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Early Access $5.00 Fee - that is why we are owed something


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i was wrong




so there ya have it, someone on the internet has admitted to be wrong...


You did pay 5 buck's for early access yeah it comes off the price of the game but 5 buck's get charged right away why else pre order i know i didnt pre order a digital deluxe version cause i thought they where gonna sell out of um i pre ordered for early game time hehe not some stiinkin crystal

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If you paid earlier you got more for your money, but there's nothing wrong with that. I won't complain unless I don't get in at least a couple days early. Until then I don't expect anything.


Probably helps that I think I remember them saying it wouldn't start until the 15th so I didn't expect to get in for a few more days anyway.

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Its funny how stupid the majority of the fan base appears to be. Like many people said the official game gets released on the 20th. Early access was scheduled on the 15th but they added 2 extra days hence why it starts on the 13th. The advertisement that came with the game said you get up to 5 days early access. This does not mean you get 5 days, it simply implies you might. As another poster said it can be anywhere between 1-5 ( now 1-7 ). If you are unable to comprehend simple advertisement and want to cry perhaps you should find another game.
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I just want to state up front that i am sure we will all get a decent amount of early access. I am still waiting for mine






I would like to remind the group of gamers that likes to pretend they are higher and mightier than the rest of us that yes indeed, EA/bioware DOES OWE US SOMETHING, they owe us something for the $5.00 fee they charged us..



so please.. stop being sucks and using the line that we are " lucky " we get early access.... no we are not lucky, we paid for it. If EA does not give a reasonable amount of early access time, it could indeed be considered breach of contract.



AGAIN, i dont think its going to be an issue, i suspect we will all get about 4 days of access. 1 month from now, nobody will care about any of this. I just need to vent on some of the stupid people who make posts thinking they are on higher moral ground than other gamers.

you get a nice stone to aug your weapons plus other items depending on your edition you also get to start at somepoint before the 20th

Thats all the owe you for your $5

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LMAOOOOOOOOOOO look at your screen shot beside the game in total cost $54.99 + $5 = $59.99 screenshot fail


Reading comprehension fail.


"Never knew 54.99 + 5 = 64.99" As in 54.99 plus 5 does NOT equal 64.99. 64.99 being what the cost would have been if the $5 was a fee and not a deposit.


I really wish stupidity was as painful for the stupid as it is for those of us that have to put up with it.

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That was for early access? oh man, I though it was for a lap dance from on of the green chicks in a hutt palace...... ;) or maybe one from a hutt?


Could you get a lap dance from a hutt? Can a hutt get a lap dance without a lap???



Edited by chickenlipz
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OMG you know what is so freaking cool? Dude, you are not even gonna believe it! Because you paid that 5.00 fee, when you get billed for the game when it sips you are like gonna get a discount and will have to pay only 54.99 instead of 59.99 so like bruh you can brag to all your friends how you were able to get the game 5.00 cheaper by paying a 5.00 pre order fee!! Oh man that is so freaking cool I wish I had thought of doing that so I could save 5.00 on the game! Wow! You are like my hero dude. You ROCK!!!
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EARLY ACCESS was always set to start on December 15th. That is still FIVE days ahead of launch. That is what you paid for.


If you don't get Early Access by the 15th, or on the 15th, then you can complain.


IBM no you still can't complain because "up to 5 days" means any number ranging from 1 to 5

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We are NOT owed anything. The $5 was not a fee, it is a pre-order deposit, nothing more. You had to put this deposit down in order to guarantee that your copy of the game will be available at release. The $5 you paid was simply a deposit for the game and it will be deducted from the full purchase price when you go to pick up the game on release day and pay the balance that you OWE.

They clearly stated that we may get early game access UP TO 5 DAYS before the actual release date of 12/20/11. Not we WILL be granted access 5 days early or even 7 days early as they have started, but UP TO 5 DAYS. you would not go into a clothing store that advertised "Up to 15% off" and pick an item that is only 5% off regular price and demand that they give the 15% on that item so I do not understand how people can think that they are OWED access right now.

Now please understand that this is not a personal attack on you but rather an old man simply "venting" about the general mentality of the folks of this generation. This EGA thing is just the latest in a long line of the general mentality of the world today. Everyone seems to think that they are entitled to everything rather than going out and working for anything. Bioware/EA/Lucas Arts does not OWE us early access. They are giving us this "GIFT". By all rights, they could just as easily have not given anyone early access and made everyone wait until the release date of 12/20 and still we would have had to pay the $5 pre-order deposit as we all have on many many other games that we ordered before their release dates without getting any early acces whatsoever.

This is just my opinion but I am tired of seeing all of these people saying that BW has ruined the game already, simply because they did not get access today, which WAS NEVER PROMISED TO ANYONE in the first place. If it were me running this thing, after reading all of the posts of people QQing today about this gift, I would simply say screw all of you and shut down the servers until the release date, at which time everyone would get access and then noone could cry about "he got access before me".

Be grateful for what they are givintg us and stop thinking that you are entitled to anything or that you are owed anything more than what they are GIVING us.


Thanks for reading,

Gunny- USMC Retired:d_rolls_eyes:


Thank you for admitting your oversight. I have renewed respect for you sir!


i7 990x O.C. to 4.2 ghz, 24GB DDR3 1800, 2x ASUS MARS II in SLI, 1tb 6gb/s SSD, 4x 2tb Raid1, ASUS Rampage III Extreme MoBo, 47" LED 2560x1440 HDMI, BOSE 7.1 surround

Edited by haulinass
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I just want to state up front that i am sure we will all get a decent amount of early access. I am still waiting for mine






I would like to remind the group of gamers that likes to pretend they are higher and mightier than the rest of us that yes indeed, EA/bioware DOES OWE US SOMETHING, they owe us something for the $5.00 fee they charged us..



so please.. stop being sucks and using the line that we are " lucky " we get early access.... no we are not lucky, we paid for it. If EA does not give a reasonable amount of early access time, it could indeed be considered breach of contract.



AGAIN, i dont think its going to be an issue, i suspect we will all get about 4 days of access. 1 month from now, nobody will care about any of this. I just need to vent on some of the stupid people who make posts thinking they are on higher moral ground than other gamers.



Another misinformed and self entitled post. I can type in big letters for you. The $5 you paid was to RESERVE the game at the RETAILER. It was not a FEE for early access. Early access was GRANTED to those who pre ordered. Please cancel your pre order so that we will not have to put up with you in game. Thank you.

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Gamestop puts five dollar deposits on everything I preorder from them... but lo and behold, I don't get to play the game early. Know why that is? It's because a deposit is to make sure I have a copy of the game on launch day- THAT IS IT.


In this case, they said VERY CLEARLY that you could get into a staggered early access based on when you preordered- that was crystal clear from the moment you put your money down.


Next time read the terms and conditions stating what you're getting, because simply put, you are wrong- you are owed one thing and one thing only by a preorder- a copy of the game being there for you.

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How did you pay 5 dollars for Early access? Did your store charge you 65 dollars for the game instead of 60? Are you forced to purchase this game even though all of them where you dropped 5 dollars can and will refund you that 5 if you choose not to buy it on launch date? Im failing to see where the "payed 5 dollars" comes into play when all you had to do was drop 5 get a code then cancel your preorder and still have early access.
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Wow, reading comprehension fail from alot of you. The $5.00 fee was not payment for early access, it was a 'deposit' for the game. the $5.00 will go towards your final purchase price of the game. I swear.. some major lack of reading skills.
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I just want to state up front that i am sure we will all get a decent amount of early access. I am still waiting for mine






I would like to remind the group of gamers that likes to pretend they are higher and mightier than the rest of us that yes indeed, EA/bioware DOES OWE US SOMETHING, they owe us something for the $5.00 fee they charged us..



so please.. stop being sucks and using the line that we are " lucky " we get early access.... no we are not lucky, we paid for it. If EA does not give a reasonable amount of early access time, it could indeed be considered breach of contract.



AGAIN, i dont think its going to be an issue, i suspect we will all get about 4 days of access. 1 month from now, nobody will care about any of this. I just need to vent on some of the stupid people who make posts thinking they are on higher moral ground than other gamers.


I agree!


All these people replying saying the £5 fee is taken from the cost of the game, well the amount I paid was £45! Forty five bloody pounds! For a game!


That is not the norm, £30 is normal for a PC game so ramping the price up by £15 and then saying well the £5 is taken from this is no comfort.


I have never, ever paid for the honour of being allowed to pre-order a game. They take the £5 because they do not want people having free game time and then cancelling before launch.

Edited by Mace_UK
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I just want to state up front that i am sure we will all get a decent amount of early access. I am still waiting for mine






I would like to remind the group of gamers that likes to pretend they are higher and mightier than the rest of us that yes indeed, EA/bioware DOES OWE US SOMETHING, they owe us something for the $5.00 fee they charged us..



so please.. stop being sucks and using the line that we are " lucky " we get early access.... no we are not lucky, we paid for it. If EA does not give a reasonable amount of early access time, it could indeed be considered breach of contract.



AGAIN, i dont think its going to be an issue, i suspect we will all get about 4 days of access. 1 month from now, nobody will care about any of this. I just need to vent on some of the stupid people who make posts thinking they are on higher moral ground than other gamers.


December people are not going to be in tomorrow, its a complete utter farse.

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