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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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<- Coming back but I'll still grumble for the fixes until they are made: animation lag, server forums, goofy market, lopsided crafting etc.


The game has plenty to offer for at least another month for me, as I'm a casual player anyway.

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Not sure yet. It seems my predictions are coming true, which is concerning me a little.


Suffice it to say that I, along with others no doubt, will be giving serious consideration as to whether or not to cancel my sub in approximately two weeks time. The current situation regarding EU scheduled maintenance downtimes will also be playing a part in that decision.


If Bioware have their heads screwed on, they will release patch BEFORE the free month expires which will address some of the glaring issues with this game. Hopefully they will also cater for "localised" downtimes before things get out of hand.

Edited by Tarka
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Yes. I don't start a new MMO just to quit it after the first month.


I'm going to enjoy the ride and see where it goes in a year. I don't understand anyone who buys an MMO without being ready to give it at least a year.


Even though there are those who just purchase every new game and leave when the free month is up...:rolleyes:

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Yes...for a good 6 months or so. This'll be the first game I actually kinda end up having to spend more than two days on the actual story of the game rather than PvP/Multiplayer like I do in MW3 and various other games. So far it looks like I'm gonna be stuck on the IA's story for a month or so cause I'm only like level 34 right now so I still have a long way to go. I'm sure all the other classes won't be an exception. I nevered played wow, or Rift *Never actually heard of it* or some other MMO games but I sure as heck prefer space ships and blasters rather than swords and dwarfs, lol. I've got the mouse, game, and subscription. As far as I'm concerned this'll keep me entertained long enough to prevent me from buying other new games like ME3 when they come out.


As for bugs, glitches, server ques, and slightly bad PvP this should be expected at any launch of a game like this. Battlefield 3 had...various annoying server issues but give it a while and it eventually was moderately fixed.


For anyone who is complaining, just be a bit paitent. I know I'm not one for it myself but with this I can wait. If you don't want to wait, then don't play it, don't buy it, don't bloody complain about it in the forums...woopy. Though I guess you can continue doing so cause its always fun to look at posts saying "OMG Inquisitor needs to get nerfed!!!!111". My rant is over, that is all.

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Yup. This game is still in it's infancy. WoW, SWG and many other MMO's had horrible launches. It took almost a year for WoW to iron out all of it's bugs and well...we won't talk about SWG. I'm a dyed-in-the-wool SW Geek and I'll be sticking with this game probably longer than I should.
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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


yes and thousan more yes.

At the dec 20th i set my sub to 5 months.



Basicly, 10 years of MMO this is the first time i got the feeling ov lvling not beeing a chore and it is fun, 10 years of MMO gaming and this is the first game i even bother to look up at the lore, and "read" the quests.


Never felt so immersed in a game (exept when i fell of my chair playing BF3 when some doof came around a corner and shot me in my face).


And the point that 8 diffrent story ways, and probably neverending combos to do this, will never get old.


If i managed to lvl 3 warriors 2 mages, 2 priests 1 rogue 2 shamans 1 druid to lvl cap in WoW since Feb 2005 until Dec 2011, witch has the most boring quest EVER, and when you have done them so many times that you knw exactly where and what to do.... this game will entertain me for months, years and so on.



Game play and classes seams well tought out if you look to the SW univers, movies specialy, this will be fun.


There is no other game this past 7 years i will install on my computer, they all suck (WoW IS a good game, im just sick of it, i Enjoyed Rift its also a good game, i just grew tired of it, and i didn`t quite enjoy it past my 4 5 months of game time there due to various reasons)


The art work and in genereal the visual feel of the game i do like alot, though some more "kitty galore" shoulder pads and hefty looking armour whould be nice, but so far, i got some armour on my sith maruder that just looked awesome, some helmets... not so much, but hide helmet :D


Little to no bugs, the few i have just requires a quick restart of the client and im good to go.


LvL 43 now, and i bloody cant whait to see *** Baras is up to that #%/"#¤ sneaky litle #%¤(&.



Oh and the feeling i got when i first started and at lvl 4 or something, i really DID feel like a bad *** sith, some times i feel like "meh" im a bunny whit LS ears :p


Other time i feel just so damn awesome.


im on a pvp server, not by choise i might add ><

had my and probably somene elses share of fights, and well its fun the 9 of 10 times i won, the time i lost, i cried a bit, and practised my keybinds so i wont mess up again, havent so far (attacked a lvl 45 gunslinger this morning, killing his commp first for lulz, then i DECIMATED him, it was EPIC)



Overall, i wont see this game IMHO beeing dead or even close to empty next cuple of years, and as i said, there isnt any game out here i whould like too try.

GW2 looks kinda ok, after playing TOR, GW2 looks like a cartoon styled WoW.... by marvel,

Tera looks intresting, but my Sexy zabrak is also hawt, beeing norwegian, i will probably buy secret world out of /pat maby you did anythign right this time:D

but probably will be the most casual gaming in the history of gaming.



overall, i love this game, the troll... not so much :D


Answer enough for ya?

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Not sure. Atm it lacks the MMO feeling. One of the problems I have it's static, mobs just standing around, the world does not change. I can't pick my companions and which role they have, I am stuck with 2 monsters, 2 men and one female. I like to quest with the female, but alas, she is not the role I need during questing.


Right now I am having fun with the story, the 45 euro's I spended does not feel like a waste. But I doubt I am going to pay 13 euros/month for a single player game with a chatscreen.

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