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What races are you disappointed didn't make it into launch?


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Togruta and Nautolan, mainly because I see no reason why they couldn't have added them.


They perfectly meet what BioWare wants for its playable species. Their bodies are basically human, their faces are very human like (though I guess Nautolan eyes are a bit weird) and they can speak basic.


Since characters are voiced based on class and not on race extra voice work wouldn't have been much of a problem. They might have had to record a few new lines here and there but that's it.


Character customisation wouldn't have been an issue either because all the species share the same customisation options save for a few species specific options. They probably wouldn't even have had to add any species specific options for Togruta or Nautolan. Twi'lek can't change their lekku so I can't see why BioWare would let Togruta or Nautolan change their head things. At the most they would have had to add some cool head thing patterns for Togruta to choose from and maybe some headbands for the Nautolans.


Gear fitting wouldn't have been an issue either. As I said before they both have human bodies so any gear currently in the game would fit them. When it comes to headgear BioWare could either have just not had headgear show on them, like with Twi'leks and hoods, or they could have just had their head things poke through the gear, like Twi'leks and helmets, though admittedly that would probably look quite odd with a Togruta.

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Cathar, and I'm still of the opinion that they should be in the first update to the legacy system as an unlockable playable race. They meet all of the playable race requirements and already have varied models ingame, no reason they should've been left out in the first place.
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My thoughts as well.

I hope they add in Rodians and Wookies.

I wish they would have made Cyborgs just droids instead of having another basicly human race.

Maybe Rodians for Empire, Wookies for rebublic


Oh man. Being able to play a droid would be so awesome. Can you imagine the hilarious dialog choices?

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Nautolan and torguta. Rodians too.



for sith Yuzzhan Vong would be sick


you had people screaming star wars lore for SWG because of the amount of jedi present bringing in yuzzhah vong would really screw with the time line not to mention they are NOT force sensitive but stripped completely of the force.

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Kel'dor, because it was on the damned site for months some time before the game launched.


I am still convinced they were replaced by Cyborgs because Bioware only likes pretty waifu species for their ridiculous fixation on romance and sex plots.

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