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[POLL] Will you continue to subscribe?


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Most people that are staying wont even have the time to visit this forum.

Most people here, only come to cry about something, losing the vocal minority that use the forums is no great loss.


heh some of us just come here while we are in que because we like playing the game

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No. My mood shifts up and down.

After a longer break it's like "oh, it wasn't that bad", then I login.

30 minutes later I am bored again. My character plays the same on lvl38 as it did on lvl15.


Ok, respec and choose a different tree!

Said and done. Then the boredom hits me again - what?

Only 3 skills which differ from the previous spec, the core gameplay of cover, snipe, instant has changed to this: cover, snipe, instant !! The difference: my instant is not a snipe anymore, it's a instant grenade. YEAH fun incoming .......not.


Had more fun and change in gameplay on my WoW-Warrior back then, when I switched from a 2-handed axe to 2x 1-handed axe.

Edited by squiek
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I'm afraid theres no way for me to willing to pay for subscription for a game creator that:


Insults my intelligence

Considers my countrys prime time to be a "acceptable and calculated casualty"

Takes no responsibility of the bad decissions

Responds to all questions with political taking no responsibility and giving no answers.

Releases a substandard product and offers no timeline when basic things are considered

Makes patches for cosmical improvements when the game itself still has far more actual issues to be solved

Supports SOPA indirectly, but does a PR move to make it seem like it dosn't

Has no idea what is moral choises, or romance options.

Downplays both torture and how cruel slavery can be.


If it passes, EA won't get any more of my money. But I'm sure these forums will be censored just like the rest of the internet will be. I'm gonna live in China and not even have to move!

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Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.


Yes....love it. Love love love the class stories............. Wish the forums were locked to paying people though

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No. My mood shifts up and down.

After a longer break it's like "oh, it wasn't that bad", then I login.

30 minutes later I am bored again. My character plays the same on lvl38 as it did on lvl15.


Ok, respec and choose a different tree!

Said and done. Then the boredom hits me again - what?

Only 3 skills which differ from the previous spec, the core gameplay of cover, snipe, instant has changed to this: cover, snipe, instant !! The difference: my instant is not a snipe anymore, it's a instant grenade. YEAH fun incoming .......not.


Had more fun and change in gameplay on my WoW-Warrior back then, when I switched from a 2-handed axe to 2x 1-handed axe.


Are you playing an Operative or a Smuggler?


Try going with a melee style to change up the feeling of being a turret. I very much enjoy playing like a stealthy dagger rogue with my Agent. It's probably the most differentitated play-style in this game.

Edited by Mannic
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Yes, most definitely...


The forums are simply full of whiny brats and nothing more. They're all trolls that have brought their trolling to each and every game they've ever played.


They suffer from American consumerism and for some reason they think that they are somehow entitled to what they want. That they have some "right" to tell companies what to do with their products.

They seem to think that they are somehow important and that because they pay for something that they can dictate how the game is made.


What they fail to recognize is that we all mean jack, there are 7 billion of us in the world, and 1 person saying something, or even 100 or 1000 doesn't mean anything. Frankly, those complaining are a vocal minority and always have been.


What American society has done is fed the millions of egos in our country. When you go to the store, you're treated like royalty. Your waited on hand and food and fed with a silver spoon. Your treated like you matter and you mean something. We have the famous saying "the customer's always right"...


We frankly that simply is not true, and it has bred selfish, egotistical and spoiled brats, regardless of age. Look at what Customers Service people have to put up with. You have idiots throwing temper tantrums in the fast food place because their hamburger wasn't exactly as warm as they wanted, or because they had 1 less fry that the other customer. Get over yourselves, seriously...


I have an analogy, and that analogy is that all these people whining on the forums are just like a rich spoiled little brat who is throwing a temper tantrum because his parents bought him a Porche rather than a Ferrari for Christmas.


You didn't make the game and you never will. You don't get a say in how its made and if you don't like it leave. But take this with you... You need to realize that no game will ever meet your expectations because they are uniquely yours.


I've gone into so many MMOs with preconceived notions about how MMOs should be made. I went from SWG to Vanguard, to Age of Conan, to Warhammer to Aion to Fallen Earth, etc... None of them met my own preconceived notions and absolutely no MMO never will. I was convinced that each one of those games was a failure because none of them were WoW-killers and none of them were completely new and innovative, and none of them met my expectations. Then, I grew up... I eventually realized that I need to put away my own selfish expectations and accept these games for what they are rather than what I think they should be.


And guess what happened? I enjoyed SWTOR! Instead of reading expectations and forming expectations for how it should be, or how space combat should be, or how the game should play, I simply waited to see. I got into Beta, and I had fun!!


I've continued to have fun in this game because I put away my own ego and my own selfish expectations!


The people who have continued to troll General Chat and the forums are the exact same people who are doing the same things in every single game. It doesn't matter if it was SWG, Vanguard, Conan, Warhammer, Aion, Fallen Earth or any other MMO. The people and the complaints are the same...


Yet the people fail to realize its not the games with the problem, but its them... This is the same for many Americans and many people in general today. They go from job to job, church to church, club to club, neighborhood to neighborhood, city to city, continually being disappointed and upset with the "same problems" everywhere. Yet they fail to realize its themselves that have not changed, and that it is they themselves that need to change and grow up. They need to grow beyond the mindset which they've been spoon-fed by the American consumer-culture.


Its all about changing yourself, otherwise your going to continue being unhappy. Accept that, change, and more than likely, you'll start having fun!


Its not EA... Its not Bioware... Its not LucasArts... Its us...


Its much easier to put the blame on someone else, but the mature thing to do is to accept our own responsibility and fault, and change ourselves accordingly. We don't have any right to tell a company what to do, we can either grow up and change, or move on.


Either unsubscribe or stay subscribed, but if you remain subscribed, then realize that you have no ability to change the game.

Edited by Zekkau
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my only complaint is the customer service.


Honestly I think the community can do a better job and I started a thread, asking them to use the positive members of the community who already help on a regular basis


However, I still very much love the game, and have no intentions of leaving soon.. sure there are bugs


But I can't say its in a beta status.. only game I've ever played @ release that was like that was vanguard, this game is pretty good.. and I've only run into one issue with my class quest which has unfortunately prevented me from doing my dailies on ILUm as a bounty hunter.

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Already subscribed for three months. Will do again until their major update which I am under the impression will be in six months time post official release. Will see how it looks then and how much more is added to keep the interest going. Until then have plenty to do. Barely scratched the surface with only two Republic avatars.


For an old croon like me, I havent found any boredom in this game. Love the voice acted NPC's, just enjoy coasting along the story and selecting my responses. On a scale the positives outweigh the negatives so...... logical conclusion is that I will continue with this game.

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