm to the claim that early access will be from 12/15-12/19.



So over the weekend you shut down your site ignore your support pages and e mails. Changes the date to the 13th and give little or no info at all on the changes. Then you bring the website back up and avoid it like the plague while all your subs run around tring to find out why most of us got the shaft. Or are just waiting to get the shaft cause we were suckered into pre ordering under the ruse of playing eraly now for whatever reason your giving access to some and not others.



Its complete BS you can open a beta client to over 500,000 people in an hour but you cant get early invites out to poeple that paid for the game already 5 months ago.


Are you a dark jedi- great persona for a sith warrior.

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Pretty sad that people find it necessary to complain about early access. C'mon....it's something Bioware is giving out as a special thanks and a way of ramping up their servers, it's not a pre-destined right.


I don't care if my early access starts today, tomorrow, or on the 19...any day I get early I will be grateful for, and if it turns out that I get no days of early access, oh well. I've known all along that the official date was the 20th.

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They never said all pre-orders will get early access.


They said depending when you registered your pre-order will determine WHEN and IF you gain access to early access.


edit: Oh and Euro servers are up. I could log in at 12:10pm GMT time and had all listed EU servers avaialbe except 1.


well good for you, I redeemed my early access code the first day able to pre-order and have not gotten an e-mail telling me I can start but I am glad you can log in :mad:

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Bioware should bump these agro childrens accounts to the back of the early access list.


As a father of three, working full time, owner of a house. I have very little time as it is. To simply dismiss the heart of the issue, as troll or baby. We'll sorry that in my eyes makes you all babies. Adults have commitments, a notice of even 72 hours would have gone along way to calm the anger, and rightly so, allot of CUSTOMERS are feeling. It takes me a week in advance to plan a couple hours of peace and quite to myself. Having zero for hand knowledge is the real problem, and it shows total lack of caring or concern for 'some' of their customer base. I've already placed an email and phone call to the better business bureau. I can assure you, I am not alone in that list of complaints to the agency. This entire promise of early access stagger, fine, I get it. Not being decent enough to tell your customers lining up outside your door for a week long sale, when you even open is simply.... ignorant. This behavior is simply shameful. If any other situation in the real world, all of you would have walked out of the store by now as sign of your displeasure. But you take it, because it's ok. We'll from a customer satisfaction stand point, it is not. Not even close. This is not a threat, merely stating point of fact. To give no notice, at all. In 20 years of selling video games, I can think ZERO instances of this being done. I can assure you bioware, there are many many many upset people about this issue, that I speak to daily. This is not a simple ignore it and it'll go away. Get your act together.

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