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Carnage Marauder PVP: Voidtstar. 450k dmg


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I posted a few screenshots of me pulling 450K+ dmg in warzones and some people wanted me to make a video as proof and to possibly learn from it. So here it is...


**Sorry i missed the first few mins of the warzone, i had a few issues with fraps and fps**


Here i queued with a tank jugg and a dps mercenary from my guild. Didnt use coms as this was just done to get a win for or daily.

Before people flame;

- Yes i had a tank put guard on me,

- Yes im left handed (hence right side of keyboard),

- No, im not claiming to be pro at pvp,

- No, i didnt have a pocket healer,

- Sure im not vs 8 level 50's but really at this time its not like i have a choice who i queue against,


I've never pvped hardcore as i was always a pve guy. Im sure there are marauders which have passed the 500k mark. This was just recorded to prove that i didnt photoshop my previous screenshots and to help get educate people that marauders are viable in pvp ATM..


I hope some people can learn from this video.

Edited by nuwn
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Should definitely try out rage. You'd like it more. Force scream crits were actually unimpressive in the vid. Fs crits just as big in a rage spec since you have an addition 30% multiplier to all force attacks due to the spec. Edited by Kricys
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I've never pvped hardcore as i was always a pve guy. Im sure there are marauders which have passed the 500k mark. This was just recorded to prove that i didnt photoshop my previous screenshots and to help get educate people that marauders are viable in pvp ATM..

This conclusion isn't supported by the evidence you produced.


In the game, currently, level 50's have a huge advantage. Don't base anything regarding PVP balance on facing a team where the republic had no single level 50, while you are level 50 yourself.


Post it as an instructional video to people trying to get the hang of Marauder PVP, or some inspirational video, but this video in no way proved your above statement.

Edited by Zhorx
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I posted a few screenshots of me pulling 450K+ dmg in warzones and some people wanted me to make a video as proof and to possibly learn from it. So here it is...

**Sorry i missed the first few mins of the warzone, i had a few issues with fraps and fps**


Here i queued with a tank jugg and a dps mercenary from my guild. Didnt use coms as this was just done to get a win for or daily.

Before people flame;

- Yes i had a tank put guard on me,

- Yes im left handed (hence right side of keyboard),

- No, im not claiming to be pro at pvp,

- No, i didnt have a pocket healer,

- Sure im not vs 8 level 50's but really at this time its not like i have a choice who i queue against,


I've never pvped hardcore as i was always a pve guy. Im sure there are marauders which have passed the 500k mark. This was just recorded to prove that i didnt photoshop my previous screenshots and to help get educate people that marauders are viable in pvp ATM..


I hope some people can learn from this video.



Thank you for showing just how good we can be!


Being a level 32 marauder my highest damage in a warzone has been 117k keep trying to break it though

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Did you even read the OP...?


Yeah, it's not vs 8 level 50s. It not even vs one. More then half the queue's that pop for me have at least a L50 premade on the other side if not two. Post a video of that, facerolling people that couldn't kill you if you turned your monitor off is stupid and says nothing valuable about Marauder.

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Skipped thru a few bits, saw you chasing people rather than keeping an eye on the door. Which is a complete fail, then i closed the video & naaao im gonna make food.


I posted a few screenshots of me pulling 450K+ dmg in warzones and some people wanted me to make a video as proof and to possibly learn from it. So here it is...


Damage means NOTHING in pvp, when will people get that thru their heads?

Edited by Kodokai
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We're viable in PvP because some clown posts a video crushing a lowbie joke-team that's already getting absolutely slaughtered.


Really? What is this, a stealth-brag thread displaying mediocre damage?

Edited by brentonj
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Just a question a little out off topic:P


To all 50 lvl marauders:i play warrior classes in all mmo's.Does this class feels more like an assasin class(not based on skills but how you feel it wen you play ) or it is just my idea?


Wen i first saw the classes i thougt marauders are like more dps warriors but from many videos it seems that they have a more assasin playstyle.


Thanks and sorry for my English.

Edited by Lusiferz
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We're viable in PvP because some clown posts a video crushing a lowbie joke-team that's already getting absolutely slaughtered.


Really? What is this, a stealth-brag thread displaying mediocre damage?


Like i said, its not like i have a choice who i get queued with. It was just a vid to prove my previous screenshots as some people thought they were fishy to get 450K+ as carnage. Ill try and record a match vs some team with many 50's.



Damage means NOTHING in pvp, when will people get that thru their heads?


Hey kodo, i know ive owned you a few times in huttball but i thought we were friends :(



Should definitely try out rage. You'd like it more. Force scream crits were actually unimpressive in the vid. Fs crits just as big in a rage spec since you have an addition 30% multiplier to all force attacks due to the spec.


I know mate, i have tried raged. I did see big numbers but for some reason i melt people alot quicker with carnage. Maybe i didnt give it enough time to learn the spec but im really enjoying carnage atm.

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Like i said, its not like i have a choice who i get queued with. It was just a vid to prove my previous screenshots as some people thought they were fishy to get 450K+ as carnage. Ill try and record a match vs some team with many 50's.

If it was just a video of you proving the screenshots weren't shopped. Why does your OP state that this one video against lowbies also can be extended to say that Marauders are viable in PVP?

I've never pvped hardcore as i was always a pve guy. Im sure there are marauders which have passed the 500k mark. This was just recorded to prove that i didnt photoshop my previous screenshots and to help get educate people that marauders are viable in pvp ATM..

Your video is nice and all, and shows roughly how high damage you can get against a low level team in voidstar by focusing solely on damage as a metric.

If you play that warzone to win however there are several occasions where you really don't want to kill stragglers because that rather places them in a better position to defend/attack when they ressurect.


Marauders and Sentinels are better than some whine on the forums make them out to be. However they are lacking and overall in the game ranged classes have slightly too many escapes. If the classes were roughly balanced and you on average faced teams with 1 of each advanced class it wouldn't have been a huge issue, 5 out of 8 advanced classes are melee after all. I don't really know how it is for imperials, and on your particular server, but i find it rare to have games where there are less then 4 sorcerers on the imperial team, very often well geared who knows how to play their classes. The end result is me being bounced around like a flipper ball. It doesn't help that two of my best defensive abilities, Obfuscate/Pacify and Saber Ward, are much worse against sorceresses than any other class.


The balance issues aren't huge but they are real. Since people have been quick to reroll to this months current flavour, otherwise small balance issues are compounded to much worse than they should be.

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If it was just a video of you proving the screenshots weren't shopped. Why does your OP state that this one video against lowbies also can be extended to say that Marauders are viable in PVP?


By viable i mean in terms of pvp dps as carnage. Maybe people on these forum slated carnage and say that if your not going rage then your doing something wrong.

I know we have a hard time in pvp with knockbacks and cc, however i find opperatives are the most op for me, they can get me to <20% hp in 1 stun.

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By viable i mean in terms of pvp dps as carnage.
How are you not getting that damage against lower level opponents with inferior gear, fewer talent points, and incomplete hotbars is not a realistic picture of an endgame class's ability to do damage? This is no different than fighting NPC's that are much lower level than you - of course your damage numbers will be HUGE.
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How are you not getting that damage against lower level opponents with inferior gear, fewer talent points, and incomplete hotbars is not a realistic picture of an endgame class's ability to do damage? This is no different than fighting NPC's that are much lower level than you - of course your damage numbers will be HUGE.


well that it is actuli somewhat wrong, I agree a 50 with expertise gear will always outshine anyone without it, but does not mean its impossible


you should know that if your level 20 and have gear that is up to date and face let's say a level 40 with level 30 - 35 gear , your damage will be higher that is how the bolstering system works.. but like i said if OP does indeed have full expertise gear then ofc he is going to have the significant advantage


But i think the point of this video is to show that a mara carnage does not lack damage - which he has proven , people keep repeating that we lack CC's and control and stuff - wel yea I do agree it would be nice if we had a bit more control but stil I think again the class seems to be fine - not perfect - but fine and can perform very well if played properly

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