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REALLLLLY need to bracket players in Warzones


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Some of us are taking our time leveling and trying to enjoy the game.


Others have opted to get to 50 as fast as possible.


a Level 18 going against a level 40-50 in a Warzone is a complete fail.


And I don't want to hear the "Well if ya know how to fight them" BS as I fight just fine.


And I don't want to hear about "Bolstering"


Trying to go against a guy who has all of his abilities (or most of them) is FAIL at best.


The initial 30 days are coming up... hope something is done before then.





Firkrann Crystal


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I think it is the general consensus that, yes ofc there needs to be at least 2 brackets. 10-49 and one for 50s only.


I would have zero problem with a two bracket system as the only complete imbalances I see are 50s who already have their full epic expertise pvp gear. It is wildly imbalanced when a 50 with that gear goes up against 1 2 or 3 players without it. Any 50 who doesnt admit to this is just trying to be carried by their gear hoping it can hide the fact that they are terrible.

Edited by Sadix
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wouldn't have agreed with you a week ago, but now, i'm running into a lot of brat 50s with all the gear and they need to go. They need to be put in their own bracket so they can get bored there and eventually leave the game altogether. people who level fast just to be first are useless to the world.


10-49 = fine.

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The current system is needed, you cannot punish people for being lvl 50, and if there were not enough people to start games for lvl 50 bracket then that is exactly what would happen.


The problem is not nearly as big as people make it out to be, the bolster system is fairly forgiving, and while I don't generally lose to low lvls in pvp, I also dont generally lose to 50's, I have seen plenty of low lvls who do infact do well vs lvl 50's, and while a 50 definatly has a advantage, it is a earned advantage, one which eventually everyone will have.


There are honestly far more pressing mathers for both pvp and pve then brackets, if the pvp is frustrating to you currently, there is plenty of others things to do, until you reach the "magical" lvl 50.


Theres also the fact that theres about a hundred posts just like this one, so in all honesty your post is a waste of space.



edit: As for the poster above me, your use of words such a brat, and the general logic you seem to apply indicates to me that you would be better served in a very diffrent mmo which has a community that you would just love.


I think you know which mmo I am speaking of.

Edited by Munx
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Every day there isn't a bracket, they lose more subs.


But take your time bioware, its not like you just totally dropped the ball here. Fix the minor stuff and leave the most broken things still there.


*anyone who thinks a level 10 vs. a level 50 in pvp gear can win, is bsing you*

Edited by sjwho
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sjwho, I have seen several people in the lvl range of 10-20 do well in 1v1's vs 50's do they generally win? no.


But the same applies for a lvl 50 in greens that goes up vs a lvl 50 in full pvp gear.

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Absolutely, put 50s in their own bracket. Don't wait a week just get it done.


Also create a premade vs premade queue. Premades should never face Pugs under any circumstances.


These 2 things are so obvious that I don't know how the game launched with them possible. Fire all Mythic designers and re-hire.

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Every day there isn't a bracket, they lose more subs.


But take your time bioware, its not like you just totally dropped the ball here. Fix the minor stuff and leave the most broken things still there.


*anyone who thinks a level 10 vs. a level 50 in pvp gear can win, is bsing you*


There should be brackets, there is no doubt about that. However, if you were to implement brackets at this point there would be almost no level 50 PvP going on. The fact is, this game lacks cross server Warzones atm, so there are very few 50's per server interested in PvP. Implementing brackets before implementing cross server PvP would punish the 50s who have gear and punish the 50's who don't have the gear even more. And by punish, i mean they will have abnormally long queues to sit in.


Right now if you know what you are doing low levels can compete with hi levels who don't have PvP gear. Of course this depends on you chosen class, as some classes rely more on their late level skills then others. It is indeed a complete mismatch when you go up against 50s who have the gear.


Although this is a large issue it is not so gamebreaking that BW will be loosing subs in mass amounts for them to worry about it. also those people who do leave are likely to come back once the problems are fixed.

Edited by Megamaid
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I def want to see brackets put in. Right now though if they had a 50 only bracket it would be dead on some servers. IMO put in a 10-34/39 bracket with another 35/40-50 right now, then split them up again with a 50 only bracket in another month or two.


Also I think that it does work better as is than I expected it too, but when real bad luck strikes and you get on a team full of level 12's and they have half a team of high 40's it just makes for a horrible game.

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sjwho, I have seen several people in the lvl range of 10-20 do well in 1v1's vs 50's do they generally win? no.


But the same applies for a lvl 50 in greens that goes up vs a lvl 50 in full pvp gear.


But a level 50 in greens can obtain pvp gear. While levels 1-49 can not obtain pvp gear.


See the difference?

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But a level 50 in greens can obtain pvp gear. While levels 1-49 can not obtain pvp gear.


See the difference?


he still has to earn that pvp gear, like he earned those lvls.


Mabye next thing will be "Make a seperate bracket for people with pvp gear".

Edited by Munx
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he still has to earn that pvp gear, like he earned those lvls.


Mabye next thing will be "Make a seperate bracket for people with pvp gear".


Some posts, like this one, are incredibly dumb. Right now on my lvl 26 shadow I am only rank 18 valor. I have over 600 merc commendations already saved and a champions bag already bought. When I hit 50 ill be able to pick up 6 bags right away. But not until I am 50, see how that works?


If youre against 50s having there own bracket its simple, you want to be carried by your gear.

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he still has to earn that pvp gear, like he earned those lvls.


Mabye next thing will be "Make a seperate bracket for people with pvp gear".


I see you didn't spot the difference.


Here is the difference: one is endgame the other is not.


I'd think the level 50 stomping parades in pvp would be evidence enough but.........



Your argument is based on "earning" in a scenario where they "earned" the levels, but aren't willing to play a fair match?


If the level 50 bracket is non-gear vs. geared, its still a LOT more fair then how the bolstering system works. I mean your taking into account skills, skill ranks, and armor here, not to mention just basic playing time.


Its almost a shame that level 50's are so agains their own bracket. It just shows how they want an easy farm without any challenge.

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I just want to say in advance, grats on your 18 centurion commendations, may it buy you many nice items. Just teasing :p


And I have to disagree, I don't feel my reply was in any way dumb, if things were to be as you suggested, it would also be "fair" that lower lvls could no longer obtain the endgame commendations until they were actually in endgame, as they would not be fighting 50's.


just saying.



Let me just make my self clear, I am not against brackets, I am against implenting them this soon, there is still to few 50's for it to be fruitful for 50's to pvp, if brackets were in place, and in the end 50's are the only one who "need" the rewards that pvp offer.


Unless you count the 2-5 lvls worth you get from lvl 20 and 40 gear.



Edit: for poster above me, I am more then willing to play a fair match, but more importantly I want to be able to play matches at all.


On my server we currently have more then 1 pre-made group, so there are plenty of "fair" matches, in that both teams generally get 4+ 50's.


Also you need to stop assuming 50's are against brackets simply because we get to fight low lvls now, as far as most 50's are concerned that dosnt even factor into the equation, we don't care if we fight 50's or lvl 10's, we do how ever care if there is no pvp at all, get what im saying Sjwho ?


Also, I play a marauder, don't you ever acuse me of easy farming :)

Edited by Munx
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I think it is the general consensus that, yes ofc there needs to be at least 2 brackets. 10-49 and one for 50s only.


I would have zero problem with a two bracket system as the only complete imbalances I see are 50s who already have their full epic expertise pvp gear. It is wildly imbalanced when a 50 with that gear goes up against 1 2 or 3 players without it. Any 50 who doesnt admit to this is just trying to be carried by their gear hoping it can hide the fact that they are terrible.


Are you stupid?


How is 49 any different than 50?


Yes, a well geared 50 will be much more powerful than a 49, but a 49 will still destroy and anihilate a low level player in PvP.


1 bracket just for lvl 50s? **** off.

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sjwho, I have seen several people in the lvl range of 10-20 do well in 1v1's vs 50's do they generally win? no.


But the same applies for a lvl 50 in greens that goes up vs a lvl 50 in full pvp gear.


A Level 50 in GREENS??




If you are in GREEN gear at Level 50 it is beyond Epic Fail... It is the sign of the Apocolypse as fortold by Nostrodamus...



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It's not so much the level 40 - 49. It's the 50's with their uber gear. I'm starting to see about 3 out of 8 players on each side that are level 50. There is plenty enough to start their own exclusive warzones. It's getting ridiculous when 2 cloaked level 50 Jedi Shadows just wait for opposing players to jump off a balcony and kill them in 2 seconds, if not less.
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Completely agree with seperating the 50 premades from being able to fight pugs and people levelling that just fancy a bit of pvp to break up the levelling, im currently a level 46 sentinel and 1v1 at equal level I can win 90% of my fights, I was in a warzone in a 1v1 with a bounty hunter that runs with a 50 premade grp in full pvp gear and he killed me with 75% health left as he was healing himself and dealing more damage than me, during this dual I popped all my defensive cds in the most effiecient order, pacify'd him interupted him at every oppurtunity with force kick and force charge, force stasis if needed.. u get the picture and he still killed me no problems imo when you can honestly say im an experienced mmo pvp player that literally could have done no more than I did to win that encounter and still got completely stomped by someone in superior gear then something is very wrong, if I had been lvl 50 in pvp gear like he was I probably would have won thats the sad part, but me changing the way I did things a bit in this fight would not have taken the last 75% of his health, this really needs to be looked at
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I think there definitely needs to be brackets, but as it has been pointed out several times... where do you make that bracket?


50's only on their own wouldn't get enough PvP at the moment. Hell, I can sit in a queue for 15 minutes at the moment and that's for everyone. I can't see those 50's wanting to sit in a queue for 30 minutes plus just to get a pvp game.


But then, if you expand that bracket to say...45-50, all the 45's are still going to get owned by the geared up 50's.


I think the solution isn't only brackets, but offering PvP gear with expertise ratings EARLIER in the game. It doesn't need to be uber gear like the level 50's get, but it does need to have some expertise, to atleast give people a chance.


Maybe if they made the bracket 45-50 and gave 45's onwards a set of PvP gear then it might be a bit fairer?


I'm definitely noticing though that PvP is getting more and more unbalanced as every day goes on. 5 days ago I'd have felt confident holding up in a fight against most people on the field, whatever their level. But in the last 1-2 days I've found pre-made groups of 50's getting into the battlefield, and it really does imbalance it completely. You can say what you want about skill and tactics and such, but when you're killed in 5 seconds flat by a geared up 50 there really is very little you can do. Yesterday for example I was playing with a mid 20's character and I was in a warzone where a Jedi just jumped in and I was dead in 3 moves...Literally Bam, Bam, BAM...dead. And that just happened over and over, didn't matter if I stunned, cc'd, used skills to keep them at my optimal range and fired off my best damage, the result was the same that within 3 hits I was dead and I'd taken maybe..25% of their health off.


When you get a team of mostly 50's against a team of mostly under 45's, there is really no contest at all.


I don't think this is a HUGE problem that is going to lose BioWare subs, but it is something that I think needs to be fixed pretty quickly if they want to make PvP a big aspect of the game. But, there are bigger fish to fry at this point in time.


For now, personally, I think I'm going to stick with it and keep trying, the ratio of unbalanced:balanced seems to be about.. 1 in every 4 matches is completely imbalanced. I think when that number creeps up towards 1:2 then that's when most people are going to get a big fed up and leave it until they're 50.

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Are you stupid?


How is 49 any different than 50?


Yes, a well geared 50 will be much more powerful than a 49, but a 49 will still destroy and anihilate a low level player in PvP.


1 bracket just for lvl 50s? **** off.



Notice I said AT LEAST 2 Brackets. Also yes there is a massive massive difference between a 49 and a 50. The 50 has the ability to have expertise gear where the 49 doesnt. I have no problems killing any player below 50, yes including 49.


If you do not see the disparity one level can bring, I understand why you could not comprehend my post.

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